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⚁ 4.1 Synopsis of Dąbrowski’s major English books.
⚁ 4.2 Ongoing Dąbrowski Bibliography.
⚁ 4.3 Introduction/Supplemental Information.
⚁ 4.1 Synopsis of Dąbrowski’s major English books.
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⚁ 4.2 Ongoing Dąbrowski Bibliography.
⚂ Acevedo, B. P., Aron, E. N., Aron, A., Sangster, M. D., Collins, N., & Brown, L. L. (2014). The highly sensitive brain: An fMRI study of sensory processing sensitivity and response to others” emotions. Brain and Behavior, 4 (4), 580-594.
⚂ Ackerman, C. M. (1993). Investigating an alternate method of identifying gifted students. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
⚂ Ackerman, C. M. (1997a). Identifying gifted adolescents using personality characteristics: Dąbrowski's overexcitabilities. Roeper Review, 19 (4), 229-236. "This exploratory study of 79 high school students examined overexcitability assessment as a potential method for identifying giftedness. Overexcitability (an intensified way of experiencing the world) can occur in five areas: psychomotor, sensual, imaginational, intellectual, and emotional. The measure of overexcitability differentiated gifted and nongifted students, although 35 percent of nonidentified subjects had similar profiles to gifted subjects, suggesting potential giftedness."
⚂ Ackerman, C. M. (1997b). A secondary analysis of research using the Overexcitability Questionnaire. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, August, 1997, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas. [Dissertation Abstract] Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol 58(7-A), Jan 1998, pp. 2526.
⚂ Ackerman, C. M. (1998a). Exploring a shortened version of the OEQ. In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (pp. 94-100). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Ackerman. C. M. (Ed.). (1998b). Texturizing and contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998, Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Ackerman, C. M. (2009). The essential elements of Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration and how they are connected. Roeper Review, 31 (2), 81-95. The purpose of this article is to present Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration (TPD; Dąbrowski, 1964) in a thorough and accessible manner so that those in the gifted community can better understand it and its usefulness to the field of gifted studies. The article goes beyond what has typically been presented in recent research literature on the theory and discusses the major theoretical elements and how they are interconnected, to give a taste of the theory's complexity. In the article, levels of development, developmental dynamisms, overexcitabilities, and other foundational aspects of the theory are described. In addition, the author provides examples of how TPD has already been used with gifted populations and challenges the reader to look at the interdisciplinary applications that exist beyond the boundaries of gifted studies.
⚂ Ackerman, C. M., & Moyle, V. F. (Eds.). (2009a). Introduction. [Special issue] Roeper Review, 31 (2), 79-80.
⚂ Ackerman, C. M. & Moyle, V. F. (Eds.). (2009b). Introduction. [Special issue]. Roeper Review, 31 (3), 140.
⚂ Ackerman, Courtney, (2018). Theory of Positive Disintegration 101: On Becoming Your Authentic Self.
⚂ Adam-Bagley, C., Abubaker, M., & Sawyerr, A. (2023). Retelling our stories through social science: Abraham Maslow, religion and human transcendence. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 11 (08), 36-60. PDF
⚂ Adela, O. M. (2021). Wpływ koncepcji zdrowia psychicznego w Ujęciuantonovskyego, Karola Wojtyły, Kazimierza Dąbrowskiego oraz Alberta Bandury na filozofię zdrowienia [The influence of the concept of mental health as approached by Uantonovski, Karol Wojtyła, Kazimierz Dąbrowski and Albert Bandura on the philosophy of health.] Редакційна колегія, pages 65-72. PDF
⚂ Adler, P. S. (1975). The transitional experience: An alternative view of culture shock. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 15 (4), 13-23.
⚂ Advanced Development. Vol. 1, 1989- A journal that occasionally publishes Dąbrowski-oriented articles. Website.
⚂ AGATE Special Issue 2002. AGATE Special Issue on Dąbrowski.
⚂ Albright, E. A., & Montgomery, D. (2023). Perceptions of the Emotional Self for Adolescents Who Are Gifted. Roeper Review, 45 (1), 6-20.
⚂ Al-Hroub, A., & Krayem, M. (2020). Overexcitabilities and ADHD in gifted adolescents in Jordan: Empirical Evidence. Roeper Review, 42 (4), 258-270.
⚂ Alias, A., Rahman, S., Majid, R. A., & Yassin, S. F. M. (2013). Dąbrowski's overexcitabilities profile among gifted students. Asian Social Science, 9, 120-126.
⚃ Alker, L. (2024). “Living beyond limits:” Neurogenic influences of overexcitabilities on the mental health of the highly gifted. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 25.(3), 1-23. DOWNLOAD PDF.
⚂ Allen, W. T. (2017). Bullying and the unique socioemotional needs of gifted and talented early adolescents: Veteran teacher perspectives and practices. Roeper Review, 39(4), 269-283.
⚂ Allison, J. (1968). Adaptive regression and intense religious experiences. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 145, (6) 452-463.
⚂ Almutairi, Thamer. (2008). The relationship among patterns of overexcitabilities (based on Dabrawski's theory), intelligence, academic achievement and the effectiveness of overexcitabilities in the identification of gifted students at the intermediate stage in the State of Kuwait. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Amman Arab University for Graduate Studies, Jordan.
⚂ Al-Onizat, S. H. (2013). The psychometric properties of a Jordanian version of overexcitability questionnaire-two, OEQII. Creative Education, 4, 49-61.
⚂ Alsaffar, K. F. (2023). Overexcitability and its impact on psychosomatic disorders and the role of “cognitive emotion regulation” as a mediating variable. PDF
⚂ Altaras-Dimitrijevic, A. (2012). A faceted eye on intellectual giftedness: Examining the personality of gifted students using FFM domains and facets. Psihologija, 45 (3), 231-256.
⚂ Altman, R. (1983). Social-emotional development of gifted children and adolescents: A research model. Roeper Review, 6 (2), 65-68.
⚂ Alvarado, N. (1989). Adjustment of gifted adults. Advanced Development, 1, 77-86.
⚂ Alvarez-Calderon Fernandini, L. M. (1970, August 26-30a). The criteria of differentiation between the levels of the different groups of dynamisms of the inner psychic milieu. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 11 pages. EDI: #62 J): Appendix B - 4.
⚂ Alvarez-Calderon Fernandini, L. M. (1970, August 26-30b). Development through positive disintegration introduction to the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 16 pages.
⚂ Alvarez-Calderon Fernandini, L. M. (1970, August 26-30c). Points saillants des conferences: main lines of the conference. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 5 pages.
⚂ Alvarez-Calderon Fernandini, L. M. (1970, August 26-30d). Some remarks on the scope of the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 8 pages.
⚂ Alvarez-Calderon Fernandini, L. M. (1981). Conflicts, anxiety and anguish as signs of developmental potential: a phenomenological study of the contributions of the theory of positive disintegration to the comprehension of psychoneuroses. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference (pp. 215-240). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Alvarez-Calderon Fernandini, L. M. (2010). Man as a value - from consciousness to morality. (A. Danko, Trans.). Heksis, 1 , Unpaginated. Retrieved from HEKSIS
⚂ Alvarez-Calderon, L. M. (2015, Nov 25). Man as a value - from consciousness to morality. [chrome Trans] Retrieved from i/
⚂ Alvarez-Calderon, L. M. (2015, Nov 25). Człowiek jako wartość - od świadomości do moralności. Retrieved from omosci-do-moralnosci/
⚂ Ambrose, D. (2009). From the editor's desk. Roeper Review, 31 (2), 71-71.
⚂ Ambrose, D., & Cross, T. (Eds.) (2009). Morality, ethics, and gifted minds. New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
⚂ Amend, D. (1983). General topic: Professor K. Dąbrowski and Authentic Human Development. Contributed by Dr. Amend. A 3 page overview prepared for the 1983 film series on Dąbrowski.
⚂ Amend, D. (2004). Developmental potential from an experiential point of view [No Paper was supplied by the speaker.] In W. Tillier (Ed.), Developmental Potential - From Theory to Practice: Educational and Therapeutic perspectives (p. 227). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Amend, D. (2006). An introduction to Michael Piechowski's new book, a review of the congress and a discussion of future directions. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Positive Maladjustment: Theoretical, Educational and Therapeutic Perspectives. Proceedings from the Seventh International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 160-160). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 3-5, 2006 Calgary, Alberta).
⚂ Amend, D. (2008). Creativity in Dąbrowski and the Theory of Positive Disintegration. In S. Mendaglio (Ed.). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (pp. 126-137). Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
⚂ Ames, L. B. (1979). Disintegration of behaviour not always negative [Review of the book Multilevelness of instinctive and emotional functions, Volume 1 by K. Dąbrowski, Volume 2 by K. Dąbrowski and M. Piechowski]. Journal of Personality Assessment, 43 (6), 652-653.
⚂ Ammirato, S. (1987). Comparison study of instruments used to measure developmental potential according to Dąbrowski's theory of emotional development. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Denver, Denver, CO. LS/86
⚂ Anderson, A. L. (2002). An exploration of the relationship of openness, emotional intelligence, and spirituality to universal-diverse orientation. [Dissertation Abstract] Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Vol 62(12-B), Jun 2002, pp. 5992.
⚂ Anderson, W. (1983). The Upstart Spring. Reading MA: Addison Wesley Pub. Co.. Contains a reference (p. 216), to a meeting at Esalen , held in the summer of 1968, attended by Dąbrowski. The paper presented at Esalen by Dąbrowski is item #3 in the Edmonton Dąbrowski Index (Dąbrowski, 1968).
⚂ Anonymous. (1966). [Review of the book Positive Disintegration , by K. Dąbrowski]. Psychiatric Quarterly, 40 (1), 174.
⚂ Armstrong, L. L., Desson, S., St. John, E., & Watt, E. (2018). The D.R.E.A.M. program: Developing resilience through emotions, attitudes, & meaning (gifted edition) – A second wave positive psychology approach. Counselling Psychology Quarterly , 00(00), 1–26.
⚂ Aron, E. N. (1998). The highly sensitive person. New York: Broadway Books.
⚂ Aron, E. N. (2010). Psychotherapy and the highly sensitive person: Improving outcomes for that minority of people who are the majority of clients. New York, NY: Routledge.
⚂ Aronson, J. (1964a). Introduction. In K. Dąbrowski Positive disintegration (pp. ix-xxvii). Little Brown & Co. Contains biographical material on Dąbrowski.
⚂ Aronson, J. (1964b). Where is science taking us? Saturday Review, 47, 82-84. Revision and expansion of the introduction Aronson wrote for Positive Disintegration. LK
⚂ Aronson, J. (1965). Communication in psychiatry. International Journal of Psychiatry, 1 (1), 1-5. PMid:14252250 Aronson was the founding editor of this journal. In his introductory remarks, contained in this article, he notes that on a trip to Warsaw he met Dąbrowski, along with several others who were familiar with science in the United States and the Soviet Union. The concept of the journal was to increase international communication in psychiatry.
⚂ Aronson, J. (1966a). Discussion of K. Dąbrowski, The Theory of Positive Disintegration. International Journal of Psychiatry, 2, 244-247.
⚂ Aronson, J. (1966b). Editors notes. International Journal of Psychiatry, 2 (6), 597. A reference to the Forth World Congress and to a publication of the abstracts thereof. The paper presented by Dąbrowski at the congress was Dąbrowski, (1966c).
⚂ Aronson, J. (1966c). Introduction. International Journal of Psychiatry, 2, 165.
⚂ Arvidson, R. M. (1970, August 26-30). Student receptivity to Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 5 pages. LK
⚂ Assouline, S. (2009). [Review of the book "Mellow Out", They Say. If I Only Could: Intensities and Sensitivities of the Young and Bright, by M. Piechowski.]. Roeper Review, 31 (3), 196.
⚂ Ataria, Y. (2016). Traumatic and mystical experiences: The dark night of the soul. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 56 (4), 331-356.
⚃ Atienza, C. M. (2023). Who Do You Say That You Are? A Psycho-Theological and Sociological Comparison of the Identities of American Catholic Sisters and Vajrayana Buddhist Monastics. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Faculty of the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley.
⚂ Axley, F. J. (1983a, April). A content analysis using Dąbrowskian theory. Paper presented at the Western Social Science Assoc., Albuquerque. NM. It is not clear if there were two papers presented at Albuquerque by Axley, or if this is an incorrect reference to Axley (1983b) below. KN
⚂ Axley, F. J. (1983b, April). Interviewing intellectually gifted children to determine overexcitabilities and emotional development. Paper presented at Western Social Science Association Silver Anniversary Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. LS/86
⚂ Axley, F. J. (1984a). Open-ended overexcitability questionnaire: Word count study. Unpublished manuscript. University of Denver, Denver, CO. LS/86
⚂ Axley, F. J. (1984b). The place of Dąbrowski in nurturing gifted children. Unpublished manuscript, Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, Cincinnati, OH. KN
⚂ Axley, F. J. (1985, March). Parenting the gifted. Oaks and Acorns: Newsletter of the Parent Education Resource Center. Metropolitan State College, Denver, CO. LS/86
⚂ Baerveldt, C., Shillabeer, E., and Richard, V. (2017). Recovery and renewal: The Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Psychology. International Society for Theoretical Psychology Newsletter, 1, 10-15.
⚂ Bailey, C. L. (2009). An examination of the relationships between ego development, Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration, and the behavioral characteristics of gifted adolescents (Doctoral dissertation, The College of William and Mary, 2009).
⚂ Bailey, C. L. (2010). Overexcitabilities and sensitivities: Implications of Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration for counseling the gifted. Retrieved from LINK .
⚂ Bailey, C. L. (2011). An examination of the relationships between ego development, Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration, and the Behavioral Characteristics of Gifted Adolescents. Gifted Child Quarterly 55 , 208-222,
⚂ Bain, E. (1974, March). A case study of the emotional development of C. G. Jung in terms of Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Department of Educational Psychology, Edmonton, AB. 46 pages. LK
⚂ Bain, E. (1975). A construct validity study of Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration and authentic education. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. 154 pages.
⚂ Bain, E. (2000). Career transition chaos: Positive disintegration counseling and personal transformation. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 168-183). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Bain, S. K., Choate, S. M., & Bliss, S. L. (2006). Perceptions of developmental, social, and emotional issues in giftedness: Are they realistic? Roeper Review, 29 , 41-48.
⚂ Ballam, N. (2023). An interview with Professor Roger Moltzen. Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 32 (1), 33-38. Ballam2023.pdf.
⚂ Ban, T., & Lehmann, H. (1977). Myths, theories and treatment of schizophrenia. Diseases of the Nervous System, 38 (9), 665-671.
⚂ Bang, H. & Montgomery, D. (2010) Exploring Korean and American Teachers PreferredEmotional Types. Roeper Review, 32 (3), 176 - 188.
⚂ Barnathan, M. (2007). Where Maslow becomes Dąbrowski - The emergence of the fourth factor. Unpublished Manuscript. Retrieved from
⚂ Barnham, R., & Brady, P. (Eds.). (n.d.) Personality, disintegration and education. Unpublished manuscript. 205 pages. Two chapters by Dąbrowski; Outline of the Theory of Positive Disintegration and Summary and Conclusions. Very poor reduced photocopy.
⚂ Baska, L. (1984). (Overexcitabilities in elementary-aged students). Unpublished raw data. KN
⚂ Battaglia, M. M. K. (2000). Outline for a historical hermeneutic study of the life of Dąbrowski through the lens of the theory of positive disintegration. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 69-86). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Battaglia, M. M. K. (2002a). A hermeneutic historical study of Kazimierz Dąbrowski and his Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Falls Church, Virginia. Available: There is some inconsistency in how she refers to herself as on the thesis authorship is given as "Kaminski Battaglia, M. M.".
⚂ Battaglia, M. M. K. (2002b). The man behind the theory: A biography and findings. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 3-12). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Battaglia, M. M. K. (2004). A journey through confessions of faith in thoughts and aphorisms by Kazimierz Dąbrowski. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Developmental Potential - From Theory to Practice: Educational and Therapeutic perspectives (pp. 100-105). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Battaglia, M. M. K. (2014). The Life of Kazimierz Dąbrowski (1902 - 1980). Advanced Development, 14, 12-28.
⚂ Battaglia, M. M. K., Mendaglio, S., & Piechowski. M. M. (2014). Kazimierz Dąbrowski: A life of positive maladjustment (1902-1980). In A. Robinson & J. L. Jolly, (Eds.), Century of Contributions to Gifted Education: Illuminating Lives (pp. 181-198). Florence, KY: Taylor and Francis.
⚂ Baum, S. M., Olenchak, F. R., & Owen, S. V. (1998). Gifted students with attention deficits: Fact and/or fiction? Or, can we see the forest for the trees? Gifted Child Quarterly, 42 (2), 96-104.
⚂ Beach, B. J. (1980). Lesbian and non-lesbian women: Profiles of development and self actualization. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
⚂ Beach, B. J. (1981). Lesbian and non-lesbian women: Profiles of development and self-actualization. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference (pp. 85-115). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Beach, L. A. (2005). Tall poppies: Personality characteristics of gifted high school students. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities & Social Sciences. Vol 64(12-A), 2004, 4413. US: Univ Microfilms International. The purpose of this study was to examine the personality characteristics of gifted and talented high school students as measured by the Overexcitability Questionnaire (OEQ) to gain a better understanding of the manifestations associated with extreme scores, those at least three standard deviations from the mean of the group. Additional data were collected from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicatorreg;, the High School Personality Questionnaire, the Rokeach Value Survey, high school and college transcripts, and in-depth interviews with the participants and people of significance to them in order to present the five life-story case studies and cross-case analysis. The resulting description of a Tall Poppy is presented.
⚂ Beduna, K., & Perrone-McGovern, K. M. (2016). Relationships among emotional and intellectual overexcitability, emotional IQ, and subjective well-being. Roeper Review, 38 (1), 24-31.
⚂ Beghetto, R. A., & Plucker, J. (Fall, 1998). A case study in researching promising theories: Overexcitability and giftedness. Quest, 9 (2), 10-11. The newsletter of the Division of Research and Evaluation, National Association for Gifted Children.
⚂ Bell, D. C., Montoya, I. D., Richard, A. J., & Dayton, C. A. (1998). The motivation for drug abuse treatment: Testing cognitive and 12-Step theories. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 24 (4), 551-571. Suggests hitting bottom is not unlike Dąbrowski's notion of "positive disintegration"
⚂ Ben-Ze'ev, A. (1996). Emotional Intensity. Theory & Psychology, 6 (3), 509-532.
⚂ Ben-Ze'ev, A. (2001). Determinants of emotional intensity. In A. Kaszniak (Ed.), Emotions, Qualia, and Consciousness (pp. 59-74). Singapore: World Scientific.
⚂ Benislawska, A. (2010). Traits of Saints' personalities. (B. Jablonski, Trans.) Heksis, 1 , Unpaginated. Retrieved from HEKSIS
⚂ Benislawska, A. (2015 Nov 26). Święci w świetle teorii dezintegracji pozytywnej. Retrieved from https:
⚂ Benge, B. & Montgomery, D. (1996). Understanding the emotional development of twice exceptional rural students.
⚂ Berenbaum, H., & Williams M. (1995). Personality and emotional reactivity. Journal of Research in Personality, 29,(1), 24-34.
⚂ Berndt, D. J., Kaiser, C. F., & van Aalst, F. (1982). Depression and self-actualization in gifted adolescents. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 38(1), 142-150.
⚂ Betts, G. T. (1986). Development of the emotional and social needs of gifted individuals. Journal of Counseling and Development, 64 (9), 587-589.
⚂ Betts, G. T., & Neihart, M. (1988). Profiles of the gifted and talented. Gifted. Child Quarterly, 32 (2), 248-253.
⚂ Bierzanaski, Z. (1994) The heroism of sensitivity: An Interview with Kazimierz Dąbrowski (E. Hyzy-Strzelecka, Trans.). Advanced Development, 6, 87-92. (Original interview 1979)
⚂ Bireley, M., Languis, M., & Williamson, T. (1992). Physiological uniqueness: A new perspective on the learning disabled/gifted child. Roeper Review, 15, 101-107
⚃ Bishop, J. (2021, March 1). Overexcitabilities: Not everyone is excited about them. National Association for Gifted Children. DOWNLOAD PDF.
⚂ Bishop, J. C., & Rinn, A. N. (2020). The potential of misdiagnosis of high IQ youth by practicing mental health professionals: A mixed methods study. High Ability Studies, 31 (2), 213-243.
⚂ Blackburn, C., & Erickson, D. B. (1986). Predictable crises of the gifted student. Journal of Counseling and Development, 64 (9), 552-554.
⚂ Blackie, L. E. R., Jayawickreme, E., Tsukayama, E., Forgeard, M. J. C., Roepke, A. M., & Fleeson, W. (2016). Post-traumatic growth as positive personality change: Developing a measure to assess within-person variability. Journal of Research in Personality.
⚂ Błażejewska Teresa, Świątek Włodzimierz, Bibliography of scientific works by prof. Kazimierz Dąbrowski. Warsaw 1981.
⚂ Bleidorn, W., Kandler, C., & Caspi, A. (2014). The behavioural genetics of personality development in adulthood-classic, contemporary, and future trends. European Journal of Personality, 28 , 244-255.
⚂ Boisvert, H. J. (2018, February). Walking Wounded: A living lab & multi-media performance transforming trauma through real-time drawing and sound generated from dancers' nervous system. In Ammerman Center for Arts & Technology 16th Biennial Symposium on Arts & Technology (p. 1). Boisvert2018.pdf
⚂ Boley, V. (2021). A Muse Mashup: Dabrowski’s TPD and an Eisner-esque Approach to Gifted Education. Advance. October 06, 2021. LINK. DOWNLOAD PDF.
⚂ Borland, J. H. (1997). The construct of giftedness. Peabody Journal of Education, 72 (3&4), 6-20.
⚂ Borofsky, G. L. (1980). Personality organization and psychological functioning of the Nuremberg war criminals. The Rorschach Data. (book #13011).
⚂ Borofsky, G. L. (1981a). A brief overview of the Theory of Positive Disintegration. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference (pp. 1-17). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Borofsky, G. L. (1981b). Physiological aspects of psychic overexcitability and their relationship to emotional development. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference (pp. 19-42). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Borofsky, G. L. (1981c). Traditional and developmental concepts of mental health in psychology and psychiatry with particular relevance to the concept of psychic overexcitability and the concept of positive disintegration. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference (pp. 195-214). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Botella, M., Fürst, G., Myszkowski, N., Storme, M., Pereira Da Costa, M., & Luminet, O. (2015). French validation of the overexcitability questionnaire 2: Psychometric properties and factorial structure. Journal of Personality Assessment, 97 (2), 209-220.
⚂ Boterberg, S., & Warreyn, P. (2016). Making sense of it all: The impact of sensory processing sensitivity on daily functioning of children. Personality and Individual Differences, 92 , 80-86.
⚂ Bouchard, L. (2001). An instrument for the measure of Dąbrowskian overexcitabilities to identify gifted elementary students (Kazimierz Dąbrowski). [Dissertation Abstract] Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol 61(7-A), Jan 2001, pp. 2674.
⚂ Bouchard, L. (2004). An instrument for the measure of Dąbrowskian overexcitabilities to identity gifted elementary students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 48 (4), 339-351.
⚂ Bouchet, N. M. (1998a). Second factor influences. In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (pp. 108-93). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Bouchet, N. M. (1998b). Social structure and personality: Explicating the second factor from Dąbrowski's theory of emotional development. Unpublished master's thesis, The University of Akron, Akron, OH.
⚂ Bouchet, N. M. (2005). To give or to take? Assessing five levels of moral emotional development. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities & Social Sciences. Vol 65(7-A), 2005, 2782. US: Univ Microfilms International.
What happens throughout life to make some people selfish and individualistic and others giving and caring? For example, how can some people do things like take advantage of the poor or elderly but not feel guilty about it, while others would never consider such behavior? Why do some people feel they have to pick on others to make themselves feel superior while others do not? Is it due to differences in education, family influences, gender, self-efficacy, feelings of moral outrage, encounters with crisis or other social forces? In addition, where do people fall in the continuum of emotional morality? Using a computer-aided qualitative data analysis program, C-I-SAID, this dissertation ranks the text of 95 respondents into five levels of emotional development as described by Dąbrowski (1967; 1972) and Dąbrowski, Kawczak, and Piechowski (1970). Few people exhibit the higher levels of moral emotions, levels four and five. Eighty percent of the population will never reach the higher levels of development that foster the personality ideal that moral exemplars such as Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt and Martin Luther King Jr. exhibit (Dąbrowski 1967). Their emotional depth, compassion, intensity, and devotion attest to the fact that they are excellent examples of emotionally gifted beings (Piechowski 1997). At the lower end of the spectrum, examples of level one personalities include people who display the most selfish and self-serving behaviors such as the crude cases of Scott Peterson and Ray Caruth who have been accused of killing the pregnant mothers of their children for selfish gains. In assessing the development of moral emotions in a sample of 95 respondents, the majority of respondents rank at level two. No respondents rank at level five, and only two respondents rank at level four. Eight variables, emotional, imaginational, and intellectual overexcitability, chaos, moral imperatives, positive states, sadness and aspirations are positively and significantly correlated with the C-I-SAID level of development of moral emotions. Sensual and psychomotor overexcitability, family influences, education, gender, and age are not correlated with level of moral emotional development, but more research is needed to assess the impact of additional variables.
⚂ Bouchet, N. M., & Falk, R. F. (2000). giftedness, gender and overexcitability: a comparison with previous findings. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 184-203). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Bouchet, N. M. & Falk, F. R. (2001). The relationship among giftedness, gender, and overexcitability. Gifted Child Quarterly, 45 4, 260-267.
⚂ Bouchet, N. M., & Toth J. (Eds.). (2000). The Labyrinth: Safe journey and homecoming. Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Braem, M., Asher, L., Furrer, S., Lechner, I., Wurbe, H., & Melotti, L. (2017). Development of the "highly sensitive dog" questionnaire to evaluate the personality dimension "sensory processing sensitivity" in dogs. PLoS ONE, 12 (5), 1-25.
⚂ Breard, N. S. (1994). Exploring a different way to identify gifted African-American students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia, Athens,GA.
⚂ Brennan, T. (1986). Case studies of multilevel development. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
⚂ Brennan, T. P. (2022). [Review of the book Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization. By S. B. Kaufman]. Advanced Development, 19, 152-153.
⚂ Brennan, T., & Piechowski, M. M. (1987, April). Case studies of self-actualization. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association, Annual Meeting Washington, D.C. 40 pages. Refers to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Brennan, T., & Piechowski, M. M. (1991). A developmental framework for self-actualization: Evidence from case studies. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 31 (3), 43-64.
⚂ Bridges, D., & Schendan, H. E. (2018). Sensitive individuals are more creative. Personality and Individual Differences, (September), 1-10. https://do
⚂ Briley, D. A. (2015). The structure, development, and correlates of individual differences in human personality. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
⚂ Bronk, Kendall Cotton, Holmes Finch, W. & Talib, Tasneem L. (2010). Purpose in life among highability adolescents. High Ability Studies, 21 (2), 133-145.
⚂ Brooks, M., Lowe, M., Graham-Kevan, N., & Robinson, S. (2016). Posttraumatic growth in students, crime survivors and trauma workers exposed to adversity. Personality and Individual Differences, 98 , 199-207.
⚂ Brown, J, D. (1972). An evaluation of spitz student response system in teaching a course in logical and mathematical concepts. Journal of Experimental Education, 40 (3), 12-20.
⚂ Brown, M., & Peterson, E. (2020). We are not that! A focus group study with gifted adults: Direction for future research. Advanced Development, 18, 107-127.
⚂ Buescher, T. M. (1985). A framework for understanding the social and emotional development of gifted and talented adolescents. Roeper Review, 8 , 10-15.
⚂ Burge, M. (2012). The ADD myth: How to cultivate the unique gifts of intense personalities. San Francisco, CA: Conari Press.
⚂ Calderon, Sister Alvarez: see Alvarez-Calderon Fernandini, L. M.
⚂ Calic, S. (1994). Heightened Sensitivities as an indicator of creative potential in visual and performing arts. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
⚂ Campion, J. (Producer/Director). (1993). The piano [Motion Picture]. Australia: Jan Chapman Productions.
⚂ Capps, D., Rambo, L., & Ransohoff, P. (Eds.). (1976). Psychology of religion: A guide to information sources. Detroit: Gale Research Co. Volume 1 of the Philosophy and Religion Information Guide Series, see pp. 104-105.
⚂ Carlson, R. (1971). Where is the person in personality research? Psychological Bulletin, 75 (3), 203-219. Does not refer to Dąbrowski. This article is referenced in EDI: #64.
⚂ Carman, C. A. (2011). Adding personality to gifted identification: relationships among traditional and personality-based constructs. Journal of Advanced Academics, 22 , 412-446.
⚂ Cartcart, R. (2009, November). Interview with Michael Piechowski: Top name in gifted education to visit NZ. Tall Poppies (magazine of the NZ Association for Gifted Children) . Here: .
⚂ Cathcart, R. (2018). Giftedness for our time and place definitions: Our current approach. Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 27 (2). [dead]
⚂ Catherine-Hoffman, Stephanie M. The experience of giftedness and Tourette syndrome in adults: A phenomenological tapestry. [Dissertation Abstract] Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol 66(8-A), 2006, pp. 2840.
⚂ Cekiera, C. (2016). Rozwój osoby ku wyższym wartościom profilaktyką i resocjalizacją patologii społecznych. Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum, 22 (1), 25-50.
⚂ Chang, H. J. (2001). A research on the overexcitability traits of gifted and talented students in Taiwan. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei.
⚂ Chang, H. J., & Kuo, C. (2013). Overexcitabilities: Empirical studies and application. Learning and Individual Differences, 23, 53-63,
⚂ Chang, R., & Page, R. C. (1991). Characteristics of the self-actualized person: Visions from the east and west. Counseling and Values, 36, 2-10. See Piechowski, 1991 for a comment on this article that discusses Piechowski's approach to self-actualization in relation to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Chavez, R. A. (2004). Evaluacion Integral de la personalidad creativa: Fenomenologia clinica y genetica [Integral evaluation of the creative personality: Phenomenology, clinical, and genetics]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM, Mexico City.
⚂ Chavez-Eakle, R. A. (2004). On the neurobiology of the creative process. Bulletin of Psychology and the Arts, 5, 29-35.
⚂ Chavez-Eakle, R. A., Lara, M. C., and Cruz-Fuentes, C. (2006). Personality: A possible bridge between creativity and psychopathology? Creativity Research Journal, 18 (1), 27 - 38.
⚂ Chavez-Eakle, R. A. (2007a). Creativity, DNA, and Cerebral Blood Flow. In C. Martindale, P. Locher, & V. Petrov (Eds.). Evolutionary and neurocognitive approaches to aesthetics, creativity, and the arts (pp. 209-224).. Amityville, NY: Baywood.
In the research described in the previous sections of this chapter, several relevant findings were reported: (a) an association between the presence of the allele 7 of the dopamine receptor DRD4 gene and the creativity index; (b) an association between the polymorphic variation of the serotonin-transporter/promoter region gene and emotional overexcitability ; and (c) and association between the polymorphic variation of the DRD4 and sensual overexcitability . These associations do not implicate causality; however, they suggest a promising starting point for further molecular genetic exploration of the creative potential. The contribution of a single gene for a complex trait is small, other genes (with additive and no-additive effects) and other environmental and sociocultural factors might be involved. Multiple neuromental processes occur during creative acts. When evaluating the activation of specific brain areas during creative performance, it was found that figural and verbal creativity indexes correlated with CBF in specific areas in both cerebral hemispheres; these areas are involved in multimodal processing, in complex cognitive functions (such as imagery, memory, and novelty processing among others) and in all levels of emotion processing. This suggests that creativity is performed by a highly distributed bilateral brain system. The brain-culture interactions, and the gene-environment interactions as well, are fascinating and challenging issues; creativity involves both sociocultural and psychobiological complex processes; therefore research on creativity could be a promising field that would lead us to increase our understanding of these topics. Neuroscience and molecular genetics offer rich possibilities to explore further the creative process. This knowledge is not separate from the experience of creating and could provide significant data for other researchers interested in creativity in various disciplines.
⚂ Chavez-Eakle, R. A. (2007b). From Incubation to insight: Working memory andthe role of the cerebellum. Creativity Research Journal, 19 (1), 31-34.
⚂ Chavez-Eakle, R. A. (2009). Creativity and personality. In E. Villalba (Ed.) Measuring Creativity. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
⚂ Chavez-Eakle, R.A., Graff-Guerrero, A., Garcia-Reyna, J. C., Vaugier, V., Cruz-Fuentes, C. (2007). Cerebral blood flow associated with creative performance: A comparative study. NeuroImage, 38 (3), 519-528.
⚂ Chia, K. H. (2017). Understanding overexcitabilities of people with exceptional abilities within the framework of cognition-conation-affect-and-sensation. European Journal of Education Studies, 130, 649-672. Here.
Contains the following factually incorrect statement attributing the development of the five levels to Piechowski: "The past experiences provided Dąbrowski food for serious thought and certainly enriched fodder for developing his theory which, later, his colleague, Piechowski (2003), adapted to create the continuum of five developmental levels in personality structure: primary integration, unilevel disintegration, multilevel disintegration, directed multilevel disintegration, and secondary integration."
⚂ Chia, K. H., & Lim, B. H. (2017). Understanding overexcitabilities of people with exceptional abilities within the framework of cognition-conation-affect-and-sensation. European Journal of Education Studies, 3 (6).
⚂ Chinoy, K. B. (1981). Change of vocations in midlife. Psychiatric Annals, 11, 111-115.
⚂ Chojnowski, D. (2019). Pedagogiczne implikacje teorii dezintegracji pozytywnej Kazimierza Dąbrowskiego w świetle neoliberalizmu [Pedagogical implications of Kazimierz Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration in the light of Neoliberalism] [Doctoral dissertation, The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Academy of Special Pedagogy Maria Grzegorzewska, Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Fundamentals of Pedagogy, Warszawa].
⚂ Chojnowski, D. (2021a). Pedagogiczne implikacje teorii dezintegracji pozytywnej Kazimierza Dąbrowskiego: Edukacja, teorie kształcenia I wychowania. . [Pedagogical implications of Kazimierz Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration: Education, theories of education and upbringing.] Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego [Publishing House of the University of Lodz.]
⚂ Chojnowski, D. (2021b). Rozwój człowieka W teorii dezintegracji pozytywnej Kazimierza Dąbrowskiego jako wyraz osiągnięcia dojrzałości psychicznej [Human development in Kazimierz Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration as an expression of reaching mental maturity]. Studia z Teorii Wychowania, XII (2), 85-102. link to English translation. link to Polish source.
⚂ Chojnowski, D. (2023). Three Ways to Read Dąbrowski’s Theory. It Is Not All Flat Here. Constructing a Neo-Dąbrowskian Approach. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio J, Paedagogia-Psychologia, 36 (4), 261-279. DOWNLOAD PDF (open).
⚂ Celinski, M. (2004). Traumatic disintegration and Zeigarnik's effect as a creative force [No Paper was supplied by the speaker.] In W. Tillier (Ed.), Developmental Potential - From Theory to Practice: Educational and Therapeutic perspectives (p. 228). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Cienin, P. (pseudonim) (1970). Myśli i aforyzmy egzystencjalne. [Existencial thoughts and aphorisms.] London: Gryf-Publications.
⚂ Cienin, Paul (Pseudonym) (1972a). Existential thoughts and aphorisms. London: Gryf Publications.
⚂ Cienin, Pawel (Pseudonym) (1972b). Fragments from the diary of a madman. London: Gryf Publications. Note the spelling of the first name (this one is in Polish, the other English).
⚂ Cekiera, C. (2002). Development of personality towards higher values as prophylaxy of social pathology (application of Dąbrowski's TPD to prevention and therapy of suicide and drug addiction. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 309-320). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Clouston, T. S. (1899). Stages of over-excitability, hypersensitiveness, and mental explosiveness in children and their treatment by the bromides. Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal, IV, 481-90.
⚂ Coan, R. W. (1974). The optimal personality: An empirical and theoretical analysis. New York: Columbia University Press. See pp. 63-73.
⚂ Cohen, L. M., & Ambrose, D. C. (1993). Theories and practices for differentiated education for the gifted and talented. In K. Heller, F. Monks, & A. H. Passow (Eds.), International handbook of research and development of giftedness and talent (pp. 339-363). Oxford, England: Pergamon Press. Contains the following passage: "Based on the work of Polish psychologist, Dąbrowski, Piechowski (1979, 1986) theorizes that extreme sensitivity or overexcitability indicates potential for high levels of development, particularly for self-actualization and moral vigor" (p. 344). Lists the five overexcitabilities and goes on: "In Piechowski's theory, there are five levels of personality development from lowest to highest: Level (1) self-centered; Level (2) inner fragmentation and conforming to expectations of others; Level (3) vulnerable autonomy; Level (4) self-actualization, and Level (5) universal compassion and self-sacrifice" (p. 344).
⚂ Cohen, L. M. (2006), Conceptual foundations for gifted education: Stock-Taking. Roeper Review, 28 (2), 91-110.
⚂ Colangelo, N. (1984). A perspective on the future of gifted education. Roeper Review, 7, 30-32
⚂ Colangelo, N. (2003). A critique of the "Indigo" child.
⚂ Colangelo, N. & Davis, G. (Eds.). (1991). Handbook of gifted education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
⚂ Colangelo, N., & Fleuridas, C. (1986). The abdication of childhood. Journal of Counseling and Development, 64, 561-563.
⚂ Colangelo, N., Piechowski, M. M., & Kelly, K. R. (1982, July). Differentiating two types of gifted learners: Accelerated and enriched. Paper presented at the National Elementary/Middle School Guidance Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana. CW
⚂ Colangelo, N., & Wood, S. M. (2015). Counseling the gifted: Past, present, and future directions. Journal of Counseling & Development, 93 (2), 133-142.
⚂ Colangelo, N. & Zaffrann, R. T. (Eds.) (1979). New voices in counseling the gifted. Kendall/Hunt. see also: Piechowski, M. M. (1979a)
⚂ Conarton, S., & Silverman, L. K. (1988). Feminine development through the life cycle. In M. A. Dutton-Douglas & L. E. A. Walker (Eds.), Feminist psychotherapies: Integration of therapeutic and feminist systems (pp. 37-67). Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing.
⚂ Cooper, A. J., Stirling, S., Dawe, S., Pugnaghi, G., & Corr, P. J. (2017). The reinforcement sensitivity theory of personality in children: A new questionnaire. Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 65-69.
⚂ Couper, G. E. (2004). The psychology of travel: A theoretical analysis of how study abroad and positive regression affect personal growth. [Dissertation Abstract] Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Vol 65(6-B), pp. 3195.
⚂ Courchene, K. A. (2022). A sixth OE? Spiritual sensitivity, intensity, and the spiritual quest. Advanced Development, 19, 76-99.
⚂ Cross, J. R. (1999). [Review of the book The young gifted child: Potential and promise, an anthology, by J. F. Smutny, (Ed.)]. Gifted Child Quarterly, 43, 275-277.
quote: Elizabeth Meckstroth's chapter "Complexities of Giftedness: Dąbrowski's Theory" in Part V: Meeting Social and Emotional Needs to Effect Growth, is another that I would want new teachers of the gifted or parents frustrated by their child's "oddities" to read. Dąbrowski's description of the overexcitabilities many gifted children (and adults) exhibit may help to alleviate some of the concerns and frustrations parents and teachers have. As I read this chapter, I wondered how many children are on Ritalin because they exhibit Dąbrowski's psychomotor overexcitability. "The psychomotor overexcitability has been found to be the one of Dąbrowski's classifications that is the most significantly correlated with high intelligence" (p. 296).
⚂ Cross, J. R., & Cross, T. L. (2015). Clinical and mental health issues in counseling the gifted individual. Journal of Counseling & Development, 93 (2), 163-172.
⚂ Cross, T. L. (1996). Examining claims about gifted children and suicide. Gifted Child Today Magazine, 19, 46-48.
⚂ Cross, T. L. (1997). Psychological and social aspects of educating gifted students. Peabody Journal of Education, 72 (3/4), 180-200.
⚂ Cross, T. L. (2006). From the Editor's desk. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 30 , 5-6. [Introduction to Mendaglio and Tillier (2006)]
⚂ Cross, T. L. (2018). On the social and emotional lives of gifted children: Understanding and guiding their development (5th ed.). Waco, Texas: Prufrock Press.
⚂ Cross, T. L., & Cross, J. R. (2018). Suicide among gifted children and adolescents: Understanding the suicidal mind (2nd ed.). Waco, Texas: Prufrock Press.
⚂ Cross, T. L., Cross, J. R., Dudnytska, N., Kim, M., & Vaughn, C. T. (2020). A psychological autopsy of an intellectually gifted student with attention deficit disorder. Roeper Review, 42 (1), 6-24.
⚂ Cross, T. L., Gust-Brey, K., & Ball, P. B. (2002). A psychological autopsy of the suicide of an academically gifted student: Researchers' and parents' perspectives. Gifted Child Quarterly, 46 (4), 247-264.
⚂ Culross, R. (2004). Developmental potential among creative scientists. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Developmental potential: From theory to practice: Educational and therapeutic perspectives (pp. 153-163). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Cunningham, K. S. (1981). The pankration of development: Patterns of psychic overexcitability in a group of artists. Unpublished master's thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. LS/86
↩ Main. Top A-C D-F G-K L-O P-S T-Z
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. National Archives of Canada collection information.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1929). See Dombrowski, C. (1929).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1931a). 0 wplywie otoczenia na powstawanie i rozwoj nerwowosci dzieciecej [The influence of the environment in the genesis and development of child nervousness]. Szkola Specjalna, 2 , 32-39.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1931b). Zur klinik und patholgie der senilen paranoia. Jahrbucher fur Psychiatrie und Neurologie, 47 , 171-176.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1931c). Z zagadnien podniesienia kultury moralnej spoleczenstwa [The questions of developing the moral culture of the society]. Glos Nauczycielski, 12 , 8-11.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1933a). Higiena psychiczna za graniza i u nas jej najblizsze potrzeby i próby ich realizacji [Mental hygiene abroad and in our country, its immediate needs and attempts to fulfill them]. Praca I Opieka Społeczna Kwartalnik Rok XIII (1933) Zeszyt I (1), 59-80. Styczeń — Marzec. [Work And Social Welfare Quarterly Year XIII (1933) Issue January — March] Ministerstwo Opieki Społecznej, Warsaw.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1933b). Znaczenie wieku w klinice i patologii parkinsonizmu pospiaczkowego [The meaning of age in clinical picture and pathology of postencephalitic parkinsonism]. Neurolgia Polska, 1, 52-59.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1933/34a). Organizacja higjeny psychicznej w stanie Massachusetts. [Organization of mental hygiene in the state Massachusetts.] Szkoła Specjalna Tom X Warszawa Marzec 1933/4 NR. 3, 172-175. [ Special School Volume X Warsaw March 1933/4 NO. 3, 172-175.] also see: Pękowska, (2018). DC
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1933/34b). Organizacja wydzielania dzieci słabych umysłowo ze szkół powszechnych w Massachusetts. [Organization of the separation of mentally weak children from Massachusetts elementary schools.] Szkoła Specjalna Tom X Warszawa Marzec 1933/4 NR. 3, 169-172. [ Special School Volume X Warsaw March 1933/4 NO. 3, 169-172.] DC
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1933/34c). O wplywie otoczenia na powstanie i rozwoj niektórych form nerwowosci dzieciecej. [About the influence of the environment on the emergence and development of some forms of childrens nervousness.] Szkoła Specjalna Tom X, Warszawa 1933/4 NR. 2, GRUDZIEN-LUTY 73-105. [ Special School Volume X Warsaw 1933/4 NO. 2, December/February, 73-105.]
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1934a). Behawioryzm i kierunki pokrewne w psychologii [Behaviourism and related schools in psychology]. Warsaw: Lekarz Polski. In CW, this is listed as 1935.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1934b). Podstawy psychologiczne samodręczenia (automutylacji) [Psychological foundations of self-torment (auto-mutation)]. SzkoŁA Specjalna Tom XI Warszawa Wrzesien-Październik 1934/5 NR. 1, 1-48. [Special School Volume XI Warsaw September-October 1934/5 NO. 1, 1-48.] DC
Also published as a separate: Dąbrowski, K. (1934). Podstawy psychologiczne samodręczenia (automutylacji) [Psychological foundations of self-torture (automutilation).] Lekarskie Towarzystwo Wydawnicze "Przyszłość. [Published by the Medical Publishing title "PRZYSZLOSC" Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmiecie 64, Phone 607-35.] DOWNLOAD PDF.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1935). Nerwowosc dzieci i mlodziezy [The nervousness of children and youth]. Bibljoteka dziel pedagogicznych Rok IX Nr. 48 i 49. Nakladem "Naszej Ksiegarni", SP. AKC. Zwiazku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego, Warszawa [1st edition] [2nd ed. 1958; 3rd ed. 1976] DOWNLOAD PDF.JR
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1936). L'Institut d'Hygiene Mentale de Varsovie et son programme de travail. Bulletin Mensuel de l'Office International d'Hygiene Publique, 28 (fasc. 8), 127-131. In CW, this is listed as 1937.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1937a). Instytut higieny psychicznej [The Mental Hygiene Institute]. Warsaw: Kola Przyjaciol Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1937b). La sante mentale, la definition et delimitation des domaines voisines. Comptes Rendus II-e Congres International de l'Hygiene Mentale, Paris.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1937c). Propaganda na usługach oszczędności. [Propaganda in the service of savings.] Przegląd O Szczędnościow Y Poświęcony Rok IV, (1[13]) 36-43. Kwartalnik Zagadnieniom Z Dziedziny Warszawa [Savings Review Devoted to Year IV, Quarterly to Issues in the Field of Warsaw]
⚂ Dąbrowski, Casimir (1937d). Psychological basis of self mutilation. (W. Thau, Trans.) Genetic Psychology Monographs, 19, 1-104. EDI: #30
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1937e). Report upon the activities of the Mental Hygiene Institute. Comptes Rendus II-e Congres International l'Hygiene Mentale, Paris
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1938a) Higiena psychiczna, (tresc, zakres, zadania, stosunek do innych nauk) [Mental hygiene, its content, scope, task, and relationship to other branches of science]. Biuletyn Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej, 1 (3-4), 3-26. DC
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1938b). Kwestionariusz neurotyoczny [The neurotic questionnaire]. Warsaw: Instytut Higieny Psychicznej.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1938c). Nowoczsne zadania i potrzeby psychiatrii i higieny psychicznej w Polsce [The contemporary tasks and needs of psychiatry and mental hygiene in Poland]. Biuletyn Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej, 2, 21-27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1938d). Typy wzmozonej pobudliwosci psychicznej [Types of increased psychic excitability]. Biuletyn Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej, 1 (3-4), 3-26.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1938e). Uwagi o psychosocjalnych warunkach powstawania i rozwoju hiperkinez funkcjonalnych oraz tikow [Psychosocial conditions of genesis and development of functional hyperkineses and tics]. Biuletyn Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej, 1 (2), 1-10.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1939). O wplywie otoczenia na powstanie i rozwoju niektorych form nerwowosci u dzieci [About the impact of the environment and development of some forms of nervousness in children.] Szkola Specjalna, Warsaw.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1946). 0 integracji i dezintegracji psychicznej. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 1 (1), 45-49.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1947a). Panstwowy instytut higieny psychicznej [The State Institute of Mental Hygiene]. Warsaw: Prasa Demokratyczna.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1947b). Pojecie zdrowia psychicznego [The concept of mental health]. Zdrowie psychiczne, 2, 37-51. (Warsaw).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1947c). Uwagi o teorii Jacksona [Comments on Jackson's theory]. Zdrowie psychiczne, 2—4, (4—6) 143-149. (Warsaw). This publication is listed as 1949 in CW and as 1948 in the Polish Wikipedia bibliography.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1948). Pojecie zdrowia psychicznego [The concept of mental health]. Zdrowie Psychiczne , R. II, 2 , 4, 37-51.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1949a). Dezntegracja jako pozytywny etap w rozwoju jednostki [Positive disintegration as a positive stage in the development of an individual]. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 3, 4, 26-63.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1949b). III Miedzynarodowy kongres zdrowie psychicznego. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 1 , 2, 6-23.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1951). Gruzlica i walka z nia; podrecznik dla srednich szkot medycznych [napisali]. Warszawa: Panstwowe Zaklady Wydawn. Lekarskick.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with I. Rogowski). (1958a). Higiena psychiczna [Mental hygiene]. Zdrowie Publiczne , 2 , 811-830.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1958b). La desintegration mentale comme facteur positif dans le developement emotional de l'enfant. A Crianaca Portuguesa , 17 , 731-736.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1958c). Nerwowosc dziecsi i mlodziezy. [Nervousness of children and teenagers.] 2nd ed. Warszawa: Panstwowe Zaknady Wydawnictw Szkolnych. (PZWS) DOWNLOAD PDF. JD
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1958d). Struktura psychiatrii dzieciecej [The structure of child psychiatry]. Lubiaz: Polskie Towarzystwo Psychiatryczne.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1958e, May). Struktura psychiatrii dzieciecej [The structure of child psychiatry]. Lubiaz: Polskie Towarzystwo Psychiatryczne. Paper read at the annual convention of the Polish Psychiatric Association. Lubiaz, Poland.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1958f). Uwagi i diagnostyce psychologicznej i jej znaczeniu dla samowychowania [Comments on psychological diagnosis and its meaning for self-education]. Collectanea Theologica , 39 , 106-128.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1959a). Spoleczno-wychowawcza psychiatria dziecieca [Socio-educational child psychiatry]. Warszawa: Panstwowe Zaklady Wydawn Szkolnych (PZWS) JR
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1959b, Novembre). Sur la desintegration positive: Une esquisse de la théorie concernant le développement psychique de l'homme à travers les états de déséquilibre, la nervosité névroses et psychoses. . Annales Medico-Psychologiques, 117(2) , 643-668.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1960a). Conception dynamique de la sante mentale. A Crianca Portuguesa, 19 , 145-167.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1960b). Nasze dzieci dorastaja [Our children grow]. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna JD
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1960c). Nerwice, psychonerwice i psychopatia dziecieca--pojecia podstawowe. Materialy z konferencji Zdrowie psvchiczne i psychiatria dziecieca, Warszawa.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with H. Zajaczkowski). (1960d). Podstawowe zagadnienia higieny psychicznej Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Higieny Psychicznej, 1 , 4-25.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1960e, Octobre). Remarques sur la typolgie basee sur la theorie de la desintegration positive. Annales Medico-Psycholgiques, Year 118, Vol. 2 (3), 402-406.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1960f). Sprawozdanie z dorocznego Zjazdu Swiatowej Federacji Zdrowia Psychicznego w Barcelonie 1959. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 1 , 22-26.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1960g). Swiatowy rok zdrowia psychicznego w polsce. Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Higieny Psychicznej, 1 , 42-45.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1961a). Dynamiczne ujecie zdrowia psychicznego [A dynamic approach to mental health]. Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Higieny Psychicznej, 2, 24-33.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1961b). Dynamiczne ujecie zdrowia psychicznego. Cz. I. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 1 , 14-22.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1961c). Dynamiczne ujecie zdrowia psychicznego. Cz II. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 2 , 18-26.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1961d). VI Kongres zdrowia psychicznego w paryzu /doniesienie wstepne/. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 2 , 42-46.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1961e). La sentiment d'inferiorite vis-a-vis de soi-meme. Annales Medico-Psychologiques, Year 119, Vol. 2 (4), 625-632.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1961f). Les dynamismes principaux de la desintegration a univeaux multiples. Annales Medico-Psychologigues, Year 119, Vol. 1 (2), 225-234.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1962a). Co to jest higiena psychiczna [What is mental hygiene?] Warszawa: Nasza Ksiegarnia JD
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1962b). Higiena psychiczna [Mental hygiene]. Warsaw: Panstwowe Zaklady Wydawnictw Szkolnych (PZWS).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1962c). Instytut ochrony i rozwoju psychicznego czlowieka [Institute for psychic protection and development of man]. Warsaw: Dookola Swiata, 24 , 12-13.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1963a). La desintegration positive. Problemes choisis. Conferences de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Centre Scientifique a Paris, fasicule 48, (whole number 48), 115-122.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1963b). Osobowosc, wybitne uzdolnienia i psychonerwice u dzieci i mlodziezy [Personality, prominent abilities, and psychoneuroses in children and youth]. Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Higieny Psychicznej, 4 ,(2), 53-63.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1963c, June). Personalite, aplitudes remarquables et psychoneuroses chez les enfants et chez les adolescents. Proceedings of the Second European Congress of Child Psychiatry. Rome, 2, 220-233.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1963d). Principales structures et dynamismes du milieu psychique interne. A Crianca Portuguesa, 21 , 507-535.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1963e). Psychonerwice [Psychoneuroses]. Postepy Higieny i Medycyny Doswiadczalnej, 17 , 305-345.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1964a). Higiena psychiczna w zyciu codziennym [Mental hygiene in everyday life]. Warszawa: Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich JD
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1964b). La desintegration positive; problemes choisis. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1964c). Metoda pochwaly i nagrony w rozwoju osobowosci dziecka [The method of praise and reprimand in the development of child's personality]. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 5 ,(4), 3-11. In CW, this is listed as 1965.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1964d, June). Miejsce psychoterapii w ruchu higieny psychicznej [The place of psychotherapy in the movement of mental health]. Paper read at the First General Polish Conference on Problems of Psychotherapy with Children and Youth. Warsaw.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1964e). O desyntegracji pozytywnej: Szkic teorii rozwoju psychicznego czlowieka poprzez nierownowage psychiczna, nerwowosc, nerwice I psychonerwice. [About positive disintegration: Outline of the theory of human lekarskich JD
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1964f). 0 internerwicowych i intranerwicowych hierarchiach struktury i funkcji psychicznej [On interneurotic and intraneurotic hierarchies of psychic structure and functions]. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 5 ,(3), 14-22.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1964g). 0 psychoterapii nerwic i psychonerwic w oparciu o teorie dezintegracji pszytywnej [Psychotherapy of neuroses and psychoneuroses based on the theory of positive disintegration]. Part 1. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 5 ,(1), 19-26.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1964h). 0 psychoterapii nerwic i psychonerwic w oparciu o teorie dezintegracji pozytywneg [Psychotherapy of neuroses and psychoneuroses based on the theory of positive disintegration]. Part 2. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 5,(2), 59-67.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with H. Osinski). (1964i, June). Psychoterapia dzieci i mlodziezy a higiena psychiczna [The psychotherapy of children and youth and mental hygiene]. Paper read at the First General Polish Conference on Problems of Psychotherapy with Children and Youth. Warsaw. In CW, this publication is listed as 1965.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1964j). Positive disintegration. Boston: Little Brown & Co.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1964k). Spoleczno-wychowawcza psychiatria dziecieca [Socio-educational child psychiatry]. (second, revised edition). Warszawa: Panstwowe Zaklady Wydawn. Szkolnych.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1965a). L'instinct de la mort d'apres la theorie de la desintegration positive. Conferences de l'Academic Polonaise des Sciences, Centre Scientifique a Paris, fascicule 60, 15-22.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1965b). Miejsce psychoterapii w ruchu higieny psychicznej. In Materialy Ogolnopolskiej Konferencji Problemy psychoterapii dzleci i mlodziezy ,Warsaw 13 V i 20 X 1964. Warsaw: Polskie Towarzystwo Higieny Psychiecznej, s. 37-41.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1965c). 0 psychoterapii dziecka lekliwego. W: Higiena psychiczna i nerwice dzieciece / praca zbiorowa. PAN, Wroclaw-Warszawa-Krakow, 42-52.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1965d). Personnalite, psychonevroses et sante mentale d'apres la theorie de la desintegration positive. Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1965e). Personalite, psychonevroses et sante mentale d'apres la theorie de la desintegration positive. Conferences de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Centre Scientifique a Paris, fascicule 57, 82-94.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with J. Kujawska).(1965f). Psychonerwice u mlodziezy wybitnie uzdolnionej [Psychoneuroses among particularly gifted youth]. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 6, 1, 24-35.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1965g). Problemy adaptacji i dezadaptacji [Problems of adjustment and maladjustment]. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 6, Number 4, 7-18.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1965h). Psychotherapie des neuroses et des psychonevroses. Conferences de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Centre Scientifique a Paris, fascicule 60, 3-14.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1965i). Psychotherapie des neuroses et des psychonevroses. L'instinct de la mort d'apres la theorie de la desintegration positive. Warszawa: Panstwowe Zaklady Wydawn. Naukowe.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with H. Osinski). (1965j). Zagadnienia higieny psychicznej w psychoprofilaktyce przestepcow [Aims of mental hygiene in psychoprophylaxis of criminals]. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 6, (4), 7-19.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1966a, September 5-12). Interneurotic and intraneurotic differences in levels of functions. Paper presented at the Fourth World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain. 12 pages. Mimeograph. EDI: #14 D).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1966b). La decompensation des structures psychonevrotiques. Annales Medico-Psychologiques , 2, 475-482.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1966c). The problem of positive disintegration: A new approach to the study of mental disorders. The Alberta Psychologist, 1, 12-18. Note: This reference appears in a bibliography collected by K. Nelson. The journal title may have been Alberta Psychology (that is what it was called in the 1980s). I have tried to locate this article but was unable to. If anyone has it, I would appreciate a copy. Thanks - Bill.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1966d, September 5-12). Prophylaxie des neuroses infantiles ou prophylaxie par les neuroses infantiles. Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress of Psychiatry , Madrid, 127-130.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1966e). The Theory of Positive Disintegration. International Journal of Psychiatry, 2 (2), 229-244. This is a reprint of pages 1-32 of Positive Disintegration (1964). EDI: #40 It is introduced by Aronson (on page 165). Short discussions by Aronson and Mowrer follow Dąbrowski's article - see the references to these discussions under their names.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1967a). La decompensation des structures psychonevrotiques. Annales Medico-Psychologiques,125 /2, 475-482.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1967b). Personality-shaping through positive disintegration. Boston: Little Brown & Co.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1967c). Psychotherapy based on the theory of positive disintegration. In R. M. Jurjevich, Handbook of Psychotherapy (pp. 143-173). Chicago: Rand McNally. Note: I have tried to locate this book but was unable to find any record of it - perhaps it was never published, if anyone has it, I would appreciate a copy. This reference appears as #50 in the reference section of the 1970 book, Mental Growth . . . Thanks - Bill.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1967d). The Theory of Positive Disintegration. In O. H. Mowrer, Morality and mental health (pp. 152-165). Chicago: Rand McNally. [A reprint of pages 1-32 of Positive Disintegration (1964)].
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1968a). Le milieu psychique interne. Annales Medico-Psychologiques , 2, 457-485.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1968b). Theory of Positive Disintegration. Big Sur Recordings (spoken recording). Note: I have tried to locate this item but was unable to. If anyone has it, I would appreciate a copy. Thanks - Bill.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970a). Depathologisation de certains dynamismes dits pathologiques, Comptest Rendus, La Premiere Conference Internationale sur la theorie de la Disintegration Positive, Quebec.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970b, August 26-30). Immunization against psychosis through neurosis and psychoneurosis. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 11 pages. : EDI: #62 J), Appendix B - 16.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970c, August 26-30). Institute for the development of man. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 14 pages. EDI: #13.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970d, August 26-30). Interneurotic and intraneurotic differences in levels of functions. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 25 pages. EDI: #14 A).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970e, August 26-30). The life of Professor O. H. Mowrer as a creative personality. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 18 pages. EDI: #43 B).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970f, August 26-30). Lincoln, Kierkegaard and Kafka. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 9 pages. EDI: #15.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with Kawczak, A., & Piechowski, M. M.).(1970g). Mental growth through positive disintegration. London: Gryf Publications.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970h). Multilevelness of instinctive and emotional functions. Unpublished manuscript. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. (Purple cover, 173 pages. A preliminary manuscript to Volume I of the 1977 Dabor publications). See:
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970i, August 26-30). Multilevelness of instinctive and emotional functions. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 15 pages. EDI: #20. , also EDI: #62 J). Appendix B - 21.
⚂ Cienin, P. (pseudonym) (1970j). Mysli i afiryzmy egystencjalne. [Existential thoughts and aphorisms.] London: Gryf-Publications.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970k, August 26-30). Partial death instinct. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 6 pages. Also compare to corresponding chapter in 1973 book. EDI: #25.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970l). Pojęcia zyja i rozwijają się: ze studi ow nad dynamik a pojec. [ Dynamics of concepts.] London: Gryf
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970m, August 26-30). Psychic overexcitability and psychoneurosis. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 11 pages. EDI: #31.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970n). Rozw oj wielkiej w asno sci ziemskiej klasztoru cysterek w Zarnowcu od XIII do XVI wieku. [Zak. Naord. im. Ossoli nskich-Wydawnictwo. Oddzia w Gdansku].
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1970o, August 26-30). Three selected dynamisms of the inner psychic milieu. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 4 pages. EDI: #62 J), Appendix B - 23.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with Kawczak, A., & Sochanska, J.). (1971). Pojecia zyja i rozwijaja sie. Ze studiow nad dynamika pojec. [Concepts live and evolve. Studies of the dynamics of concepts.] London, England: Gryf.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1972a). Crecimiento mentel la desintegracion positiva. Lima, Peru: Universidad Feminina.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1972b). Dobra choroba. Polityka , 33, 5.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1972c). Dzia alnosc gospodarcza, spo eczna i kulturalna cystersow oliwskich: XII-XVI wiek.
⚂ Cienin, Paul (Pseudonym) (1972d). Existential thoughts and aphorisms. London: Gryf Publications.
⚂ Cienin, Pawel (Pseudonym) (1972e). Fragments from the diary of a madman. London: Gryf Publications.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1972f). La psychonevrose n'est pas une maladie: nevroses et psychonevroses, considerees du point de vue de la desintegration positive. Quebec: Editions Saint-Yves.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1972g). Le dynamisme des concepts: phenomenes positifs dans la desintegration. Quebec Editions Saint-Yves.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1972h). A more specific picture of the developmental way: Neuroses and psychoneuroses, the philosophy of psychoneuroses. Unpublished manuscript.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1972i). Introduction generale a la theorie de la desintegration positive. Quebec: Editions Saint-Yves.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with Kawczak, A., & Piechowski, M. M.). (1972j). La croissance mentale par la d é sint é gration positive. [Mental growth through positive disintegration]. Les Editions SaintYves. (Original work published 1970) Categorized under books - French
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1972k, March 10). Project of the organization of the institute for research and development of higher emotions. Institute for Authentic Development. 14 pages. EDI: #55 B).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1972l). Psychoneurosis is not an illness. London: Gryf Publications.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with Kawczak, A., & Sochanska, J.) (1973). The dynamics of concepts. London: Gryf Publications.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1974a version 1). Dwie diagnozy. [Two diagnoses.] Warszawa: Polskie Towarzystwo Higieny Psychicznej JD
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1974a version 2). Dwie diagnozy. [Two diagnoses.] Warszawa: Polskie Towarzystwo Higieny Psychicznej [Different pagination] JR
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1974b). Multilevelness of instinctive and emotional functions: Volume 1 - theory and description of levels of behavior. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. (Light Blue cover, 241 pages. A (second) preliminary manuscript to Volume I of the 1977 Dabor publications).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1974c). Przeszlosc i perspektywy ruchu higieny psychicznej w Polsce. Zagadnienia Wychowawcze a Zdrowie Psychiczne , 6 , 7-16.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1974d). Uspolecznienie autentyczne i pozorne a zdrowie psychiczne ozlowieka. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 3(4), 21-32.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1974e). Wazniejsze osiagniecia i perspektywy rozwojowe ruchu higieny psychicznej w Polsce. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 3(4), 41-47.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1974f). Zdrowie psychiczne a wartosci ludzkie. [ Mental health and human worth.] Warsaw: Polskie Towarzystwo Higieny Psychicznej.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975a). Automutylacja w spychonerwicach o ostrym przebiegu. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 5-7.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975b). Czy zachodzi potrzeba czesciowego wykluczenia z psychiatrii niektorych syndromow albo jednostek chorobowych. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 1 (2), 49-55.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975c). Dzieciece osrodki higieny psychicznej. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 38-41.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975d). Fragmenty z dziennika oblakeanego - do zbyt malej wyobrazni. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 132-135.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975e). Foreword. In M. M. Piechowski, A theoretical and empirical approach to the study of development. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 92 (2), 231-297. Compare to: Dąbrowski, K. (1977). Preface.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975f). Higiena psychiczne /1962/ - wstep. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 53-55.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975g). Higiena psychiczna /1962/ - wstep do drugiego wydania. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 56-58.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975h). Instynkt rozwojowy. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 80-87.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975i). Kryteria wartoxci i pozi omu funkcji uczuciowych oraz popedowych a zdrowie psychiczne. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 6-27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975j). Mysli i aforyzmy egzystencjalne /fragmenty/. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 136-138.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975k). Nerwice i psychonerwice u mlodziezy. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 66-69.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975l). Nerwowosc. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 34-37.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975m). Opactwo cysters ow w Oliwie od X11 do XV1 wieku. Zak ad Narodowy im. Ossoli nskich, Oddzie w Gda nsku.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975n). Osobowosc a procesy uspolecznienia. Zeszyty ODISS , 38 (6), 51-61.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975o). Osobowosc i jej ksztaltowanie poprzez dezyntegracje pozytywna. Warsaw: PTHP.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975p). Podstawy psychologiczne samodreczenia /automutylacji/ - wstep. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 22-23.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975q). Poziomy rozwojowe funkcji instynktowych. Zdrowie Psvchiczne , 4 , 110-114.
⚂ Dąbrowski., K. (1975r). Pozytywna niedojrzalosc. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 119-122.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975s). Przedmiot psychiatrii dzieciecej, jej zakres i miejsce w naukach pokrewnych. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 30-33.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975t). Psychohigiena konfliktu spolecznego. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 61-65.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975u). Psychologia humanistyczna. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 128-131.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975v). Rozwoj osobowosci wedlug teorii desintegracji pozytywneg. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 1 (2), 7-17.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975w). Srodowisko wewnetrzne. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 115-118.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975x). Trud istnienia. [Difficulty of existence.] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe JD
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975y). Typy normalnego rozwoju. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 105-109.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975z). Wybrane zagadnienia z higieny psychicznej malzenstwa. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 42-52.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975aa). Zagadnienia zdrowia psychicznego grupy spolecznej. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 59-61.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975bb). Zastosowanie metody desintegracji posytywnej wobec dzieci i mlodziezy. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 88-104.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975cc). Zdrowie psychiczne. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 122-127.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1975dd). Zdrowie psychiczne ujmowane jako wyraz hierarchicznego dzialania funkcji pod kontrola funkcji realnosci. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 28-30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1976a). Dezintegracja i psychonerwice w rozwoju osobowosci. Literatura , 10 , 7.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1976b). Dynamizmy tworcze w psychonerwicach. Literatura , 12 , 7.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1976c). On the philosophy of development through positive disintegration and secondary integration. Dialectics and Humanism, 3-4, 131-144. EDI: #54.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1976d). Nerwowosc dzieci i mlodziezy. [ Neuroses of children and teenagers. ] 3rd ed. Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Szskolne i Pedagogiczne. wyd. drugie uzupelnione.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1976e). Odpowiedz na artykul K. Obuchowskiego. Literature , 22 , 12.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1976f). Polak, jaki, jest. . . Polityka , 46 , 14 rozmowa z prof. K. Dąbrowskim; rozmawial B. Danowicz.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1976g). Psychonerwice a jednostki wybitne. Literatura , 9 , 11.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1976h). Psychoterapia psychonerxic. Literatura , 13 , 9.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1976i). Wewnetrzne srodowisko psychiczne w psychonerwicach. Literatura , 11 , 9.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1977a). Co zagraza psychice czloieka? Zycie Literackie , 32 , 1 & 11 rozmowa z prof. K. Dąbrowskim, rozmawial B. Danowicz.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1977b). Kontrola czynnosci czlowieka poprzez dynamizmy uczuciowo-popedowe. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 3 , 6-32.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1977c). Ochrona zdrowia psychicznego. Zycie Literackie , 3 , 1 & 9.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1977d). Preface. In K. Dąbrowski, (with Piechowski, M. M.). Theory of levels of emotional development: Volume 1 - Multilevelness and positive disintegration. (pp. ix-xiv). Oceanside, New York: Dabor Science Publications. Compare to Dąbrowski, K. (1975). Foreword.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with L. Granger, G. R. de Grace, A. Bachelor, F. L. Lesniak, & A. Saint-Yves). (1977e). Psychotherapies actuelles. Collection Service a la Psychotherapie. Quebec: Editions Saint-Yves.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with B. Holyst). (1977f). Rola higieny psychicznej w zapobieganiu przestepczosci. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 3 , 50-61.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1977g). S'il y a un toxicomane dans votre famille. Quebec: Editions Saint-Yves.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with Piechowski, M. M.). (1977h). Theory of levels of emotional development: Volume 1 - Multilevelness and positive disintegration. Oceanside, New York: Dabor Science Publications.
Dąbrowski would not acknowledge this book after its publication, for an explanation please see this
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1977i). Wspolczesna problematyka ochrony zdrowia psychicznego. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 1 (2), 15-22.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978a). Interdyscyplinarne ujecie problemow psychohigieny. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 1 , 6-12.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978b). Koncepcja wolnosci w teorii dezintegracji pozytywnej. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 , 6-10.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978c). Mozliwosci swiadomego rozwoju. Problemy Studenckiego Ruchu Naukowego, 5, 56-82.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978d). Pozytywny konflikt w stosunkach miedzyludzkich. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 1 , 38-42.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978e). Zrozumiec trud istnienia. Tygodnik Kulturalny , 37 , 5 rozmowa z prof. K. Dąbrowskim, rozawiala K. Raczynska.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978f). Zycie a zasada rozwoju. Problemy Studenckiego Rochu Naukowego, 3.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). Inaczej o schizofrenikach. ITD 1978 nr 50, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). Kto jest człowiekiem normalnym? ITD 1978, nr 39, s. 3.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). My, ludzie. Kilka myśli o dalekodystansowym projekcie polepszenia stosunków międzyludzkich. ITD 1978, nr 45, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). My, ludzie. Kilka myśli o dalekodystansowym projekcie polepszenia stosunków międzyludzkich. ITD 1978, nr 45, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). Myśli o psychologii uczuć i wartości. ITD 1978, nr 48, s. 26.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). Niektóre problemy dezintegracji pozytywnej. ITD 1978, nr 45, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). O infantylizmie psychicznym pozytywnym, czyli niedojrzałości psychicznej pozytywnej. ITD 1978, nr 51, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). O niektórych metodach podniesienia kultury moralnej społeczeństwa. ITD. nr 33, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). O pasji rozwoju. ITD nr 1978 nr 43, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). O relatywizmie moralnym. ITD 1978 nr 42, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). Odpowiedzialność. ITD 1978, nr 47, s. 27
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). Odpowiedzialność. ITD 1978, nr 49, s. 27
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). Osobowość, dezintegracja, twórczość. ITD 1978, nr 41. s. 27
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). Psychopatie i psychonerwice. ITD 1978, nr 46, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). Tak zwane normy. ITD 1978, nr 49, s. 26.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). Zdrowie psychiczne. ITD 1978 nr 40, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1978). Życzliwość. ITD 1978, nr 52-53, s. 26.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979a). Dezintegracja pozytywna. [Positive disintegration.] Warsaw: Pansywowy Instytut Wydawniczy. (PIW) JR
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979b). Higiena psychiczna studiów wychowania fizycznego. Problemy Studenckiego Ruchu Naukowego, 2.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979c). Inteligencja na uslugach osobowosci i na uslugach popedow. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 1 , 6-16.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979d). Interview with Kazimierz Dąbrowski (E. Hyzy-Strzelecka, trans.) (February). ITD. For a student magazine--5 page paper. Not for distribution without permission of the translator. Original author unknown. Reference obtained from Karen Nelson.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979e). Interview with Kazimierz Dąbrowski (E. Hyzy-Strzelecka, trans.) (June). Walka Mlodych. For a youth magazine – 3 page paper. Not for distribution without permission of the translator. Original author unknown. Reference obtained from Karen Nelson.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979f). Najwazniejsza jest milosc. Walka Mlodych , 223 , 12 /rozmowa z prof. K. Dąbrowskim, rozmawial S. Zawislinski.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979g, March). Nothing can be changed here. (E. Mazurkiewicz, Trans.), Peter Rolland (Ed.). (Privately Printed). A play.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979h). Osobowosc jej ksztalowanie poprzez dezyntagracje pozytywna. [Personality and its development through positive disintegration.] PTHP, Warsaw.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979i). Osobowosc, zdrowie psychiczne, tworczosc, psychoterapia. Proba syntezy. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 3 (4), 23-28.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979j). Problem stosunku do mlodziezy z objawami markomanii. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 2 , 7-11.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979k). Psychoterapia przez rozwoj. [Psychotherapy through development.] Warszawa: Polskie Towarzstwo Higieny Psychicznej JD
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979l). Wprowadzenie do higieny psychicznej. Warsaw: Wyday-a Szkolne i Pedagogiczne.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979m). Zdrowie psychiczne. /red./ /wspolautorzy: J. Aleksandrowicz, G. L. Borofsky, J. Chalasinski, M. Grzywak-Kaczynska, R. Miller, M. M. Piechowski, A. Roykiewicz, B. Suchodolski, H. Szwarc, M. Szyszkowska, K. Zielinski. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydaw Naukowe.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Autoterapia przez rozwój. ITD. 1979 nr 34, s. 31.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Ból istnienia. ITD. 1979 nr 38, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Czy cierpienie jest twórcze? ITD. 1979 nr 28, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Dramaty i nadzieje związane z zaburzeniami psychicznymi. ITD. 1979 nr 11, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Droga przez mękę. ITD. 1979 nr 10, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Dwie i więcej osobowości. ITD. 1979 nr 7, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Jak hartować wrażliwość dziecka. ITD. 1979 nr 20, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Jak ochronić ludzi wartościowych dla kultury społecznej. ITD. 1979 nr 36, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Jestem sam. ITD. 1979 nr 32, s. 31.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Jeszcze o pozytywnych wartościach psychonerwicy. ITD. 1979 nr 13, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). List prywatny w sprawie ogólnej. ITD. 1979 nr 16, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Nikt mnie nie potrzebuje. ITD. 1979 nr 37, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). O filozofii życia codziennego. ITD. 1979 nr 2, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). O Kafkowskiej „ścianie” nie do przebicia. ITD. 1979 nr 4, s. 14.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). O macierzyństwie. ITD. 1979 nr 25, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). O miejscu, roli i odpowiedzialności poszczególnych członków rodziny pozytywnej. ITD. 1979 nr 19, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). O negatywnej działalności niektórych mikroorganizmów społecznych. ITD. 1979 nr 24, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). O odpowiedzialności. ITD. 1979 nr 39, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). O pozytywnych skutkach nadwrażliwości. ITD. 1979 nr 27, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). O problemach twórczego rozwoju. ITD. 1979 nr 35, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). O skromności, czyli cechy prawdziwe i pozorne. ITD. 1979 nr 22, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). O wyborze przyjaciół. ITD. [nd] nr 18, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Oczekuję pomocy. ITD. 1979 nr 29, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Odpowiedź na list. ITD. 1979 nr 15, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Pasja nocy i norma dnia. ITD. 1979 nr 8, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Poczucie pustki wewnętrznej. ITD. 1979 nr 26, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Problem samobójstwa. ITD. 1979 nr 23, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Przekroczenie cyklu biologicznego. ITD. 1979 nr 1, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Samorozwój i samokształcenie. ITD. 1979 nr 21, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Ściąganie na ziemię. ITD. 1979 nr 6, s. 20 - 21.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Siła przebicia. ITD. 1979 nr 31, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Wartości i sądy. ITD. 1979 nr 3, s. 26 - 27
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Wieloznaczność postaw i terminów. ITD. 1979 nr 14, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Wybór partnera do małżeństwa. ITD. 1979 nr 12, s. 30.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Zdrowie psychiczne ludzi twórczych. ITD. 1979 nr 5, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1979). Życie pacjentki a możliwości rozwojowe. ITD. 1979 nr 17, s. 27.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980a). Charakter narodowy polski i jego perspektywy rozwojowa w swietle teorii dezintegracji pozytywnej. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 2 .
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980b). Funkcje i struktura emocjonalna osobowosci. [Structure and emotional functions of personality.] ZG SZSP and WCSRN, Warsaw.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980c). Ludzkie i antyludzkie aspekty filozofii i psychologii Wschodu. Problemy Studenckiego Ruchu Naukowego, 5, 56-82.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980d). Mysli o filozofii Wschodu. Problemy Studenckiego Ruchu Naukowego, 5. CW
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980e). Odezwa do psychoneurotykow [poetry]. Student , 25 , 4.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980f). Osobowosc Marii Grzywak-Kaczynskiej. Zagadnienia Wychowawcze a Zdrowie Psychiczne , 6 , 7-10.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980g). Psychonerwics a tworczoxc literacka. Zdrowie Psychiczne , l , 7-15.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980h). Struktura i funkcje emocjonalne osobowosci. Warsaw: PTHP.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980i). Wiersze: Wizja schizofreniczna, Tylko w chorobie, Wizja katatoniczna, Burza sie podniesc, Halucynacje, Odezwa do psychoneurotykow [poetry]. ITD , 2 , 18-19.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980j). Zdrowie psychiczne a problem smierci. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 4 7-18.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980k). Zdrowie psychiczne a zasady przyjemnosci, rzeczywistosci i rozwoju. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 3 .
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1980l). Z rozważań o wartosci. Problemy Studenckiego Ruchu Naukowego, 1.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1981a) Sens zycia jako rozwiązanie problemow ludzkiej egzystencji. Studia Filozoficzne, 4, 99-108.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1981b). Smierc jako problem czlowieka. Zdrowie Psychiczne , 1 7-10. CW
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with Kobierzycki, T., Ostrowska, H., & Raczka.). (1981c). Stan i potrzeby w zakresie zdrowia i higieny psychicznej w Polsce. Zycie Psychiczne, 2-3. CW
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1981d). Tezy o charakterze Polakow i metodach jego przekształcenia. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 2. CW
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1981e). Zdrowie psychizne (2nd ed.). Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1982). Pasja rozwoju. [ Passion of growth .] Warszawa: Polskiie Towarzystwo Higieny Psychicznej. JD
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1983). Dezintegracja, psychonerwice i uzdolnienia tworcze. Zdrowie Psychiczne, 2.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1984). Funkcje i struktura emocjonalna osobowosci. Lublin: Polskie Towarzystwo Higieny Psychicznej. CW
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1985a). Asceza zycia zakonnego na podstawie osobowosci i tworczosci o. Bernarda Kryszkiewicza, pasjonaty. Stadium ascetyczno-psychologiczne. W: W. Slomka (red.) Lublin: Asceza-odczlowieczenie czy uczlowieczenie. TN KUL. CW
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1985b). Zdrowie psychizne (3rd Ed.). Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1986). Trud istnienia . Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna. (Kazimierz Dąbrowski The difficulties of existence Warsaw: Common Knowledge, 1986. Rewritten by Br. Kwiatkowski) JR
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1988). Pasja rozwoju. [ Passion of growth .] Warszawa: Almapress. Studencka Oficyna Wydawnicza Zsp.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1989a). Elementy filozofii rozwoju Kopia na użytek akademicki. [Elements of the philosophy of the development of copy for the use of academic] Warszawa: Polskie Towarzystwo Higieny Psychicznej JR
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1989b). W poszukiwaniu zdrowia psychicznego. [ In search of mental health. ] Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. JD
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1991). Moralnosc w polityce: Wielopoziomowosc funkcji uczuciowych i popedowych w zyciu spolecznym i politycznym oraz instytucjach. Warszawa: Bis JR
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1996a). Multilevelness of emotional and instinctive functions. Part 1: Theory and description of levels of behavior. Lublin, Poland: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. A republication of the titles and text of the 1974 manuscript that was the basis of Part 1 of the 1977 Dabor book. Published in English with a new preface by Czeslaw Cekiera. 446 pages. ISBN # 83-86668-51-2. Published in one soft cover binding with Part 2 -see Dąbrowski, K. & Piechowski, M. M. (with the assistance of Marlene [Rankel] and Dexter R. Amend). (1996).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (1996b). W poszukiwaniu zdrowia psychicznego. [In search of mental health.] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN JD
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (2010a). Increased sensual and motor excitability in children. (F. Maj, Trans.). HEKSIS, 4 54-60. (Original work published 1959). The text is an excerpt from Kazimierz Dąbrowski's book “Socio-educational Child Psychiatry, PZWS, Warszawa 1959, p. 110-114, p. 95-101. HEKSIS
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (2010b). Remarks on Wilhelm Stekel's active psychoanalysis. (P. Samborowski, & J. Lucas, Trans.). HEKSIS, 1 Retrieved July, 27, 2010, from (Original work published 1958). Note: [The text is a translation of selected fragments from Kazimierz Dąbrowski's book, Nervousness of Children and Youth ("Nerwowosc u dzieci i mlodziezy") Warsaw 1958, pp. 253-259.] [In 1932 Dąbrowski received a two year research scholarship from the National Culture Fund to study in Vienna and Paris. In Vienna he studied at the Institute of Active Psychoanalysis under fellow Pole, Wilhelm Stekel (1868 - 1940) and on September, 13, 1934, was given a diploma by Stekel authorizing him to conduct psychoanalysis practice.] Retrieved from HEKSIS
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (2010c). Theme IX - Janusz Korczak (F. Maj Trans.). HEKSIS, 1 Retrieved July, 27, 2010, from Note: The published text is an excerpt from Kazimierz Dąbrowski's (1902-1980) "Multi-theme Mystery of Development," which consists of the following "motives:" 1) Socrates and others, 2) Kryshna and Arjuna, 3) Abraham and God, 4) Ramanudża and others, 5) Ajax not deceived by Pallas Athena, 6), Thomas Aquinas and John of the Cross, 7) Sören Kierkegaard not deceaved by "Sickness," 8), Franz Kafka, 9), Janusz Korczak, 10) Initiation into the development potential, 11) The period of creative maturation, Epilogue. (The text in this form was agreed with the author in the spring of 1980 by Tadeusz Kobierzycki in Alexandrow near Warsaw). The text is published for the first time in this version in Heksis No.1 2010, Warsaw. Retrieved from HEKSIS
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (2012). "Моральность в политике". [Morality in Politics] ΣΟΦΙΑ. Pismo Filozofów Krajów Słowiańskich 12:257-272. [Translation from Polish into Russian Наталия И. Чаплий]
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (2015). Personality-Shaping Through Positive Disintegration. Red Pill Press. (Original work published 1967)
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (with Tillier, W.). (2016). Positive Disintegration. Bassett. (Original work published 1964)
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (2019). Types of increased psychic excitability. (M. Piechowski, Trans.). Advanced Development, 17, 1-26. (Original work published 1938)
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Attempts to overcome schizoneurosis by big beat music and song. Unpublished manuscript. 6 pages. EDI: #48.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). The attitude toward and the experiencing of death on different developmental levels. Unpublished manuscript. 10 pages. EDI: #38.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Biography: Soren Kierkegaard. Unpublished manuscript. 15 pages. EDI: #47.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Chapter II. Principles and aims of developmental psychotherapy Unpublished manuscript. 16 pages. EDI: #28.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.) Cultural development and the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished manuscript. 7 pages. EDI: #44.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). The developmental and educational meaning of the inner psychic milieu. Unpublished manuscript. 7 pages. EDI: #49.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K., in collaboration with M. Rankel [M. King]. (n.d.). Developmental psychotherapy: Psychotherapy based on the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Departments of Psychology and Educational Psychology, Edmonton, AB. 323 pages. EDI: #35.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Higher emotions and the objectivity of value judgments. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, Edmonton, AB. 43 pages. EDI: #9.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). The implications of the Theory of Positive Disintegration for pastoral practice. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, Edmonton, AB. 9 pages. EDI: #10.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). The institute for the authentic development of man. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Department of Psychology, Edmonton, AB. 32 pages. EDI: #55 F).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). The institute for the authentic development of man. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Department of Psychology, Edmonton, AB. 24 pages, Mimeograph, marked "First Draft". EDI: #55 G).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Inner psychic milieu I. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Department of Psychology, Edmonton, AB. 24 pages. Contains a draft of Figure 1 that appeared as 1970, page 66. EDI: #12 A).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Inner psychic milieu II. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Department of Psychology, Edmonton, AB. 15 pages. EDI: #12 B).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Interneurotic and intraneurotic differences in levels of functions. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. 3 pages. . EDI: #14 B).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Interneurotic and intraneurotic differences in levels of functions. Unpublished manuscript. 15 pages. EDI: #14 C).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Marriage counselling, sex education and family assistance. Abstract Unpublished manuscript. 1 page. Mimeograph. EDI: #36 B).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Mental health. Unpublished manuscript. 9 pages. EDI: #16.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Mental health and the meeting of cultures. Unpublished manuscript. 7 pages. EDI: #17.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Miguel De Unamuno. Unpublished manuscript, Université Laval. 9 pages. Marked Paulette. EDI: #1.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Multidimensional descriptive - Interpretative diagnosis in psychiatry as a basis for prognosis and treatment. Unpublished manuscript. 40 pages. Paper supported by a grant from the Division of Mental Health, Government of Alberta. EDI: #19.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Normality, mental health and mental illness. Unpublished manuscript. 4 pages. EDI: #22.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). On authentic education. Unpublished manuscript. 103 pages. With a separate 4 page preface entitled Authentic Education. EDI: #39.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Outline of the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished manuscript. 15 pages. Typed and Mimeographs. Duplicate of Appendix 4 in EDI: 65. also EDI: #23 A).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Outline of the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished manuscript. 22 pages. Marked Yzhar Eylon Winnipeg Conference. EDI: #23 B).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Outline of the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished manuscript. 21 pages. Mimeograph. EDI: #23 C).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Partial projects. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Department of Psychology, Edmonton, AB. 14 pages. Research Proposals. EDI: #24.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Positive frustration. Unpublished manuscript. 4 pages. EDI: #26.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Program of research for next three years. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. 3 pages. EDI: #58 A).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). The psychic inner milieu and its main dynamisms. Unpublished manuscript. 4 pages.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Psychoneurosis and the development of personality in a contemporary context. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.15 pages. EDI: #33.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Psychoneurosis is not an illness. Unpublished manuscript. 12 pages. EDI: #34.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Psychopathy and psychoneurosis. Unpublished manuscript. 12 pages. EDI: #42A).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). Selected problems of marriage counselling and sex education in modern life. Unpublished manuscript. 3 pages. Mimeograph. EDI: #36 A).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). The tragedy of human sexuality. Unpublished manuscript. 4 pages. EDI: #45.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. (n.d.). What psychotherapy ought to be. Unpublished manuscript. 12 pages. EDI: #41.
⚂ [Dąbrowski] - denotes works attributed to Dąbrowski but not having his name on them.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Activation of the ideal. 3 pages. EDI: #57 H).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). A. L.s level of development. Unpublished manuscript. 9 pages. Case Study. EDI: #50 B).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). An attempt at interpreting the case of Peter in R. D. Laing The Divided Self from the standpoint of the Theory of Positive Disintegration and developmental therapy. Unpublished manuscript. 6 pages. EDI: #2.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Authentism. Unpublished manuscript. 4 pages. Mimeograph. EDI: #46 A).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Authentism. Unpublished manuscript. 5 pages. Compare to corresponding chapter in 1973 book. EDI: #46 B).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Autonomy. 2 pages. EDI: #56 S).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Biography: Ludwig Beethoven. Unpublished manuscript. 11 pages. EDI: #43 C).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Camus's mother. Unpublished manuscript. 2 pages. A one-page poem and a second page, numbered 16 that contains a table in English and text in Polish. EDI: #51.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Confessions of faith in thoughts and aphorisms. Department of Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Unpublished book manuscript. 131 pages.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Creative depression. 4 pages. EDI: #56 W).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Creative psychopathology. 4 pages. EDI: #56 U).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). A cursory glance at the similarities and differences between the work of Drs. Silverman, Laing and Perry and the Theory of Positive Disintegration. EDI: #3. Paper presented by Dąbrowski at a meeting titled "The Value of Psychotic Experience", Esalen, Big Sur, California, during the summer of 1968. 6 pages. This is a paper discussing the work of Drs. Julian Silverman, R. D. Laing and John Perry (a Jungian analyst from California). R. D. Laing was to attend but did not. See Anderson, (1983, p. 216), for a reference to this meeting. Anderson, W. (1983). The Upstart Spring. Reading MA: Addison Wesley Pub. Co.. The Esalen web page is Here is an account from their old page: [a] series of workshops and seminars entitled The Value of Psychotic Experience, designed to integrate and extend the theories of John Perry, R. D. Laing, Fritz Perls, and Kazimierz Dąbrowski.
Julian Silverman, a beloved Esalen teacher and former Esalen general manager, passed away in April 2001. Julian Silverman was one of Esalen's brightest and most prolific spirits. In 1965 he came to us as a rising star at the National Institutes of Mental Health, having authored (at 32) more than fifty papers on subjects ranging from perceptual style to altered states to schizophrenia and shamanism. In the first years of his involvement with Esalen, he and Richard Price conceived a landmark study of new approaches to the treatment of schizophrenia, which began in 1968 at the Agnews State Hospital in California. Julian was chief on-site researcher for the project, where he also conducted a study of Rolfing that stands today as one of the finest pieces of research ever conducted on a somatic discipline. Julian was one of the most visionary and wide-ranging research psychologists of the twentieth century.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Dementia praecox (Schizophrenia), 5 pages. EDI: #56 B).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). The disposing and directing centre. 3 pages. EDI: #57 I).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). The Effects of action of developmental factors in forms of levels of disintegration. Unpublished manuscript. 7 pages. EDI: #29.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Emotion. 6 pages. EDI: #56 N).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Empirico-evaluative compounds. 7 pages. EDI: #57 A).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). The existentio-essentialist conjunct. 3 pages. EDI: #57 D).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Homosexuality. 5 pages. EDI: #56 P).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Humanistic psychology. 5 pages. EDI: #56 T).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Hypochondria. (Two pages numbered 28 and 29). EDI: #56 Q).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Identification. 3 pages. EDI: #56 O).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Immunization through psychoneurosis. 5 pages. EDI: #56 X).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Inhibition. 6 pages. EDI: #56 C).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Instinct. 6 pages. EDI: #56 H).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Instincts. Unpublished manuscript. 15 pages. Mimeograph. Contains Figure 1 -- also appears as 1996, page 31. EDI: #37.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Intuition. 5 pages. EDI: #56 R).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Kinds and levels of psychic defenses of human beings from the perspective of the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished manuscript. 10 pages. With revisions in handwriting - revisions incorporated into word file. EDI: #6.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Multidimensional, multilevel, synthetic diagnosis. Unpublished manuscript. 8 pages. EDI: #18.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Negative adjustment and positive maladjustment. Unpublished manuscript. 3 pages. Compare to corresponding chapter in 1973 book. EDI: #21.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Nervousness. 4 pages. EDI: #56 G).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Neuroses and/or psychoneuroses. 6 pages. EDI: #56 F).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Objectivization of emotional functions. 3 pages. EDI: #57 G).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Outline of the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished manuscript. 36 pages. EDI: #23 D).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). The paranoid and paranoid like process and structure. 5 pages. EDI: #56 V).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Personality. (Principle characteristics of personality according to the Theory of Positive Disintegration). 3 pages. First page on Dąbrowski letterhead, University of Alberta. EDI: #56 A).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Positive and accelerated development through disintegration and secondary integration. Unpublished manuscript. 39 pages. EDI: #7.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Positive immaturity. 3 pages. EDI: #56 E).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Positive psychic tension. 4 pages. EDI: #57 F).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Positive regression. Unpublished manuscript. 3 pages. Compare to corresponding chapter in 1973 book. EDI: #27.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Psychic conflict. 5 pages. EDI: #56 D).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Psychological tensions and its levels in the perspective of the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished manuscript. 8 pages. EDI: #4.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Psychoneurosis. Unpublished manuscript. 5 pages. Compare to corresponding chapter in 1973 book. EDI: #32.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Psychonevrose et Creativite (Gerard De Nerval, Soren Kierkegaard, Jan Wadysaw Dawid, Miguel De Unamuno, Michel Ange, Marcel Proust, Ludwik (sic) Wittgenstein) Unpublished manuscript. 30 pages, typed but poor copy. French. EDI: #43 A).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Psychopathy. Unpublished manuscript. 4 pages. EDI: #42 C).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Psychopathy and psychoneurosis. Unpublished manuscript. 3 pages. Compare to corresponding chapter in 1973 book. EDI: #42 B).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Psychosis. 4 pages. EDI: #56 I).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Responsibility. 5 pages. EDI: #57 K).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Subjectivism and objectivism, developmental phenomena. Unpublished manuscript. 11 pages. EDI: #5.
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Subjectivity and objectivity in mental development and Education. 4 pages. EDI: #57 E).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Spontaneous multilevel disintegration (#3). Unpublished manuscript. 8 pages. Marked "War Shock" on folder. EDI: #50 A).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Syntony and empathy. 2 pages. EDI: #57 L).
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Transcendence of the biological life cycle. 6 pages. EDI: #57 C)
⚂ [Dąbrowski, K.] (n.d.). Transcendence of the psychological type. 5 pages. EDI: #57 B).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K , (with D. Amend). (n.d.). Thoughts on positive disintegration. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Department of Psychology, Edmonton, AB. 134 pages. EDI: #59.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K , & Golanska, B. (Eds.), (1969). Annotated bibliography of Polish educational materials (August 1 to October 30, 1968). Washington, DC: Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, & Welfare (DHEW). Report Number: TT-69-50-000-1, ERIC Accession Number: ED030861
⚂ Dąbrowski, K , & Joshi, P. (1972). Different contemporary conceptions of mental health. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 4 (2), 97-106. EDI: #52.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K , Kawczak, A., & Piechowski, M. (n.d.). Mental growth through positive disintegration. 268 pages. This is a pre-publication manuscript of the book. LK
⚂ Dąbrowski, K., & Kawczak, A. (n.d.). The conceptual framework of the Theory Of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished manuscript. 17 pages. A glossary of terms for the T.P.D.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K., Kawczak, A., & Piechowski, M. (n.d.). Addendum to mental growth through positive disintegration. Unpublished manuscript. 19 pages.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K. & Osiński, H. (1965). Psychoterapia dzieci i młodzieży a higiena psychiczna [Psychotherapy of children and adolescents and mental hygiene] W: Materiały Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Problemy Psychoterapii Dzieci i Młodzieży [Materials of the National Conference on Psychotherapy Problems for Children and Youth], Warszawa 13 V i 24 X 1964. Warszawa: Polskie Towarzystwo Higieny Psychicznej, 43-50.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K , & Piechowski, M. (1969a). Les emotions superierieures et l'objectivite d'evaluation. [Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 10 pages. French.] EDI: #11.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K , with Piechowski. M. (1969b). Les emotions superieuresetl'obsjectivite d'evalutation. Annales Medico-Psychologiques, Year 127, Vol. 2 (5), 589-613.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K , & Piechowski, M. (1970, August 26-30). A graphic representation of the developmental stages of the inner psychic milieu. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 7 pages. EDI: #62 J), Appendix B - 7.
⚂ Dąbrowski, K , & Piechowski, M. M. (1972). Multilevelness of instinctive and emotional functions: Volume 2 - Types and levels of development. Unpublished manuscript, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. (Light Blue cover, 440 pages, with the assistance of Marlene King and Dexter R. Amend. A preliminary manuscript to Volume II of the 1977 Dabor publications).
⚂ Dąbrowski, K , & Piechowski, M. M. (1977). Theory of levels of emotional development: Volume II - From primary integration to self-actualization. Oceanside, New York: Dabor Science Publications. (with the assistance of Marlene [Rankel] and Dexter R. Amend).
Dąbrowski would not acknowledge this book after its publication, for an explanation please see this
⚂ Dąbrowski, K , & Piechowski, M. M. (with Rankel, M., & Amend, D. R.). (1996). Multilevelness of emotional and instinctive functions. Part 2: Types and Levels of Development. Lublin, Poland: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. A republication of the titles and text of the 1972 manuscript that was the basis of Part 2 of the 1977 Dabor book. Published in English with a new preface by Czeslaw Cekiera. 446 pages. ISBN # 83-86668-51-2. Published in one softcover binding with Part 1, Dąbrowski, K. (1996b).
⚂ Dąbrowski definition response instrument. See Gage, Morse & Piechowski, (1981).
⚂ Dąbrowski Gazette (continued as "The Dąbrowski Star", then the Dąbrowski Newsletter)
⚂ Dąbrowski Newsletter First issue October, 1994.
⚂ Dąbrowski overexcitability questionnaire. See Lysy & Piechowski, (1983).
⚂ Dąbrowski Research Group. (1980-86). Development and improvement of coding systems for overexcitabilities. Unpublished manuscript, Institute for the Study of Advanced Development, Denver, CO. LS/86
⚂ Dąbrowski Research Group. (1981). Development of a system for rating intensities of overexcitabilities. Unpublished manuscript, Institute for the Study of Advanced Development, Denver, CO. LS/86
⚂ Dąbrowski Research Group. (1984). Oral interview techniques. Unpublished manuscript, Institute for the Study of Advanced Development, Denver, CO. LS/86
⚂ Dąbrowski Research Group. (1985a). Bibliography and holdings of research on Dąbrowski's theory of emotional development.
⚂ Dąbrowski Research Group. (1985b). Overexcitability questionnaire, Form II. Definition response instrument, Form II. Unpublished manuscript, University of Denver, Denver, CO. LS/86 (Institute for the Study of Advanced Development, Denver, CO.).
⚂ Dąbrowski Research Group. (1986). Self-rating questionnaire. Unpublished manuscript, University of Denver, Denver, CO. LS/86 (Institute for the Study of Advanced Development, Denver, CO.).
⚂ Dąbrowski, J. (1993). Ontologic joy. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta.
⚂ Dai, D. Y. (2018). A history of giftedness: Paradigms and paradoxes. In Pfeiffer, S. I. (Ed.). Handbook of Giftedness in Children (pp. 1-14). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
⚂ Dai, D. Y., Swanson, J. A., & Cheng, H. (2011). State of research on giftedness and gifted education: A survey of empirical studies published during 1998—2010. Gifted Child Quarterly 55 (2), 126-138, first published on February 10, 2011
⚂ Daniels, S. (1995). Images of creativity: The relationship of imagery, everyday cognition, and the creative potential of high school students with exceptional abilities in the arts and sciences. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
⚂ Daniels, S. (1997). Creativity in the classroom: Characteristics, climate, and curriculum. In N. Colangelo & G. Davis (Eds.). Handbook of gifted education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
⚂ Daniels, S. (1998). A kaleidoscope view: Reflections on the creative self. Roeper Review , 20 (3), 154-158.
⚂ Daniels, S. (2008). Living with intensity: Applications of TPD for parents, counselors, teachers and gifted adults. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Dąbrowski and Gifted Education: Beyond Overexcitabilities: Proceedings from the 8th International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (p. 229). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 7 - 9, 2008 Canmore, Alberta, Canada).
⚂ Daniels, S. (2009). Highly gifted, highly sensitive, and highly intense. Gifted Education Communicator 40 (4), 19-24.
⚂ Daniels, S., & Kane, M. (1998). Dąbrowski in the classroom. In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (p. 151). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Daniels, S., & Piechowski, M. M. (2009). Living with intensity: Understanding the sensitivity, excitability and emotional development of gifted children, adolescents and adults. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.
⚂ Daniels, S., & Piechowski, M. M. (2010). When intensity goes to school: Overexcitabilities, creativity, and the gifted child. In R. A. Beghetto, & J. C. Kaufman, (Eds.), Nurturing creativity in the classroom, (pp. 313-328). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. CW
⚂ Davenport, B. (2015). Finely tuned: How to thrive as a highly sensitive person or empath. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
⚂ David, H. (2018). To be a gifted adolescent. JIS, 2 (1), 8-23.
⚂ David, H., & Gyarmathy, E. (2023). “Do Not Turn the Light Off” for Gifted Children and Adolescents with Overexcitabilities. In H. David & E. Gyarmathy, Gifted Children and Adolescents Through the Lens of Neuropsychology (pp. 35-51). Springer International Publishing. Website.
⚂ Dawson, K. (1983). Friendship and the theory of positive disintegration. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
⚂ De Bondt, N., & Van Petegem, P. (2015). Psychometric evaluation of the Overexcitability Questionnaire-Two applying Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling (BSEM) and multiple-group BSEM-based alignment with approximate measurement invariance. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (December).
⚂ Danowicz. B. (1978) Dlaczego znieczulica? Rozmowa z prof. K. Dąbrowskim, [Why anesthesia? Interview with prof. K. Dąbrowski] Przekroj, #22/ 1978, p. 16.
⚂ David, H., & Gyarmathy, E. (2023a). “Do not turn the light off” for gifted children and adolescents with overexcitabilities. In H. David & E. Gyarmathy, Gifted children and adolescents through the lens of neuropsychology (pp. 35-51). Springer International Publishing. PDF
⚂ David, H., & Gyarmathy, E. (2023b). Gifted children and adolescents through the lens of neuropsychology. Springer International Publishing.
⚂ De Bondt, N., De Maeyer, S., Donche, V., & Van Petegem, P. (2021). A rationale for including overexcitability in talent research beyond the FFM-personality dimensions. High Ability Studies, 32 (1), 1-26.
⚂ De Bondt, N., & Van Petegem, P. (2017). Emphasis on emotions in student learning: Analyzing relationships between overexcitabilities and the learning approach using Bayesian MIMIC modeling. High Ability Studies, 8139 (April), 1-24. Link.
⚂ De Bondt, N., Donche, V., & Van Petegem, P. (2020). Are contextual rather than personal factors at the basis of an anti-school culture? A Bayesian analysis of differences in intelligence, overexcitability, and learning patterns between (former) lower and higher-track students. Social Psychology of Education, 0123456789.
⚂ De Coster W. (1980). Adoleszenzkrisen und soziale integration im fruhen erwachsenenalter - From Praxis Der Kinderpsychologie Und Kinderpsychiarie. Vol. 29, No. 8 pp. 278-285.
⚂ De Grace, G. (1973a). Beyond psychoneurosis and above determinism. Psychology, 10 (4), 31-36.
⚂ De Grace, G. (1973b). Values differences according to actualization level. (French), Revue de Psychologie Appliqee 23, 209.
⚂ De Grace, G. (1974a). Disequilibrium as an essential component of psychological health. Psychologia, 17, 65-70.
⚂ De Grace, G. (1974b). The compatibility of anxiety and actualization. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 30 (4), 566-568.
⚂ De Grace, G. (1981). Life crises and personality development: Implications for therapy. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of positive disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference (pp. 43-67). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Deligeorges, D., Kane, M., & Katsaounou, P. (2022). Studying stimuli and smoking behaviors among self-identified gifted smokers and strategies for customizing cessation support. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 20 (March), 1-14.
⚂ De Vries, C., & Johnson, D. (2006). Spiritual development: Spiritual crisis as positive maladjustment. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Positive Maladjustment: Theoretical, Educational and Therapeutic Perspectives. Proceedings from the Seventh International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 44-67). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 3-5, 2006 Calgary, Alberta).
⚂ De Wit, H. F. (1986). On contemplative psychology. In J. A. van Berlzen and J. M. van der Lans, (Eds.), Current issues in the psychology of religion (pp. 82-89). Amsterdam, Holland: Rodopi. From the third international conference for European psychologists of religion, held 1985, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
⚂ Definition Response Instrument (DRI). See Gage, Morse, & Piechowski, (1981).
⚂ Degen, L. (1983). Adult development in marriage. Unpublished abstract of paper, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
⚂ DeLallo, J. B., (2017). Fandoms in the lives of gifted individuals with imaginational overexcitabilities. TLS Doctoral Research Projects. 3.
⚂ Delisle, J. R. (1986). Death with honors: Suicide among gifted adolescents. Journal of Counseling and Development, 64, 558-560.
⚂ Delisle, J. R. (1992). Guiding the social and emotional development of gifted youth: A practical guide for educators and counselors. New York: Longman.
⚂ Delisle, J. R. (2014). Off the charts: Asynchrony and the gifted child. [Review of the book Off the Charts: Asynchrony and the Gifted Child by C. Neville, M. M. Piechowski, & S. S Tolan] Advanced Development, 14, 119-120.
⚂ Denissen, J. J. A. (2014). A roadmap for further progress in research on personality development. European Journal of Personality, 28 , 213-215.
⚂ Dietrich, A. (2004). The cognitive neuroscience of creativity. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 1011-1026.
⚂ Dietrich, A. (2007). Who is afraid of a cognitive neuroscience of creativity? Methods, 41, 518-524.
⚂ Dietrich, A., & Kanso, R. (2010). A review of EEG, ERP and neuroimaging studies of creativity and insight. Psychological Bulletin, 136, 822-848.
⚂ Dijkstra, P., Barelds, D. P. H., Ronner, S., & Nauta, A. P. (2012). Personality and well-being: Do the intellectually gifted differ from the general population? Advanced Development, 13, 103-118.
⚂ Dinges, N., & Duffy, L. (1979). Culture and competence. In A. J., Marsella, R. Tharp, & T. T. Ciborowski (Eds.), Perspectives on cross-cultural psychology (pp. 209-232). New York: Academic Press. Conference proceedings on cross-cultural psychology, University of Hawaii, 1978.
⚂ Dodd, A. (2002). Applying Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration within the classroom. AGATE: Journal of the Gifted and Talented Education Council of The Alberta Teachers' Association, 15 (2),33-46.
⚂ Dodez, O., Zelhart, P., & Markley, R. (1982). Compatibility of self actualization and anxiety. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 38 (4), 696-702.
⚂ Dombrowski, C. (1929). Les conditions psycholopique du suicide. Geneva.
⚂ Domroese, C. (1993, August). Investigating an alternate method for identifying gifted students. Research Project, Unpublished manuscript.
⚂ Doramus, H. (2008). Introduction of the concept of multilevel actualization. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Dąbrowski and Gifted Education: Beyond Overexcitabilities: Proceedings from the 8th International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 185-205). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 7 - 9, 2008 Canmore, Alberta, Canada).
⚂ Duda, J. (2004). Divorce and the disintegrative process. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Developmental Potential - From Theory to Practice: Educational and Therapeutic perspectives (pp. 217-226). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Duda, J. (2008). Tragic gifts interpreted. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Dąbrowski and Gifted Education: Beyond Overexcitabilities: Proceedings from the 8th International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 125-151). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 7 - 9, 2008 Canmore, Alberta, Canada).
⚂ Duda, N. (Ed.). (1981). Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference. Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Duda, N. (2002). Open forum: the Institute, TPD and the future. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 363-368). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Duda, N. (Ed.). (2002). Positive disintegration: The theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. (Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.).
⚂ Duda, N. (2004). How inter and intra-neurotic levels of psychoneurosis and psychosis reflect developmental levels and developmental potential. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Developmental Potential - From Theory to Practice: Educational and Therapeutic perspectives (pp. 93-99). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Duda, N. (2008). Tragic gifts interpreted. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Dąbrowski and Gifted Education: Beyond Overexcitabilities: Proceedings from the 8th International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 125-151). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 7 - 9, 2008 Canmore, Alberta, Canada).
⚂ Duda, N., & Duda, J. (2006). Positive maladjustment in clinical practice and positive maladjustment created by the clash of personal values and work environment. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Positive Maladjustment: Theoretical, Educational and Therapeutic Perspectives. Proceedings from the Seventh International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 140-140). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 3-5, 2006 Calgary, Alberta).
⚂ Dumont, J. (1981). In search of Kazimierz Dąbrowski. (Part 1) Alberta Psychology, 10 (4), 5.
⚂ Dumont, J. (1981). In search of Kazimierz Dąbrowski. (Part 2) Alberta Psychology, 10 (5), 8.
⚂ Dumont, J. (1982). In Search of Kazimierz Dąbrowski. (Part 3) Alberta Psychology, 11 (1), 7.
⚂ Dutton-Douglas, M. A., & Walker, L. E. A. (Eds). (1988). Feminist psychotherapies: Integration of therapeutic and feminist systems . Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
⚂ Dziekanowski, C. (2010). Self-actualization and the theory of positive disintegration. (B. Jablonski, Trans.) Heksis, 1 , Unpaginated. Retrieved from HEKSIS
⚂ Dziekanowski, C. (2015, Nov 24). Self-realization and the Theory of Positive Disintegration. [chrome Trans] Retrieved from
⚂ Dziekanowski, C. (2015, Nov 24). Samorealizacja a teoria dezintegracji pozytywnej. Retrieved from
⚂ Eastham, K., Coates, D., & Allodi, F. (1970). The concept of crisis. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 15 (5), 463-472.
⚂ Edmunds, A. L., & Edmunds G. A. (2005). Social and emotional development: Sensitivity: A double-edged sword for the pre-adolescent and adolescent gifted child. Roeper Review, 27 (2), 69-77.
⚂ Egan, E. (1970, August 26-30). Interiorization and the crisis of identity: An ethical and cultural approach. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 9 pages. EDI: #62 J), Appendix B - 9.
⚂ Eiserman, J., Lai, H., & Rushton, C. (2017). Drawing out understanding. Gifted Education International, 33 (3), 197-209. Contains the following interesting but unsupported claim: TPD is best known in the field of gifted education because the gifted exhibit above-average capacities to achieve, and operate at, higher levels of personality disintegration, and reintegration (p. 198).
⚂ Ellis, B. J., Boyce, W. T., Belsky, J., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., & van Ijzendoorn, M. H. (2011). Differential susceptibility to the environment: An evolutionary-neurodevelopmental theory. Development and Psychopathology, 23 (1), 7-28.
⚂ Ely, E. I. (1995). The overexcitability questionnaire: An alternative method for identifying creative giftedness in seventh grade junior high school students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Kent State University, OH.
⚂ Emmerglick, L. J. (1981). Positive disintegration in health care ministering to the human spirit. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of positive disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference (pp. 69-73). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Ericsson, K. A., Roring, R. W., Nandagopal, K. (2007). Giftedness and evidence for reproducibly superior performance: An account based on the expert-performance framework. High Ability Studies, 18 (1), 3-56.
⚂ Falk, R. F. (1981a). (Developmental potential of freshmen sociology majors: Results of paired comparison test and OEQ and DRI ratings). Unpublished raw data. LS/86 (Institute for the Study of Advanced Development, Denver, CO.).
⚂ Falk, R. F. (1981b). Paired comparison test. Unpublished manuscript, University of Denver, Denver, CO. LS/86 (Institute for the Study of Advanced Development, Denver, CO.).
⚂ Falk, R. F. (1982a, April). The social self and emotional development: A preliminary draft of some preliminary thoughts. Paper presented at the Western Social Sciences Association Annual Convention, Denver, Co. 11 pages. Refers to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Falk, R. F. (1982b, October). Temperament, emotional development and Dąbrowski's theory. Paper presented at the National Association for Gifted Children Conference, New Orleans, La. 12 pages.
⚂ Falk, R. F. (1982c, October). Temperament, emotional development and Dąbrowski's theory. Paper presented at the Western Social Science Association Annual Convention, Albuquerque, NM. KN It is not clear if he gave two papers, or if this is an incorrect reference to Falk, (1982b).
⚂ Falk, R. F. (1983, April). A review and critique of recent sociology of emotions literature. Paper presented at the Western Social Science Association Silver Anniversary Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. KN
⚂ Falk, R. F. (1984, August). A critique of the symbolic interaction of emotions. Revision of a paper given at the American Sociological Association Meetings, San Antonio, Texas. 33 pages. Refers to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Falk, R. F. (2017). Personality, intellectual ability, and the self-concept of gifted children: An application of PLS-SEM. In H. Latan, R. Noonan (Eds.), Partial least squares path modeling (pp. 299-310). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
⚂ Falk, R. F. (n.d.). Development and Dąbrowski's theory. Unpublished manuscript. Annotated pp.1-12
⚂ Falk, R. F., & Lind, S., (1999). The Overexcitability Questionnaire OEQII: Development and Testing. pp. 101-107 in Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory: Texturizing and Contextualizing Dąbrowski's Theory , edited by C. M. Ackerman. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University.
⚂ Falk, R. F., Lind, S., Miller, N. B., Piechowski, M. M., & Silverman, L. K. (1999). The Overexcitability Questionnaire-Two (OEQII): Manual, Scoring System, and Questionnaire. (Available from the Institute for the Study of Advanced Development, 1452 Marion St., Denver, CO 80218).
⚂ Falk, R. F., Manzanero, J. B., & Miller, N. B. (1997). Developmental potential in Venezuelan and American artists: A cross-cultural validity study. Creativity Reasearch Journal, 10 (2 & 3), 201-206.
⚂ Falk, R. & Miller, N. B. (1998). The reflexive self: A sociological perspective. Roeper Review, 20 (3), 150-153.
⚂ Falk, R. F., Miller, N. B., Piechowski, M. M., & Silverman, L. K. (2016) Overexcitability Questionnaire-Two (OEQ-II): Manual, Scoring System, and Questionnaire. (2nd Ed.). Denver, CO: Institute for the Study of Advanced Development. CW
⚂ Falk, R. F., & Piechowski, M. M. (2014). Criteria for rating the intensity of overexcitabilities (2nd ed.). Denver, CO: Institute for the Study of Advanced Development. CW
⚂ Falk, R. F., Piechowski, M. M., & Lind, S. (1994, May). Criteria for rating the intensity of overexcitabilities. Unpublished manuscript. University of Akron. Running head "OEQ Manual".
⚂ Falk, R. F., & Piirto, J. (2000). Convergent validity: OEQ and OEQII comparisons. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 204-212). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Falk, R. F, Yakmaci-Guzel, B., Chang, A., Pardo, R., & Chavez-Eakle, R. A. (2008). Measuring overexcitability: Replication across five countries. In S. Mendaglio (Ed.). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (pp. 183-199). Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
⚂ Fassino, S., Piero, A., Gramaglia, C., Daga, G. A., Gandione, M. Rovera, G. & Bartocci, G. (2006). Clinical, psychological, and personality correlates of asceticism in anorexia nervosa: From Saint Anorexia to Pathologic Perfectionism. Transcultural Psychiatry, 43, 600-614.
⚂ Feeney, D. J., Jr. (1996). Purposeful self: Accessing sensory motifs as empowerment in flow states and clinical interventions. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 36 , 94-115.
⚂ Felder, R. F. (1982, October). Developmental potential of chemical engineering and gifted education graduate students. Paper presented at the National Association for Gifted Children conference, New Orleans, LA. LS/86
⚂ Felder, R. F. (1985). (OEQ/DRI responses of gifted education and chemical engineering graduate students). Unpublished raw data.
⚂ Fiedler, E. (1996). Entering greater understanding of one's self Dąbrowski's Theory as the doorway. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Perspectives on the self: The second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration. (pp. 220-232). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration May 22-25, 1996 Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Fiedler, E. D. (1998). Denial of anger / denial of self: Dealing with the dilemmas. Roeper Review, 20 (3), 158-161.
⚂ Fiedler, E. D. (1999). Gifted children: The promise of potential/the problems of potential. In V. Schwean & D. Saklofske (Eds.) (pp. 401-441), Handbook of Psychosocial Characteristics of Exceptional Children . New York: Kluwer/Plenum.
⚂ Fiedler, E. (2012). You don't outgrow it! Giftedness across the lifespan. Advanced Development, 13, 23-41.
⚂ Film Information:
⚅ Java shop interview. 20 minutes.
⚅ Be greeted psychoneurotics. 35 minutes.
⚃ University of Alberta Library, (Rutherford Branch) . Dąbrowski, K. Video cassettes 1- 6. 60 minutes each. BF 698 D115 1980.
⚂ Fingarette, H. (1988). Heavy drinking: The myth of alcoholism as a disease. Berkeley: University of California Press. See page 117; utilizes a model similar to Dąbrowski's Levels. Does not refer to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Finlay, L. (2002). Kazimierz Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration and its implication for gifted students. AGATE: Journal of the Gifted and Talented Education Council of The Alberta Teachers' Association, 15 (2), 23-28.
⚂ Fisher, E. (1994, June). The therapeutic application of Dąbrowski's Theory with gifted clients. Paper presented at the 1994 Dąbrowski Symposium, Keystone, CO.
⚂ Fisher, E. (1996). Chaos theory, a model for our children based upon Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Perspectives on the self: The second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration. (pp.126-135). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration May 22-25, 1996 Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Fisher, E. (2002). Rachel and ecstasy: The flowering of a woman over 50. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 249-282). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Fletcher, H. (2001, September 6). Touched by an angel; The Bright Stuff. Westword Magazine (Denver) , 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42. (cover story) This is the story of Justin Chapman, an apparent child prodigy that Linda Silverman tested at an IQ of 298. Dr. Silverman presented the child as an example of a "new species of human sent from heaven to reform the earth". Unfortunately, the child turned out to be a fraud, his mother coaching him on the tests. Also see Konigsberg, E. (2006).
Below are PDF links to the Denver magazine story and to the subsequent debunking in the New York Times which appeared March 2, 2002. Finally, an update on the case is provided from the Rocky Mountain News , June 5, 2008.
Here is a brief excerpt from the Denver magazine "Gifted children are otherworldly, Linda Silverman says. The challenge is helping them thrive here on earth." "Silverman and her staff have identified 631 children with IQs above the genius level of 160. More than a hundred have exceeded 180; thirty have topped 200. Within the next ten years, Silverman says, these children could change the world. And they won't wait for adults to do it. "These are not like kids I met twenty years ago. We call them The New Children. We've never seen anything like them. The impossible is becoming possible. In my heart of hearts, I believe we're witnessing the evolution of human consciousness."
NYT debunking.
Follow-up story.
Satire: Dandelion children.
⚂ Flint, L. J. (2001). Challenges of identifying and serving gifted children with ADHD. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33 (4), 62-9.
The challenges of identifying and serving gifted children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are discussed. Diagnosing gifted children with ADHD is not simple and may be complicated by the psychological overexcitabilities often present in creatively, academically, intellectually, or otherwise gifted people. In addition, the negative behavioral manifestations of ADHD may keep these children from performing well on group tests. Educators should place gifted children with ADHD in classrooms where expectations are high and teaching is holistic, relevant, challenging, and meaningful. Home-school communication is essential for the success of gifted children with ADHD, and teachers should be willing to teach to the strengths of these children while remediating their weaknesses.
⚂ Fodor, E. M. (1995). Subclinical manifestations of psychosis-proness, ego strength, and creativity. Person. Individ. Diff. 18 (5), 635-642.
⚂ Ford, D. Y., & Harris, J. J. (2000). A framework for infusing multicultural curriculum into gifted education. Roeper Review, 23, 4-10.
⚂ Fornia, G. L., & Frame, M. W. (2001). The social and emotional needs of gifted children: Implications for family counseling , The Family Journal, 9 (4), 384-390.
⚂ Forstadt, L. (2009). [Review of the book Living with intensity: Understanding the sensitivity, excitability, and the emotional development of gifted children, adolescents, and adults, by S. Daniels & M. M. Piechowski (Eds)]. Roeper Review, 31 (2), 130-131.
⚂ Forstadt, L., & Shaine, J. (2009). [Review of the book Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration by S. Mendaglio (Ed.)]. Roeper Review, 31 (2), 129-130.
⚂ Fox, E., & Beevers, C. G. (2016). Differential sensitivity to the environment: Contribution of cognitive biases and genes to psychological wellbeing. Molecular Psychiatry , (May), 1-6.
⚂ Frank, A. J., & Mcbee, M. T. (2003). The use of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to discuss identity development with gifted adolescents , Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 15 (1), 33-40.
⚂ Frank, J. (2006). Portrait of an inspirational teacher of the gifted. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta.
⚂ Frank, J. (2007). Portrait of an inspirational teacher of the gifted: a story to tell, a willingness to be heard. (Recent Dissertation Research in Gifted Studies). Roeper Review 29 (2), 141.
⚂ Frank, J. (2022). A Dąbrowskian perspective on an inspirational teacher of gifted learners. Advanced Development, 19, 100-134.
⚂ Frank, J., Curties, H., & Finlay, G. (Eds.). (2009). Imagining the way: Proceedings from the 19th Annual SAGE Conference. Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the 19th Annual SAGE Conference. November 7-8, 2008, University of Calgary, Calgary AB.).
⚂ Fraser, D. (2010). Creativity, mood disorders and the aesthetic. Gifted Education International, 27, 84-96.
⚂ Fries, J., Baudson, T. G., Kovacs, K., & Pietschnig, J. (2022). Bright, but allergic and neurotic? A critical investigation of the “overexcitable genius” hypothesis. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1051910.
⚂ Frumau-van Pinxten, W. L., Derksen, J. J. L., & Peters, W. A. M. (2020). The challenges of identity development for gifted individuals and the role of persona. Advanced Development, 18, 63-86.
⚂ Fuchs, C. E. (1998). Sensitivity, flexibility, and originality as components of the creative process. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol 58(11-A), May 1998, pp. 4184.
⚂ Fung, W. K., & Chung, K. K. H. (2021). Associations between overexcitabilities and playfulness of kindergarten children. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 40, 100834.
⚂ Fung, W. K., & Chung, K. K. H. (2022). Overexcitabilities and creative potential in the kindergarten context: The mediating role of children's playfulness. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 46, 101197.
⚂ Funk, J. R. (2008). [Review of the book "Mellow out", they say. If I only could. Intensities and sensitivities of the young and bright. by M. Piechowski]. Gifted Child Quarterly, 52 (1), 102-104.
⚂ Futyma, S., & Rudnicki, Z. (1970). On education in the perspective of tragedy. Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja, 15 (1), 17-32.
↩ Main. Top A-C D-F G-K L-O P-S T-Z
⚂ Gaesser, A. H. (2018). Befriending anxiety to reach potential: strategies to empower our gifted youth. Gifted Child Today, 41 (4), 186-195.
⚂ Gage, D. F., Morse P. A., & Piechowski, M. M. (1981). Measuring levels of emotional development. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 103 (1), 129-152. This article was the foundation for the development of the specific questions used in the Definition Response Instrument. I hold an undated 5 item version titled "Dąbrowski's Definition Response Instrument (DRI)" (which was used in research), and a second, undated version, entitled the Definition Response Instrument, consisting of 6 questions.
⚂ Gallagher, J. J. (1990). Editorial: The public and professional perception of the emotional status of gifted children. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 13 (3), 202-211. Mentions Dąbrowski (but gives no reference) under a section titled "supersensitivity" (p. 205).
⚂ Gallagher, S. A. (1983). A comparison of Dąbrowski's concept of overexcitabilities with measures of creativity and school achievement in sixth grade students. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Arizona.
⚂ Gallagher, S. A. (1986). A comparison of the concept of overexcitabilities with measures of creativity and school achievement in 6th grade students. Roeper Review, 8 , 115-119.
⚂ Gallagher, S. A. (2013). Building bridges: Research on gifted children's personalities from three perspectives. In C. S. Neville, M. M. Piechowski, & S. S. Tolan (Eds.), Off the Charts: Asynchrony and the Gifted Child (pp. 48-98). Unionville, New York: Royal Fireworks Press.
⚂ Gallagher, S. A. (2019). Epistemological Differences Between Gifted and Typically Developing Middle School Students. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 42 (2), 164-184.
⚂ Gallagher, S. (2021). Openness to experience and overexcitabilities in a sample of highly gifted middle school students. Gifted Education International, 026142942110532.
⚂ Garber, K. D. (1976). A psychological analysis of a Dostoyevsky character: Raskolnikov's struggle for survival. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, XIV (1), 14-21.
⚂ Gatto-Walden, P. (1998). Living in the theory: a facilitated discussion. In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (p. 80). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Gaudette, L. M. (1981). The Theory of Positive Disintegration in the light of developmental psychology. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of positive disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference (pp. 241-247). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Gawin, M. (2007). Polish psychiatrists and eugenic sterilization during the interwar period. International Journal of Mental Health, 36 (1), 67-78.
⚂ Gawronski, Bohdan (1989). Biographical note prepared for the book "In Search of Mental Health" Retrieved December 30, 2017, from:
⚂ Gedo, J. E. & Gedo, M. M. (1992). Perspectives on creativity: The biographical method. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex.
⚂ Gibson, L. C. (2015). Adult children of emotionally immature parents: How to heal from distant, rejecting, or self-involved parents. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
⚂ Gillioz, C., Nicolet-dit-Félix, M., & Fiori, M. (2023). Emotional intelligence and emotional hypersensitivity in gifted individuals. Journal of Intelligence, 11 (2), 20.
⚂ Givens, P. (1965). (Citation of Positive Disintegration ). Psychological Abstracts, 39, 687. Citation number 6298.
⚂ Gladys, J., & Duda, L. (2002). The theory of positive disintegration conference: Opinion survey summary. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 369-372). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Goerss, J., Amend, E. R., Webb, J. T., Webb, N. E., & Beljan, P. (2006). Comments on Mika's critique of Hartnett, Nelson, and Rinn's article, "gifted or ADHD? The possibilities of misdiagnosis. " Roeper Review 28 (4), 249-251.
⚂ Gorzkowska, I., & Samochowiec, J. (2012). Historia zaburzenia hiperkinetycznego (ADHD) na świecie i w Polsce przed ICD-10 i DSM IV-TR. [The history of hyperkinetic disorder (ADHD) in the world and in Poland before the ICD-10 and DSM IV-TR] Psychiatria, 9 (3), 91-99.
⚂ Gowan, J. C. (1975). Trance, art and creativity. Buffalo, New York: Creative Education Foundation. Printed privately.
⚂ Grant, B. (1982). A brief review of the literature on giftedness, creativity and mental imagery. Unpublished manuscript.
⚂ Grant, B. (1988). Four voices: Life history studies of moral development. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
⚂ Grant, B. (1990). Moral development: Theories and lives. Advanced Development, 2, 85-91.
⚂ Grant, B. (1992). Critical life history methodology in the study of the moral development of gifted adults. In N. Colangelo, S. G. Assouline, & D. L. Ambroson (Eds.), Talent development: Proceedings of the 1991 Jocelyn Wallace national research symposium on talent development (pp. 392-393). Unionville, New York: Trillium Press.
⚂ Grant, B. (1995). The place of achievement in the life of the spirit and the education of gifted students. Roeper Review, 18, 132-134
⚂ Grant, B. (2002). Looking through the glasses: J. D. Salinger's wise children and gifted education. Gifted Child Quarterly , 46 ; 6-14.
Quote: In the field of gifted education, suffering is counseled away and prevented, even, through professional intervention, and growth is channeled into the narrow parameters acceptable at school. Even proponents of the most radical and broadest view of human development in the field, Dąbrowski's theory of emotional development (Dąbrowski & Piechowski, 1977; Piechowski, 1991), which honors a certain sort of inner conflict and certain empathic perceptions of others' suffering as a necessary phase of growth, are, when they recommend programs and courses of action, as school-bound as everyone else (e.g., Silverman, 1993). The difference between the Glasses and the field of gifted education lies in the respect they pay to moral suffering, which reflects the stakes for which each is playing.
⚂ Grant, B. A., & Piechowski, M. M. (1999). Theories and the good: Toward child-centered gifted education. Gifted Child Quarterly, 43, 4-12.
⚂ Grant, P. (2016). Coming to grips with Asperger: A story of struggle, accommodation, and acceptance. Advanced Development, 15, 63-81.
⚂ Grant, B. (2021). Overexcitabilities and openness to experience are not the same: A critique of a study and reflections on theory, ethics, and truth. Roeper Review, 43 (2), 128-138. See Vuyk & Kerr, (2021)
⚂ Gratton, C. (1967). Summaries of selected works on neurosis and personal growth: Selected subject bibliography covering past ten years. Humanitas, III (2), 219-235.
⚂ Gratton, C. (1970). Summaries of selected works on self destruction and self creation. Humanitas, VI (1), 117-134.
⚂ Gray, C. B. (2000). Mental Illness, responsibility, and liability: Positive disintegration, individual psychology and the insanity defense. In S. A. Wawrytko (Ed.),. The problem of evil: An intercultural exploration. Value Book Series (pp. 127-136). Atlanta, Georgia: Rodopi Bv Editions. This chapter clarifies some of the ways moral practice and psychotherapy influence each other. Two psychotherapeutic practices are compared: Kazimierz Dąbrowski's "Positive Disintegration" and Alfred Alder's "Individual Psychology". The outcome supports the greater usefulness of one of these for assigning responsibility and liability. They have been selected because both manage to avoid folding crime and illness, immorality and irresponsibility into each other. Both place a premium upon the exercise of responsibility, without considering every such exercise morally or legally upright.
⚂ Greene, L. A. (1982). Dąbrowski's theory of emotional development and Loevinger's theory of ego development: A direct comparison. Unpublished master's thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.
⚂ Greenspan, T. S. (2000). " Healthy perfectionism" is an oxymoron! Reflections on the psychology of perfectionism and the sociology of science. The Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 11 , 197-208.
⚂ Greenspon, T. S. (1998). The gifted self: Its role in development and emotional health. Roeper Review, 20, 162-167.
⚂ Greenspon, T. S. (2000b). The self experience of the gifted person: Theory and definitions. Roeper Review, 22 (3), 176-81.
⚂ Grobman, J. (2006). Underachievement in exceptionally gifted adolescents and young adults: A psychiatrist's view. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 17 (4), 197-198.
⚂ Grof, C. & Grof, S. (1990). The stormy search for the self. New York: Tarcher/Perigee. This Tarcher edition was issued in 1992.
⚂ Gross, C. M., Rinn, A. N. & Jamieson, K. M. (2007). Gifted adolescents' overexcitabilities and self-concepts: An analysis of gender and grade level. (Patterns of Overexcitability). Roeper Review, 29 (4), 240-249.
⚂ Gross, M. U. M. (1989). The pursuit of excellence or the search for intimacy? The forced-choice dilemma of gifted youth. Roeper Review, 11, 189-194
⚂ Gruba-McCallister, F. (1992). Becoming self through suffering: The Irenean theodicy. Advanced Development, 4, 49-58.
⚂ Gust, K. L. (1996). Assessing the social and emotional needs of the gifted. Gifted Child Today Magazine , 19, 38-40. The Children's Self-Report and Projective Inventory (CSRPI) is a relatively new tool that can be used for evaluating the social and emotional needs of gifted children. The CSRPI is an individually administered, multimethod instrument intended for all children aged 5 to 12 years, but it has been especially useful in the assessment of gifted and talented students. The inventory consists of eight components utilizing self-report and projective measures, including four drawing tasks, two self-report measures, and two verbal projective tasks. A case study outlining the use of the CSRPI is provided, showing background information, test/behavioral observations, and an interpretation of the results.
⚂ Gust-Brey, K., & Cross, T. L. (1999). An examination of the literature base on the suicidal behaviors of gifted students. Roeper Review, 22 (1), 28-35.
⚂ Gutbezahl, J., & Averill, J. R. (1996). Individual differences in emotional creativity as manifested in words and pictures. Creativity Research Journal, 9 (4), 327-338.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1973). Positive disintegration and the group movement. Western Psychologist, 4 (2), 21-26.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1976). Positive disintegration and moral education. Journal of Moral Education, 5 (3), 231-240.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1977). Counseling as a moral conflict: Making the disintegration positive. Canadian Counsellor, 12 (1), 41-46.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1981a). Higher levels of emotional functioning and objectivity of value judgments. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of positive disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference (pp. 249-258). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1981b). Implications for the Theory of Positive Disintegration for psychotherapy. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of positive disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference (pp. 75-83). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1981b). Implications for the Theory of Positive Disintegration for psychotherapy. Alberta Psychology 10 (4) 6-9.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1982). Kazimierz Dąbrowski. Alberta Psychology, 11 (1), 12.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1986). New perspectives on religious and moral development. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta. The 10-chapter book presents a holistic approach to teaching religious and moral development emphasizing the essential unity of human nature and the convergence in recent years of religion and the science of psychology. Primarily a two-part psychological study, it discusses the varieties of religious experience and the role of emotion in human development and morality. The chapters include: What Is Religion?; Psychology and Religion-An Historical Overview; Religion as Development-the Contributions of Allport, Maslow, Erikson and Fowler; Dąbrowski and Positive Disintergration Theory; What Is Morality?; What Does Religion Have to Do with Morality?; Theories of Justification; Objectivity of Values; The Ethics of Aesthetics-The Aesthetics of Ethics; and The Ways of Moral Education. An eight-page list of references concludes the document.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1988). Toward a holistic psychology of valuing. Counseling and Values, 33 (1), 32-46.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1989). State of the art moral development: Moral development in the post-Kohlbergian age. Advanced Development, 1, 15-26.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1990). Shared values for shared life meaning - The transcendent dimensions of the global village. In B. Holyst (Ed.), Mental health in a changing world (pp. 27-38). Warsaw: The Polish Society for Mental Health.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1994). Authentic morality: The route to high moral ground. Advanced Development, 6, 11-26.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1995). Evolving Spirituality. Edmonton, Alberta: Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta. Contains two chapters on Positive Disintegration and religious development.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1998). The space between the stars: Beyond secondary integration. In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (pp. 3-10). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Hague, W. J. (1998). Is there moral giftedness? Gifted Education International, 12, 170-174.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (2000). Dąbrowski's paradox from theory to fact: The sources of Dąbrowski's theory. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 9-20). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Hague, W. J. (2010). Development through values and intuition in the theory of positive disintegration. (A. Danko, Trans.) Heksis, 1 , Unpaginated. Retrieved from HEKSIS
⚂ Hague, W. (2015, Nov 25). Development through values and intuition in the theory of positive disintegration. Retrieved from ozytywnej/
⚂ Hague, W. J. (n.d.). Various handouts.
⚂ Hague, W. J. (n.d.). Kohlberg and Dąbrowski. Unpublished manuscript. University of Alberta. KN
⚂ Hague, W., & Hague, R. (1996). The dance of pain and joy: At the heart of Positive Disintegration. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Perspectives on the self: The second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration. (pp. 15-21). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration May 22-25, 1996 Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Halifax, J. (1990). The Shaman's initiation. Re-vision,13 (2), 53-59.
⚂ Halifax, J. (2018). Standing at the Edge: Finding freedom where fear and courage meet. New York, NY: Flatiron.
⚂ Hall, E. G., & Hansen, J. B. (1997). Self-actualizing men and women - a comparison study. Roeper Review, 20 (1), 22-28.
⚂ Hansen, J. B., & Hall, E. G. (1997). Actualized women: Studying accomplishments of highly able women. Gifted Child Today Magazine 20 , 20-25.
⚂ Harper, A. J. (2022). Through the Dąbrowski lens: Wisdom, transformational giftedness, and the personality ideal. In: R. J. Sternberg, D. Ambrose, S. Karami, (eds.). The Palgrave handbook of transformational giftedness for education. Palgrave Macmillan.
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Scope and method of study. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between psychological intensities (Dąbrowski, 1964) and indicators of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) in terms of Barkley's theory. The seven factor scores plus the total score for the Kitano Parent Questionnaire (KPQ) and the five subscales for the ADHD Comprehensive Teacher's Rating Scale (ACTeRS) were used in simple correlations, t-tests, and simple linear regression analyses to test the hypotheses. Findings and conclusions. The Chronbach's Alpha on the KPQ was .87 for the total score, with other scales ranging from .71 to .42, except for Task Commitment, which was weakest at -.15 and showed no internal consistency reliability. All PKQ factors and total score were found to be significantly negatively correlated with the subscale of Hyperactivity, which indicates that as parents rated their children high in the psychological intensities, ratings in Hyperactivity would decrease, indicating problematic behavior. Five PKQ scores were significantly negatively correlated with Early Childhood, which indicates that when parents viewed their children high in these psychological intensities, they saw difficult behaviors in their children at a very young age. Three PKQ scores negatively correlated with Attention. When parents regarded their children as having the other two psychological intensities, they also considered them as having difficulties sustaining attention. Children with hyperactivity problems were perceived by their parents as having Dąbrowski's psychological intensities, which are related to advanced developmental potential. No significant gender differences were found. Rather than being distinct, the constructs of these two theories were found to overlap. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2005 APA, all rights reserved).
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⚂ Jackson, P. S. (2004). Becoming a person: A Dąbrowskian perspective [No Paper was supplied by the speaker.] In W. Tillier (Ed.), Developmental Potential - From Theory to Practice: Educational and Therapeutic perspectives (p. 183). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
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⚂ James, W. (1899/1900). On some of life's ideals. New York: Henry Holt and Company. Does not refer to Dąbrowski. Contains an essay, On a Certain Blindness in Human Beings, that presents a description very similar to Dąbrowski's overexcitabilities.
⚂ Jamison, K. R. (1995a). An unquiet mind: A memoir of moods and madness. New York: A. Knopf.
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⚂ Jarosiewicz H. (2013). O teorii dezintegracji pozytywnej K. Dabrowskiego w swietle dynamiczno-egzystencjalnego modelu rozwoju osoby. [On the theory of positive disintegration of K. Dąbrowski in the light of the dynamic-existential model of a person's development] Horyzonty Psychologii, 3, s. 7-52. Retrieved from [The subject of reflection is the development of a person with a special focus on the mechanism of developmental change. The author of the article explains the development, presenting the dynamic-existential model of the development process. He assumes that development is a change in the status of a person who is expressed in a change in behavior. He distinguishes and describes the basic categories of the subject's states: dynamic states, states of consciousness (aspirations and aspirations), states of knowledge (representations) and mental states (images of reality). As part of the proposed model, the author interprets the basic theorems of the theory of positive disintegration of K. Dąbrowski. It distinguishes the essential stages of the development process and discusses the importance of levels of psychological development. While discussing developmental factors, the author emphasized the complementary relationship between dependency relations, which condition the change of the subject's status (this is the aspect of disintegration), and the instrumental relations by which the subject makes changes in the external situation. The implicit (subjective) effect of these behaviors is the integration of dynamisms within the efficient dynamism of the will.]
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⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2008b). Pojecie charakteru narodowego i problem czlowieczenstwa (w koncepcji Kazimierza Dabrowskiego) The Concept of National Character and the Problem of Humanity (according to Kazimierz Dabrowski's Theory) HUMANISTYKA I PRZYRODOZNAWSTWO 14 Olsztyn, 29-50.
The author introduces Kazimierz Dąbrowski's views on the subject of national character as a category describing the structure and character traits of individual and collective identity. The Polish psychiatrist and existential psychotherapist K. Dąbrowski (1902-1980) distinguishes positive and negative traits of the "national character" of Poles, based on a typology of characters of E. Kretschmer and his own theory of psychical over-excitability types. The author verifies the introduced psychological arguments with the concept of "humanity", finding that the concept of "national character" can be included into the complex of the ego defence mechanisms, in the way it is understood by contemporary psychoanalysis.
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2008c). Stress and creativity /instinct, disintegration and stress as components of creativity. (Paper submitted but not presented at congress). In W. Tillier (Ed.), Dąbrowski and Gifted Education: Beyond Overexcitabilities: Proceedings from the 8th International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 230-249). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 7 - 9, 2008 Canmore, Alberta, Canada).
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2008d). The trouble with the notion of the suffering. Dialogue and Universalism, 1-3 , 165-173.
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2009). The concept of national character and the problem of humanity (in Kazimierz Dąbrowski’s Perspective). Dialogue and Universalism, 19 (6), 85–103.
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2010a). Biography of Kazimierz Dąbrowski. (A. Danko Trans.). Heksis, 1 , Unpaginated. Retrieved from Heksis
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2010b). From creativity to the personality: A psychological study on the theory of positive disintegration. (A. Danko & F. Maj Trans.). Heksis, 1 , Unpaginated. Retrieved from Heksis
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2010c). The philosophy of feelings in Poland. (M. Rogoza Trans.). Heksis, 3 , Unpaginated. Retrieved from Heksis
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2010d). Publikacje Kazimierza Dąbrowskiego. Heksis, 1 , Unpaginated. Retrieved from Kazimierz Dąbrowski Publications (by Tadeusz Kobierzycki originally published anonymously in Wikipedia) Heksis
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2011). The philosophy of extreme psychiatry [Review of the book Madness and Method. Limitations of Understanding in Philosophy and Psychiatry, by Andrzej Kapusta, UMCS, Lublin 2010, 383 pages]. (J. Paz Trans.). Heksis , Unpaginated. Retrieved from
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2015, Aug 31). Creativity and mental health in the process of positive disintegration (paper for the 5th International Conference on The Theory of Positive Disintegration, USA, Florida, August 2002) [EN] Retrieved from
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⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2015, Nov 25). Od twórczości do osobowości (studium psychologiczne z teorii dezintegracji pozytywnej). Retrieved from
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2016a). Aggressive, regressive and transgressive dimensions of mental health. Remains about the philosophical development of K. Dąbrowski. [chrome Trans] Retrieved from
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2016b). Agresywne, regresywne i transgresywne wymiary zdrowia psychicznego. Uwagi o kryteriach semantycznych filozofii i teorii rozwoju osobowości K. Dąbrowskiego. Retrieved from
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2016c). Death as a mirror of Life. Models of cognitive correlation and decorrelation of life and death. Retrieved December 30, 2017, from:
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2016d). Does the person exist? "I" and personality - disintegration and transcendence. Retrieved December 30, 2017, from:
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2016e). Jak można być zdrowym i chorym psychicznie w XXI wieku? Uwagi o psychiatrii i jej filozofii. [How Can You Be Healthy and Mentally Ill in the XXI Century? Comments about Psychiatry and its Philosophy.] Kultura i Wartości, 18 (18), 87.
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2016f). The Mirror of Death (Memory of Prof. Kazimierz Dąbrowski) Retrieved December 30, 2017, from:ąbrowskiego/
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2016g). Uwagi o kryteriach semantycznych filozofii higieny psychicznej i psychiatrii K. Dąbrowskiego (ewolucja i dyssolucja, agresja i regresja, transgresja i transcendencja) Comments on the semantic criteria of the philosophy of mental hygiene and psychiatry by K. Dąbrowski (evolution and dissolution, aggression and regression, transgression and transcendence) Instytut Ego-Analizy Askeion Warszawa - Wrocław
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2017, March 31). Does the person exist? "I" and personality - disintegration and transcendence. [chrome Trans] Retrieved from
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2017, March 31). Czy osoba istnieje? „Ja” i osobowość - dezintegracja i transcendencja. Retrieved from
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2018, April 22). Child in borderline situations. At the basis of existential psychology of K. Dąbrowski. [chrome Trans] Retrieved from /
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2018, April 22). Dziecko w sytuacjach granicznych. U podstaw psychologii egzystencjalnej K. Dąbrowskiego. Retrieved from
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2020a). Karol Szymanowski's Opera King Roger - individuation, erotic transgression and musical aesthetics Karol Szymanowski's Opera "King Roger" - (Individuation, Erotic Transgression, and Musical Aesthetics.) (F. Maj, trans.). Wyd. Rocznik Naukowy Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy nr 14, 7-21
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2020b). Od pedagogiki kryzysu do pedagogiki dwoistości (rozdroża antropocentrycznego myślenia) [From the pedagogy of crisis to the pedagogy of duality (the crossroads of anthropocentric thinking)] In Profile integralności humanistyki i nauk społecznych. Księga jubileuszowa dla Lecha Witkowskiego. Redakcja naukowa Monika Jaworska-Witkowska, Grzegorz Piekarski. Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2020 [Printed in: Profiles of the integrity of the humanities and social sciences. Jubilee book for Lech Witkowski. Scientific editor Monika Jaworska-Witkowska, Grzegorz Piekarski. Ed. Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2020]
⚂ Kobierzycki, T. (2020, August 16). O zbieznosci I rozbieznosci narodzin, zycia I smierci czlowieka. [On the convergence and divergence of the birth, life and death of man] Dezintegracja Pozytywna.
⚂ Kokoszka, A. (2007). States of consciousness: Models for psychology and psychotherapy. Springer.
⚂ Koksal, B. (2022). Is cognitive ability a factor in explaining differences in physiological and psychological stress responses? Archives of Medical Science, 18 (2), 553-558.
⚂ Kondrat, A. (2018). Anna Iwanicka-Maciura, Antropologia filozoficzna w ujęciu polskiej szkoły higieny psychicznej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 2015, ss. 221. Ruch Filozoficzny, 73(4), 159.
⚂ Konigsberg, E. (2006). Prairie fire. The New Yorker, 81 (44), 44-57. Discusses the suicide of gifted student Brandenn Bremmer including Linda Silverman's involvement and subsequent interpretation of events. This article was a finalist for feature article of the year and was included in the publication The Best American Magazine Writing 2007 , The American Society of Magazine Editors (Eds.), New York: Columbia University Press, 2007. Also see Fletcher, H. (2001).
⚂ Korporowicz, L. (1987, June 4). Social and psychological factors in mental health: Kazimierz Dąbrowski's integral model of social psycho-hygiene with special reference to multilevel concept of value. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Warsaw, Poland (Obtained from K. Nelson), 11 pages.
⚂ Korporowicz L. (1989). Integralny charakter psychohigieny spolecznej Kazimierza Dąbrowskiego W kontekscie wielopoziomowej koncepcji wartosci. Zdrowie Psychiczne, XXX (1-2), 37-40. "The integral character of Kazimierz Dąbrowski's social psychohygene in the context of the multi-layered concept of values." [ Mental Health : The scientific quarterly of the Polish Society of Mental Hygiene, Warsaw.] No copy held.
⚂ Korporowicz, L. (2018). Przemiany kultury narodowej w świetle teorii dezintegracji pozytywnej Kazimierza Dąbrowskiego (Transformations of the National Culture. Kazimierz Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration Perspective.) Polska Myśl Pedagogiczna (Polish Pedagogical Thought), 4 (4), 191-208.
ABSTRACT Contemporary problems of the cultural disintegration of the national cultures. They are in a serious sense of the word, which will be the result of a social problem, which means abandoning the interest of the national culture of communities. It is not directed against any other culture or community, it does not imply the sense of superiority and the right of domination. This national culture is reflected in the Polish tradition of humanistic social pedagogy, which shows significant analogies with humanistic studies of culture, in their orientations that do not reduce the subjectivity and dignity. Kazimierz Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. The theory of social sciences, including social pedagogy. This text attempts to be an indication of the creative. including social pedagogues. This text attempts to be an indication of the creative. including social pedagogues. This text attempts to be an indication of the creative. Retrieved from
⚂ Korte, H. (1970, August 26-30). Heidegger and the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 28 pages. EDI: #62 J), Appendix B - 13. (this is the version in the original binder) Second loose copy held: Heidegger and the Theory of Positive Disintegration: An examination of the ontogenetic presuppositions of the Theory of Positive Disintegration . Labeled 'Revised Version'. 32 pages.
⚂ Kosiewicz, J. (2018). Hegelian phenomenology of spirit and boxing fight: Physical culture and sport. Studies and Research, 77 (1), 48-54.
⚂ Kosiński, K. (2023). Komunizm w psychiatrii. [Communism in psychiatry.] Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki, [History of Science and Technology Quarterly.] 68 (1), 137-149.
⚂ Kostrzew, J., & Kozlowski, E. (1976). Personality traits of boys aged 8-12 suffering from diagnosed neuroses with anxiety as dominant component. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 7 (4), 235-243. NEL lists this authorship as Kosbizewskik, K. & Dizlowski, E.
⚂ Kramer, H. J. (1988). Anxiety, perfectionism, and attributions for failure in gifted and non-gifted junior high school students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 48, 3077A. (University Microfilms No. 88-03-891).
⚂ Kraus, S. (1965). [Review of the book Positive disintegration, by K. Dąbrowski]. British Journal of Psychiatry, 111, 1021.
⚂ Krokosz, E. (2023). The role of crises in human development. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 13 (1), 203-207. DOWNLOAD PDF.
⚂ Kuipers, W. (2020). Finding your balance between gifted verbal and imaginal thinking across the lifespan. Advanced Development, 18 , 87-106.
⚂ Kuo, C.C., Liang, K. C., Tseng, C. C., & Gau, S. S.F. (2014). Comparison of the cognitive profiles and social adjustment between mathematically and scientifically talented students and students with Asperger's syndrome. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 8, 838-850.
⚂ Kuster, S. (2017). Sherlock Holmes and giftedness: Descriptive characteristics in a historical perspective. Advanced Development, 16, 18-30.
⚂ Kuzujanakis, M. (2021). Anxiety in today's children and young adults. Gifted Education International, 37 (1), 54-66.
⚂ Kwasniew, J. (1976). Positive social deviancy. Polish Sociological Bulletin, 3, 31-39.
↩ Main. Top A-C D-F G-K L-O P-S T-Z
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⚂ Laycraft, K. C. (2016b). Emotion as a link between value and meaning. Trifecta Magazine, Mind, Body, Soul, Fall 2016, pp. 24-25
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⚂ Laycraft, K. C. (2017d). Odwaga decydowania. Filozofie procesu decyzyjnego. Calgary, Alberta: Nucleus Learning (in Polish).
⚂ Laycraft, K. C. (2017e). Positive disintegration as a process of symmetry-breaking. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, Vol 21, No.2 . pp. 143-158.
⚂ Laycraft, K. C. (2017f). Why do we need to create? Trifecta Magazine, Mind, Body, Soul, Spring 2017, pp. 4-5
⚂ Laycraft, K. C. (2018a). The development of creativity: Integral analysis of creative adolescents and young adults. In Veronika Bohac-Clarke (Ed.), Integral theory and transdisciplinary action research in education. IGI Global, pp. 314-338
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⚂ Laycraft, K. C. (2019b). Decision-making as a self-organizing process. Annals of Cognitive Science 3 (1): 86-99
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⚂ Lelonek-kuleta, B. (2012). Dojrzałość do małżeństwa w świetle Teorii Dezintegracji Pozytywnej. Wielopoziomowość rozwoju osoby według Kazimierza Dąbrowskiego. (Maturity for marriage in light of the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Multilevel development of the person according to Kazimierz Dąbrowski.) (T. Karłowicz, trans). Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie (Annals of Family Studies), 4 (59), 169-185. Summary This article presents the problem of maturity for marriage in Kazimierz Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. The human nature in this theory is multidimensional and its development is based on emotional foundations. Without passing through very difficult experiences and even something like psychoneurosis and neurosis we cannot understand human beings and we cannot realize our multidimensional and multilevel development toward higher and higher levels. Positive disintegration is necessary to develop. People on a higher level of personality development have more chances for a success in their marriage.
⚂ Lesniak, F. (1964a). O dezintegracji pozytywnej [About positive disintegration]. Studia Theologica Varsaviensia 2/ 1-2, 459-488.
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⚂ Limont, W. (2013). Support and education of gifted students in Poland. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 36 (66-83).
⚂ Limont, W. (2014). Inny swiat? Czy nieznany ich wlasny? Potencjal rozwojowy, wzmozona pobudliwosc psychiczna a zdolnosci [Different world? does not know their own? Development potential, enhanced mental distinction and capacity], Psychologia Wychowawcza, NR 5, 9-27.
⚃ Limont, W., & Dreszer, J. (2024). Examining transformational giftedness through the lens of the theory of positive disintegration: Where do we stand? Roeper Review, 1-10.
⚂ Limont, W., Dreszer, J., Bedynska, S., Piechowski, M., (2009). Overexcitability and creative attitude of gifted students. S. Popek, R. E. Bernacka, C. W. Domanski, B. Gawda, D. Turska, A. Zawadzka (red.), Psychologia tworczosci -nowe horyzonty. Psychology of creativity: new approaches (s.317-326). Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS
⚂ Limont, W., Dreszer, J., Bedynska, S., Sliwinska, K. (2010). Wzmozona pobudliwosc psychiczna, wybrane cechy osobowosci a plec szczegolnie zdolnych uczniow. w: A. Sekowski, [Overexcitability, selected personality traits, and gender of gifted students]. W. Klinkosz (red.), Zdolnosci czlowieka w perspektywie wspolczesnej psychologii (s.25-54). Lublin: TN KUL.
⚂ Limont, W., Dreszer-Drogorób, J., Bedyńska, S., Śliwińska, K., & Jastrzębska, D. (2014). Old wine in new bottles? Relationships between overexcitabilities, the Big Five personality traits and giftedness in adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 69, 199-204.
⚂ Limont W., K. Sliwinska, Dreszer J., Bedynska S. (w druku). Wzmożona pobudliwosc psychiczna a perfekcjonizm uczniow zdolnych. [Overexcitability and perfectionism of gifted students]. w: W. Limont (red.) Psychologia. Edukacja i Spoleczenstwo. Zagrozenia i szanse rozwoju uczniow zdolnych. (numer specjalny), Warszawa: Wydzial Psychologii UW, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
⚂ Limont, W. (n.d.). Overexcitability and specific abilities. Poster.
⚂ Lind, S. (1996). Presentation. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Perspectives on the self: The second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration. (p. 22). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration May 22-25, 1996 Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Lind, S. (2001). Overexcitability and the gifted. The SENG Newsletter, 1 , 3-6.
⚂ Lind, S. (2011, September 14). Overexcitability and the gifted. SENG.
⚂ Lind, S., & Falk, R. F. (1998). The OEQII. In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (pp. 101-119). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Lind, S., & Roeper, A. M. (Eds.). (1998). Perspectives on the self of the gifted [Special issue]. Roeper Review, 20 (3). Several of the articles refer to Dąbrowski or touch on the theory.
⚂ Lobaczewski, A. M. (2006). Political ponerology: A Science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes. Grande Prairie, AB: Red Pill Press. Political Ponerology: The scientific study of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes was forged in the crucible of the very subject it studies. Scientists living under an oppressive regime decide to study it clinically, to study the founders and supporters of an evil regime to determine what common factor is at play in the rise and propagation of man's inhumanity to man.
⚂ Loye, D. (Ed.). (2003). The great adventure toward a fully human theory of evolution. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Foreword Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Introduction David Loye
The Toronto manifesto: A statement of purpose for the panels and meeting of the general evolution research group
Darwin, Maslow, and the fully human theory of evolution David Loye
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⚂ Lysy, K. Z. (1979a). A guide to distinguishing Dąbrowskian levels , from: Personal growth of counselors and non counselors: A Jungian and Dąbrowskian approach. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
⚂ Lysy, K. Z. (1979b). Personal growth in counselors and non-counselors: A Jungian and Dąbrowskian Approach. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
⚂ Lysy, K. Z. (1981). Personal growth in counselors and non-counselors: A Jungian and Dąbrowskian approach. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of positive disintegration: Proceedings of the third international conference (pp. 117-157). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Lysy, K. Z., & Piechowski M. M. (1983). Personal growth: An empirical study using Jungian and Dąbrowskian measures. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 108, 267-320. Contains the 21 item Overexcitability Questionnaire (OEQ).
⚂ MacEachron, D. (2018, June 13). Giftedness and overexcitabilities: Part 8 of Myth Busters: Alternative therapies for 2e Learners. PDF version.
⚂ Maher, Brendan A. [Review of the book Personality-shaping through positive disintegration, by K. Dąbrowski]. [Electronic Collection] PsycCRITIQUES. Vol 13 (8), Aug, 1968. Originally published in Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 1968, Vol 13(8), 410. Reviews the book, Personality-Shaping Through Positive Disintegration by Kazimierz Dąbrowski and O. Hobart Mowrer (1967).
⚂ Maher, L. (2022). An interview with Amanda Harper. Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 31 (2), 46-51.
⚂ Mahoney, A. S. (1998). In search of the gifted identity: From abstract concept to workable counseling constructs. Roeper Review, 20, 222-226.
⚂ Maj, F. (2002). The creative instinct of Dąbrowski in relation to the creative evolution of Bergson. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 373-382). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Maj, F. (2008). On the method of analysing creativity: H. Elzenberg and K. Dąbrowski. (Paper submitted but not presented at congress). In W. Tillier (Ed.), Dąbrowski and Gifted Education: Beyond Overexcitabilities: Proceedings from the 8th International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 250-274). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 7 - 9, 2008 Canmore, Alberta, Canada).
⚂ Maj, F. (2010). Personality development potentials and creative profiles (On the example of cellists). Heksis 2 Heksis
⚂ Maj, F. (2018). Understanding the concepts of “disintegration” and “deconstruction.” In Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy (pp. 119-123). Charlottesville, VA: Philosophy Documentation Center. The concepts of “disintegration” and “deconstruction' are analyzed in the writings of Kazimierz Dąbrowski and Michel Foucault. Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration lays out the deteriorating and constructive processes in man's personality, which allows him to get to know himself and the world around him in contrast to his inner world. Foucault's “discourse” theory shows the variety of deconstructions man is subjected to due to cultural and psychological processes. Both concepts are entangled in the descriptions and usages of the concepts of “health” and “illness'. Both health and illness show man's drama of life, but are at the same time means of objectifying his subjectivity, which can dehumanize him or become his horizon of cognition and reevaluation. Dąbrowski underlines man's multilevel and multidimensional development, while Foucault pays attention to man's concealed objectification by society which takes place by means of his unification and exclusion.
⚂ Mallatt-Grow, C. S. (2019). The trauma of the gifted child. (Publication No. 27668760) [Doctoral dissertation, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
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⚂ Margison, J. A., & Frank, J. (2007). Portrait of an inspirational teacher of the gifted: A story to tell, a willingness to be heard. Roeper Review. 29 (2), 141.
⚂ Marsh, C. S. (1980a). The application of Dąbrowski's concept of multilevelness as the unifying principle for Allport's ideas in personality. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
⚂ Marsh, C. S. (1980b). The application of Dąbrowski's concept of multilevelness as the unifying principle for Allport's ideas on personality. Unpublished manuscript based upon a master's thesis, University of Iowa. 13 pages.
⚂ Marsh, C. S. (1981). The application of Dąbrowski's concept of multilevelness as the unifying principle for Allport's ideas on personality. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the Third International Conference (pp. 265-301). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Marsh, C. S., & Colangelo, N. (1983). The application of Dąbrowski's concept of multilevelness to Allport's concept of unity. Counseling and Values, 27 (4), 213-228.
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⚂ Martowska, K., & Matczak, A. (2016b). W poszukiwaniu korelatów wzmożonej pobudliwości psychicznej. Studia Psychologica, 16 (2), 5.
⚂ Martowska, K., & Matczak, A. (2017). W poszukiwaniu korelatów wzmożonej pobudliwości psychicznej. Studia Psychologica, 16 (2), 5.
⚂ Martowska, K., Matczak, A., & Wyszyński, S. (2015). In search of the nature and meaning of different types of increased mental excitability University in Warsaw Research results presented at the 1st International Scientific Symposium "Kazimierz Dąbrowski and his work in contemporary psychology." Lublin, Poland, October 18-19, 2013. Retrieved from:
⚂ Martowska, K., & Matczak, A. (2016). In search of the correlates of overexcitability. Studia Psychologica, 16 (2), 5.
⚂ Martowska, K., Matczak, A., & Jozwik, K. (2018). Overexcitability in actors. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
⚂ Martowska, K., Matczak, A., & Jóźwik, K. (2020). Overexcitability in actors. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 14 (1), 81-86.
⚂ Martowska, K., & Romanowicz, M. (2020). Overexcitability profile among university students at music-focused institutions. Roeper Review, 42 (4), 271-280.
⚂ Massarik, F. (1968). Accentuating the negative. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 4, 249-255.
⚂ Matejko, A. (1973). Institutional conditions of scientific inquiry: Survey of research teams in Poland. Small Group Behavior, 4, 89-126.
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⚂ Mayer, J. D., Perkins, D. M., Caruso, D. R. & Salovey, P. (2001). Emotional intelligence and giftedness. Roeper Review, 23, 131-137
⚂ Maxwell, E. (1998). I can do it myself! Reflections on early self-efficacy. Roeper Review, 20, 183-187.
⚂ Maxwell, E. (1992). Self as phoenix: A comparison of Assagioli's and Dąbrowski's developmental theories. Advanced Development, 4, 31-48
⚂ Maxwell, E. (1995). The changing developmental needs of the gifted: Birth to maturity. In J. Genshaft, M. Bireley, & C. L. Hollinger (Eds.), Serving gifted and talented students: A resource for school personnel (pp. 17-30). Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
⚂ Maxwell, E., & Silverman, L. K. (1991). An Interview with Jean Houston. Advanced Development, 3, 1-14.
⚂ Maxwell, E., & Silverman, L. K. (1995) Inner conflict as a path to higher development: Mid-life crisis re-examined. In L. K. Silverman (Ed.). Advanced development: A collection of works on giftedness in adults . (pp. 57-64). Denver: Institute for the Study of Advanced Development.
⚂ Mayer, J. D., Perkins, D. M., & Caruso, D. R. (2001). Emotional intelligence and giftedness. Roeper Review, 23 (3), 131-7.
⚂ McAdams, D. P., & Emmons, R. A. (Eds.). (1995). Levels and domains in personality (Special issue). Journal of Personality, 63 (3). A collection of articles that provide a very interesting context to Dąbrowski's work.
⚂ McDonagh Hull, P., Lashewicz, B. M., & Fritzler, M. J. (2021). High intelligence may exacerbate paediatric inflammatory response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Medical Hypotheses, 155, 110677.
⚂ McGaffey, P. O. (1970, August 26-30). The limits of neurosis in creativity. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 8 pages. LK
⚂ McGraw, J. G. (1981). Personality and its ideal in the Theory of Positive Disintegration: A philosophical interpretation. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the Third International Conference (pp. 303-332). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ McGraw, J. G. (1986). Personality and its ideal in K. Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration: A philosophical interpretation. Dialectics and Humanism, 13 (1), 211-237.
⚂ McGraw, J. G. (1987). Dezintegracja pozytywna a poziomy milosci. Zdrowie Psychiczne, XXVII (3), 5-19. "Positive disintegration and the levels of love". [ Mental Health : The scientific quarterly of the Polish Society of Mental Hygiene , Warsaw.]
⚂ McGraw, J. G. (1989). Osobowosc I jej ideal W theorii dezintegracji pozytywnej. Zdrowie Psychiczne, XXX (1-2), 5-36. "Personality and its ideal in the theory of Positive Disintegration". [ Mental Health : The scientific quarterly of the Polish Society of Mental Hygiene, Warsaw.]
⚂ McGraw, J. G. (1992). God and the problem of loneliness. Religious Studies, 28 (03), 319.
⚂ McGraw, J. G. (2002). Personality in Nietzsche and Dąbrowski: A conceptual comparison. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 187-230). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ McGraw, J. G. (nd). Positive disintegration and the levels of love. Unpublished manuscript, Loyola, Montreal. 20 pages. EDI: #62 J), Appendix B - 5.
⚂ McLean, B. (1990). Jung and I: A study of personal disintegration. Advanced Development, 2, 17-21.
⚂ Meckstroth, E. (1991). Guiding the parents of gifted children: The role of counselors and teachers. In R. M. Milgram (Ed.), Counseling gifted and talented children: A guide for teachers, counselors, and parents. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (1989). Gifted children: An introduction. In C. Violato, & A. Marini (Eds.), Child development: Readings for teachers. (pp. 295-304). Calgary: Detselig Enterprises.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (1995). Sensitivity among gifted persons: A multifaceted perspective. Roeper Review, 17, 169-172
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2002). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration and gifted education. [Special Issue]. AGATE: Journal of the Gifted and Talented Education Council of The Alberta Teachers' Association, 15(2).
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2002a). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration: Some implications for teachers of gifted students. AGATE: Journal of the Gifted and Talented Education Council of The Alberta Teachers' Association, 15(2), 14-22.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2002b). Editorial. AGATE: Journal of the Gifted and Talented Education Council of The Alberta Teachers' Association, 15(2), 2-3.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2003). Heightened multifaceted sensitivity of gifted students: Implications for counseling. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 14(2), 72-84.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2008a). Dąbrowski's concept of adjustment and giftedness. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Dąbrowski and Gifted Education: Beyond Overexcitabilities: Proceedings from the 8th International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 116-124). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 7 - 9, 2008 Canmore, Alberta, Canada).
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (Ed.). (2008b). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc. Table of Contents. Note: due to copyright, I will not be posting portions of this publication.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2008c). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration: A personality theory for the 21st Century. In S. Mendaglio (Ed.). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (pp. 13-40). Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2008d). The Theory of Positive Disintegration (TPD) and other approaches to personality. In S. Mendaglio (Ed.). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (pp. 249-274). Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2009). Point-counter point . In J. Frank, H. Curties, & G. Finlay, (Eds.). Imagining the way: Proceedings from the 19th Annual SAGE Conference (p. 69). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the 19th Annual SAGE Conference. November 7-8, 2008, University of Calgary, Calgary AB.).
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2012). Overexcitabilities and giftedness research: A call for a paradigm shift. Journal for the Education of the Gifted.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2017). Dąbrowski's dynamisms: Shapers of development and psychological constructs. Advanced Development, 16, 1-17.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2019). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration: Some implications for teachers of gifted students. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jun. 2019].
⚂ Mendaglio S. (2021) Overexcitability and giftedness research: Whose constructs are being investigated and how? In: Smith S. R. (Eds.). Handbook of Giftedness and Talent Development in the Asia-Pacific . Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer.
⚂ Mendaglio S. (2022). Dynamisms, Development, and Dispositions: Essays in Honor of Kazimierz Dąbrowski. Gifted Unlimited.
Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration redefines established psychological constructs, especially the construct of psychopathology. Current views of what constitutes disorders is so engrained in western cultures that they are seen, implicitly, as immutable. Any codification of what comprises psychiatric disorders or abnormality is a social construction, subject to change, as indicated by some changes in the DSM over the years. Dąbrowski's theory questions the very foundation of the approach to psychopathology that existed in his time and is evident today. The critical message of the theory of positive disintegration is that what are deemed symptoms of mental disorder may be, instead, signs of personal growth. Dąbrowski does not simply proclaim his position, he provides a coherent explanation for it. While Dąbrowski addresses substantive issues of mental illness and mental health, most of the research literature purporting to investigate his theory dwells on one component of his theory: overexcitability. The essays in Dynamism, Development and Dispositions: Essays in Honor of Kazimierz Dąbrowski have a common aim: to draw attention to the fullness of the theory with the hope of encouraging researchers to move beyond their singular atomic focus. A word on the subtitle of the book is in order. Sal Mendaglio's essays honor a great theorist with a scholarly, not effusive, treatment of the theory of positive disintegration.
Here is the LINK.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2022). Overexcitability Research: Implications for the Theory of Positive Disintegration and the Field of Gifted Education. SENG Journal: Exploring the Psychology of Giftedness, 1 (2), 23-32.
⚂ Mendaglio, S. (2023). Sternberg’s transformational and transactional giftedness: A Dabrowskian interpretation. SENG Journal: Exploring the Psychology of Giftedness, 2 (2), 35-42. PDF.
⚂ Mendaglio, S., & Peterson, J. S. (2006). Models of counseling gifted children, adolescents, and young adults. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. ISBN-10: 1593632061 ISBN-13: 978-1593632069
⚂ Mendaglio, S., & Pyryt, M. (1991, June 13-15). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration: Implications for assessment and treatment. A poster session presented at the Canadian Psychological Conference Annual Convention, Calgary, AB. A one page hand-out was presented. 1 page.
⚂ Mendaglio, S., & Pyryt, M. C. (1995). Self-concept of gifted students. Teaching Exceptional Children, 27(3), 40.
⚂ Mendaglio, S., & Pyryt, M. (1996). Self-concept and the gifted: A Dąbrowskian perspective. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Perspectives on the self: The second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration. (pp. 38-51). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration May 22-25, 1996 Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Mendaglio, S., & Pyryt, M. (2004). The role of intelligence in the theory of positive disintegration. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Developmental Potential - From Theory to Practice: Educational and Therapeutic perspectives (pp. 164-181). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Mendaglio, S., & Tillier, W. (1992, September 24-26). Feeling bad can be good: Using Dąbrowski's Theory to reframe gifted children's adjustment difficulties. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Society for the Advancement of Gifted Education Conference, Calgary, AB.
⚂ Mendaglio, S., & Tillier, W. (2006). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration and Giftedness: Overexcitability Research Findings. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 30 (1), 68-87.
⚂ Mendaglio, S., & Tillier, W. (2015). Has the time come to emulate Jung? A response to Piechowski's most recent rethinking of the theory of positive disintegration: I. The case against primary integration. Roeper Review, 37 (4), 219-228.
⚂ Mensa 27 Research Journal (Fall, 1989). Issue devoted to T.P.D. Contents:
Nelson, K. Dąbrowski's TPD. (From Advanced Development Quarterly, 1989.)
Piechowski, M. M. The concept of developmental potential. (From Roeper Review 1986)
Piechowski, M. M. Silverman, L., Falk, F. Comparison of intellectually and artistically gifted on five dimensions of mental functioning. (From Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1985, 60, 539-549.)
Silverman, L., Schuppin, E. Inner conflict as a path to higher development in women. (Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA., 1981.).
⚂ Michelle-Pentelbury, R. (2002). TPD and practicality in the classroom: A need for subjective identification. AGATE: Journal of the Gifted and Talented Education Council of The Alberta Teachers' Association, 15 (2), 29-32.
⚂ Michelle-Pentelbury, R. (2008). An autonomous and unique personality, a la Dąbrowski; Beware the paradigm phallacy. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Dąbrowski and Gifted Education: Beyond Overexcitabilities: Proceedings from the 8th International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 218-228). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 7 - 9, 2008 Canmore, Alberta, Canada).
⚂ Mika, E. (2000). Translated poems found in the archives of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 119-121). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Mika, E. (2002a). Gifted children and overexcitabilities and a preliminary clinical study. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 323-336). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Mika, E. (2002b). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (PDF) Originally published on .
⚂ Mika, E. (2003). On primary integration, psychopathology, and the person. The Dabrowski Newsletter, 8, 1 - 4. PDF .
⚂ Mika, E. (2005). Theory of Positive Disintegration as a model of personality development for exceptional individuals: Gifted minds in search of a theory. In N. L. Hafenstein, B. Kutrumbos, & J. Delisle (Eds.), Perspectives in gifted education: Vol. 3. Complexities of emotional development, spirituality and hope (pp. 33-59). Denver, CO: Institute for the Development of Gifted Education. Retrieved from
⚂ Mika. E. (2006). Giftedness, ADHD, and overexcitabilities: The possibilities of misinformation. (Research Commentary Point - Counterpoint: Diagnosis of Giftedness and ADHD). Roeper Review 28 (4), 237-242.
⚃ There are also two responses to the article published in the same issue:
⚅ Nelson, J. M., Rinn, A. N., & Hartnett, D. N. (2006). The possibility of misdiagnosis of giftedness and ADHD still exists: A response to Mika. Roeper Review 28 (4), 243-249.
⚅ Goerss, J., Amend, E. R., Webb, J. T., Webb, N., & Beljan, P. (2006). Comments on Mika's critique of Hartnett, Nelson, and Rinn's article, "Gifted or ADHD? The possibilities of misdiagnosis." Roeper Review 28 (4), 249-251.
⚂ Mika, E. (2008). Dąbrowski's views on authentic mental health. In S. Mendaglio (Ed.). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (pp. 139-153). Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
⚂ Mika, E. (2010, Dec 31). On primary integration, psychopathy and the average person. Retrieved from
⚂ Mika, E. (2015, Oct 31). On primary integration, psychopathy and the average person. Retrieved from
⚂ Mika, E. (2017 July 13). Theory of Positive Disintegration as a model of personality development for exceptional individuals.
⚂ Mika, E. (2017, October 08). Our positive disintegration. Medium. (2017). Retrieved 23 October 2017, from
⚂ Mika, E. (2017). Who goes Trump? Tyranny as a triumph of narcissism. In B. X. Lee (Ed.), The dangerous case of Donald Trump: 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts assess a president (pp. 298-318). New York, NY: Thomas Dunne.
⚂ Mika, E. (n.d.). Theory of Positive Disintegration as a model of personality development for exceptional individuals. Talent Development.
⚃ Part 1 here :
⚃ Part 2 here :
⚂ Miller, A. L., & Speirs Neumeister, K. L. (2012). Multiple variables for predicting creativity in high ability adults. Advanced Development, 13, 84-102.
⚂ Miller, N. B. (1983, April). Socialization and the value system. Paper presented at the Western Social Science Association Sliver Anniversary meeting, Albuquerque, NM. LS/86
⚂ Miller, N. B. (1985a). A content analysis coding system for assessing adult emotional development. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Denver, Denver, CO. Dated August, Faculty of Social Sciences.
⚂ Miller, N. B. (1985b). Content analysis: A critique of its application in measuring levels of emotional development. Unpublished manuscript, University of Denver, Denver, CO. LS/86
⚂ Miller, N. B. (1991). Miller Assessment Coding System: Manual for rating levels of emotional development. Unpublished manuscript. Indicates "Revised June 1991".
⚂ Miller, N. B. (1998a). Examining the profiles of artists in two cultures: Validity and hypothesis testing. In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (pp. 82-93). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Miller, N. B. (1998b). Validity among artists. In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (pp. 82-93). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Miller, N. B. (2008). A sociological perspective. In S. Mendaglio (Ed.). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (pp. 227-248). Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
⚂ Miller, N. B., & Falk, F. (1987, August). Intentional feelings: An adult developmental perspective. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Meeting, Chicago. 27 pages. Refers to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Miller, N. B. (2014). Editorial. Advanced Development, 14, 10-11.
⚂ Miller, N. B. (2016). Editorial. Advanced Development, 15, 15-17.
⚂ Miller, N. B., Falk, R. F. & Huang, Y. (2009). Gender identity and the overexcitability profiles of gifted college students. Roeper Review, 31 (3), 161 - 169.
⚂ Miller, N. B., & Silverman, L. K. (1987). Levels of personality development. Roeper Review, 9 (4), 221-225. Use of Definition-response instrument to test Dąbrowski's theory.
⚂ Miller, N. B., Silverman, L. K. & Falk, R. F. (1992). Emotional development and intellectual ability. In N. Colangelo, S. G. Assouline, & D. L. Ambroson (Eds.), Talent Development: Proceedings of the 1991 Jocelyn Wallace National Research Symposium on Talent Development (pp. 365-367). Unionville, New York: Trillium Press.
⚂ Miller, N. B., Silverman, L. K. & Falk, R. F. (1994). Emotional development, intellectual ability, and gender. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 18 (1), 20-38.
⚂ Miller, N. B., & Toth, J. K. (2000). Exploring the relationship between gender and overexcitability. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 245-256). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Miller, N. B., & Toth, J. K. (2000). Gender and overexcitability. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 245-256). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Miu, A. C., Bilc, M. I., Bunea, I., & Szentagotai-Tatar, A. (2017). Childhood trauma and sensitivity to reward and punishment: Implications for depressive and anxiety symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 134-140.
⚂ Mofield, E. L., & Parker Peters, M. (2015). The relationship between perfectionism and overexcitabilities in gifted adolescents. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 38 (4), 405-427.
⚂ Mofield, E. L., & Parker Peters, M. (2018). Shifting the perfectionistic mindset: Moving to mindful excellence. Gifted Child Today, 41 (4), 177-185.
⚂ Montuori, Alfonso. (2003). Frank Barron: A creator on creating . Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 43 , 7-23.
⚂ Montuori, Alfonso, Fahim, Urusa. (2004). Cross-cultural encounter as an opportunity for personal growth. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 44 , 243-265.
⚂ Montuori, A. (2019). Creating Social Creativity: Integrative transdisciplinarity and the epistemology of complexity. In The Palgrave Handbook of Social Creativity Research (pp. 407-430). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
⚂ Moon, J. H., & Montgomery, D. (2005). Profiles of overexcitabilities for Korean high school gifted students according to gender and domain of study. Journal of Gifted/Talented Education. 15 , 1-10.
⚂ Moran, S. (2020). Life purpose in youth: Turning potential into a lifelong pursuit of prosocial contribution. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 43 (1), 38-60.
⚂ Morelock, M. J. (1996). On the nature of giftedness and talent: Imposing order on chaos. Roeper Review, 19 , 4-12.
⚂ Morelock, M. J. (1997). In response to Gagne's critique. Roeper Review, 20, 85-87
⚂ Moroz, M. (1970, August 26-30). The Theory of Positive Disintegration and personality theory. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 13 pages.
⚂ Morrissey, Anne-Marie. (1996). Intellect as prelude: The potential for higher level development in the gifted. Advanced Development. 7, 101-116.
⚂ Morrissey, Anne-Marie. (2001). Beyond the image: The giftedness of Jimi Hendrix. Roeper Review, 24 (1), 5-11.
⚂ Mroz, A. (2015, Aug 31). Greetings, psychoneurotics. [chrome Trans] Retrieved from
⚂ Mroz, A. (2015, Aug 31). Bądźcie pozdrowieni, psychoneurotycy. Retrieved from
⚂ Mos, L. P., & Boodt, C. P. (1991). Friendship and play: An evolutionary-developmental view. Theory & Psychology, 1 (1), 132-144.
⚂ Mos, L., & King, M. (Rankel) (1976). Conversations with K. Dąbrowski. Unpublished manuscript. Edmonton, AB. Part 1, 48 pages and part 2, 47 pages, dated April 20-21.
⚂ Mos, L. P., Kuiken, D., & Smythe, W. (1998). Theoretical psychology at the University of Alberta 1965-1998. History and Philosophy of Psychology Bulletin, 10 (1), 3-12 PDF.
⚂ Mowrer, O. H. (1950). Learning theory and personality dynamics. New York: Ronald Press. PMid:15415481 Refers to Dabrowsky (sic) (1937). I believe this is Mowrer's first reference to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Mowrer, O. H. (1965). Symptoms of development. [Review of the book Positive Disintegration, by K. Dąbrowski]. Contemporary Psychology, 10 (11), 538-540.
⚂ Mowrer, O. H. (1966a). The behavior therapies with special reference to modelling and imitation. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 20 (3), 439-461. PMid:5337648
⚂ Mowrer, O. H. (1966b). Discussion of K. Dąbrowski:, The Theory of Positive Disintegration. International Journal of Psychiatry, 2, 247-249.
⚂ Mowrer, O. H. (1969). Too little too late. International Journal of Psychiatry, 7 (1), 536-556. This article is a critical evaluation of an article in the same issue by Eugene Wolf on the theme; The integration of psychoanalytic concepts and learning theory. Mowrer refers to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Mowrer, O. H. (1971). Peer groups and medication, the best therapy for professionals and layman alike. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 8 (1), 44-54.
⚂ Moyle, V. F. (2000). Positive disintegration and the hero's journey. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 87-92). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Moyle, V. F. (2000). The metaphor for life's journey: The labyrinth. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 1-8). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Moyle, V. F. (2002). Metaphor in the therapeutic setting: Putting Dąbrowski to work. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 337-348). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Moyle, V. F. (2005). Authentic character development: Beyond nature and nurture. In Hafenstein, Kutrumbos, Delisle (Eds.). Perspectives in Gifted Education: Volume 3. Complexities of Emotional Development, Spirituality and Hope, (pp.33-59). Institute for the Development of Gifted Education, Ricks Center for Gifted Children, University of Denver.
⚂ Mroczkowski, B. (2014-10-04). Kazimierz Dabrowski i dezintegracja pozytywna [Kazimierz Dÿbrowski and positive disintegration]
⚂ Mroz, A. (2002a). Rozwoj osoby wedlug teorii dezyntegracji pozytywnej Kazimierza Dąbrowskiego [Individual development according to Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration]. Doctoral dissertation, Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland.
⚂ Mroz, A. (2002b). The significance of religious, esthetic and other oriented moral values in the process of personality development in the model of positive disintegration. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 141-150). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Mroz, A. (2006). The vision of an ideal human being: Genetic manipulations and positive maladjustment. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Positive Maladjustment: Theoretical, Educational and Therapeutic Perspectives. Proceedings from the Seventh International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 133-139). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 3-5, 2006 Calgary, Alberta).
⚂ Mroz, A. (2009). Theory of positive disintegration as a basis for research on assisting development. Roeper Review, 31 (2), 96-102.
⚂ Mueller, C. E., & Winsor, D. L. (2018). Depression, suicide, and giftedness: Disentangling risk factors, protective factors, and implications for optimal growth. In Pfeiffer, S. I. (Ed.). Handbook of Giftedness in Children (pp. 255-284). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
⚂ Musiał, D. (2002). Happiness as a function of mental health as presented in Dąbrowski's positive disintegration theory. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 299-308). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Musiał, D. (2011a). The development of psychic overexcitability in K. Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration In E. Rzechowska, S. Steuden, D. Musiał, E. Rydz, & M. Tatala (Eds.), Contemporary interpretations and applications of the theory of positive disintegration (pp. 161-181). Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II.
⚂ Musiał, D. (2011b). Happiness of adolescents in the Theory of Positive Disintegration (empirical studies on people aged 12 to 24). In E. Rzechowska, S. Steuden, D. Musiał, E. Rydz, & M. Tatala (Eds.), Contemporary interpretations and applications of the theory of positive disintegration (pp. 77-99). Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II.
⚂ Myers, R., & Pace, T. (1986). Counseling gifted and talented students: Historical perspectives andcontemporary issues. Journal of Counseling and Development, 64, 548-551.
⚂ Myjak, K. (2022). Teoria dezintegracji pozytywnej Kazimierza Dąbrowskiego jako pomoc w zrozumieniu formacji dorosłego człowieka, jego drogi rozwoju i kształtowania społeczeństwa [Kazimierz Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration as an aid in understanding the adult human being, his/her development path and the shaping of the society.] Theologos, 2, 68-79. The University of Prešov in Prešov [Slovakia], pdf
⚂ Neihart, M. (1998). Preserving the true self of the gifted child. Roeper Review, 20 (3), 187-191. Fundamental principles of self psychology are described to explain how the self begins and develops over the life span. The influences that contribute to the creation of false and true selves in gifted children are discussed and strategies for promoting the true self of gifted children are presented.
⚂ Neihart, M. (1999). The impact of giftedness on psychological well-being: What does the empirical literature say? Roeper Review, 22 (1), 10-17.
⚂ Neihart, M., Reis, S. M., Robinson, N. M., & Moon, S. M. (Eds.). (2002). The social and emotional development of gifted children: What do we know? Waco, Texas: Prufrock Press, Inc. ISBN 1-882664-77-9.
"This book examines the social and emotional lives of gifted children and youth. Issues related to underachievement, sensitivity, depression, and loneliness are explored. The report urges differentiated educational strategies, counseling, research, and community-oriented action." "The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children: What Do We Know? offers an examination of the essential topics teachers, parents, and researchers need to know about the social and emotional development of gifted children. Concise, comprehensive, meticulously researched, and wide-ranging in it's coverage The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children: What Do We Know? is essential reading for those who wish to enable gifted students to develop their strengths and postition them to make the contributions of which they are capable." I understand there is a chapter on TPD. The book is available through The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), at:
⚂ Nelson, J. M., Rinn, A. N., & Hartnett, D. N. (2006). The possibility of misdiagnosis of giftedness and ADHD still exists: A response to Mika. Roeper Review 28 (4), 243-249.
⚂ Nelson, K. C. (1989). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. Advanced Development, 1, 1-14.
⚂ Nelson, K. C. (1992). Kazimierz Dąbrowski: Poland's gifted 'outsider'. In N. Colangelo, S. G. Assouline, & D. L. Ambroson (Eds.), Talent Development: Proceedings of the 1991 Jocelyn Wallace National Research Symposium on Talent Development (pp. 357-361). Unionville, New York: Trillium Press.
⚂ Nelson, T. (1981). When is a good leader a good man? In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the Third International Conference (pp. 333-358). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Nelson T. (1982). Dąbrowski. Alberta Psychology, 11 (1), 9-10.
⚂ Neville, C. S., Piechowski, M. M., & Tolan, S. S. (Eds.) (2013). Off the charts: Asynchrony and the gifted child. Unionville, NY: Royal Fireworks Press. CW
⚂ Ngara, C. & Porath, M. (2004). Shona culture of Zimbabwe's views of giftedness. High Ability Studies, 15(2), 189 - 209.
⚂ Nicholson, Michelle A. (2019). “To be men, not destroyers”: Developing Dabrowskian Personalities in Ezra Pound's The Cantos and Neil Gaiman's American Gods. University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 2628.
⚂ Nixon, L. (1983). Meditation as a means of actualizing the religious personality ideal: A review of empirical research from the perspective of Kazimierz Dąbrowski's TPD. Unpublished master's thesis, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.
⚂ Nixon, L. (1989). Maladjustment and self-actualization in the life of Teresa of Avila. Studies in Religion, 18 :283-295.
⚂ Nixon, L. (1990). The mystical struggle: A psychological analysis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.
⚂ Nixon, L. (1994). Multilevel disintegration in the lives of religious mystics. Advanced Development, 6, 57-74.
⚂ Nixon, L. (1994). Mystical stages and personality development. Paper presented at the Dąbrowski Symposium, Keystone, Colorado, June 10.
⚂ Nixon, L. (1994). Overexcitabilities and related research findings. Dąbrowski Newsletter , October. "
⚂ Nixon, L. (1995). A Hindu Swami's description of his experience at level V. The Dąbrowski Newsletter, 2 (1).
⚂ Nixon, L. (1996a). Factors predispositional of creativity and mysticism: A comparative study of Charles Darwin and Therese of Lisieux. Advanced Development, 7 :81-100.
⚂ Nixon, L. (1996b). Some examples of intellectual overexcitability from mystical autobiographies. The Dąbrowski Newsletter, 2 (3).
⚂ Nixon, L. (1996c). A Dąbrowskian perspective on the practice of meditation. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Perspectives on the self: The second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration. (pp.174-198). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration May 22-25, 1996 Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Nixon, L. (1997). Varieties of personality integration. The Dąbrowski Newsletter, 4 (1).
⚂ Nixon, L. (1998). LSD and level of personality. The Dąbrowski Newsletter, 4 (2).
⚂ Nixon, L. (1998). The developmental function of loss the theory of positive disintegration. In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (pp. 120-135). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Nixon, L. (1998). William James as a precursor of Dąbrowski. Dąbrowski Newsletter, 4(4).
⚂ Nixon, L. (1999a). Intellectual overexcitability in mystical lives. The Dąbrowski Newsletter, 5(3).
⚂ Nixon, L. (1999b). Kazimierz Dąbrowski's view of asceticism. The Dąbrowski Newsletter, January, 5(2).
⚂ Nixon, L. (2000a). A Dąbrowskian analysis of a Japanese Buddhist nun. The Dąbrowski Newsletter, 6 (2).
⚂ Nixon, L. (2000b). Psychic spasmophilia and mystical experience. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 213-222). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Nixon, L. (2002). Dąbrowski's critique of Asian religions. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 65-90). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Nixon, L. (2004). A Dąbrowskian analysis of the ten oxherding pictures presented at the The Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
The pictures.
The paper.
⚂ Nixon, L. (2005). Potential for positive disintegration and IQ. The Dąbrowski Newsletter, 10 (2).1-5.
⚂ Nixon, L. F. (2008). Personality disintegration and reintegration in mystical lives. In S. Mendaglio (Ed.). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (pp. 203-226). Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
⚂ Nixon, L. F. (2010). Individual identity and union with the Absolute: An analysis of Dąbrowski's critique of Asian religions , Advanced Development, 12 , 49-67.
⚂ Nixon, L. F. (2012). The function of mystical experiences in personality development. Advanced Development, 13, 42-67.
⚂ Nixon, L. F. (2016). Creativity and positive disintegration. Advanced Development, 15, 12-32.
⚂ Noble, K. D. (1984). Psychological health and the experience of transcendence. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
⚂ Noble, K. D. (2001). Riding the windhorse: Spiritual intelligence and the growth of the self. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
⚂ Noble, K. D., Robinson, N. M., & Gunderson, S. A. (1993). All rivers lead to the sea: A follow-up study of gifted young adults. Roeper Review, 15 (3), 124-130.
⚂ Nordin, R. G. (2006). Understanding emotional exceptionality in gifted youth: A book review. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 17 (3), 188-190.
⚂ Novello, J. (2009). Making great kids greater: Easing the burden of being gifted. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, Fall, 38-41.
⚂ O'Connor, K. J. (2002). The application of Dąbrowski's theory to the gifted. In M. Neihart, S. M. Reis, N. M. Robinson, & S. M. Moon (Eds.), The social and emotional development of gifted children: What do we know? (pp. 51-60). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
⚂ Odejide, A. O. (1979). Cross-cultural psychiatry: A myth or reality. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 20 (2), 103-109.
⚂ Ogburn, M. K. (1976). Differentiating guilt according to theory of positive disintegration. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
⚂ Ogburn-Colangelo, M. K. (1979). Giftedness as multilevel potential: A clinical example. In N. Colangelo & R. Zaffrann (Eds.), New Voices in Counseling the Gifted (pp. 165-187). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Pub. Co..
⚂ Ogburn-Colangelo, M. K., (1989). Giftedness as multilevel potential: A clinical example. Advanced Development, 1, 87-100.
⚂ Ogurlu, U. (2021). Overview of meta-analyses on giftedness. Gifted and Talented International, 00(00), 1-18.
⚂ Oles, P. K. , & Bartnicka-Michalska, A. (2022). People of the 21st century: Where we came from — Who we are — Where we are going. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 10 (1), 1-9.
Insightful analyses, but above all, empirical research conducted by Kazimierz Dąbrowski (1986) — a Polish educator, doctor, and philosopher can be a psychological commentary for Kierkegaard's analyses. The author of the theory of positive disintegration, describing the process of shaping personality and the dynamisms accompanying the development of the internal mental environment, also writes about spiritual crises accompanying the search for meaning in life. Describing them as “struggles of groups of different tendencies within the internal mental environment — the structure of different mental dynamisms occurring at different levels of personal development, remaining in periodic harmony, and above all in single-level and multi-level conflicts”, Dąbrowski (1986, p. 47) refers directly to Kierkegaard's thoughts. He states at the same time that the ideal of personality, which is the synthesis of what is carnal, intellectual, and spiritual, exists: “Such an ideal and sublime set of goals can be called the empirical ideal. It is not a fantasy nor merely a philosophical construction, but it is accessible to experience, concrete, it works in our daily life” (Dąbrowski, 1986, p. 42). Returning to the question: Can the question about the meaning of life be ignored at no cost? The answer is: No!
⚂ Olszewski-Kubilius, P. (2015). Overexcitabilities: Interview with Daniel Winkler. Available from
⚂ Osborne, J. (1987). A human science study of learning about "learning." Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 27, 485-500.
⚂ Overexcitability questionnaire items (OEQ). See Lysy & Piechowski, (1983).
⚂ Overexcitability definition: Murray, J. A. H., Bradley, H., Craigie, W. A. & Onions, C. T. (Eds.). (1913). The Oxford English dictionary: A new dictionary on historical principles. Vol. 7 (N-Poy), p. 300. Oxford University Press. (Reprinted 1970)
⚂ Owen, J. & Erichsen, E. A. (2013). Developing and sustaining the adult gifted learner. In C. J. Boden McGill & King, K. P. (Eds.) Developing and Sustaining Adult Learners (Adult Education Special Topics: Theory, Research and Practice) (pp. 183-205), [2012 Adult Higher Education Alliance Conference.] Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
↩ Main. Top A-C D-F G-K L-O P-S T-Z
⚂ Palmer, Marian Elizabeth. The relationship between levels of development and the elaboration of possible selves. [Dissertation Abstract] Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Vol 67(11-B), 2007, pp. 6756.
⚂ Pamrow, M. (2018). Which way of life is better? Dabrowski and Culture. In Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy (pp. 61-65). Charlottesville, VA: Philosophy Documentation Center. Taking “culture” as a “way of life,” which means the customs, tradition, the system of education, the system of a family (as Koneczny would say) of given society, we can ask the question: which culture is better for human being and society? To answer this question, we need a tool -the theory that includes somehow defined notion of humanity and its methodology possess the ability to evaluate qualitatively human and society. The Theory of Positive Disintegration (TPD) is a proposition of such a tool-it is a psychological theory of personal development, but also determined by philosophical fundaments. Created by Kazimierz Dabrowski, TPD is a chance to look at the culture and society either in philosophical and in psychological way, based on empirical data. With TPD we could track the elements of our culture that block the personal development.
⚂ Papadopoulos, D. (2020). Psychological framework for gifted children's cognitive and socio-emotional development: A review of the research Literature and Implications. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists , 8(March), 305-323.
⚂ Pardo de Santayana Sanz, R. (2006). El alumno superdotado y sus problemas de aprendizaje: Validación del OEQ-II como prueba de diagnóstico (The gifted student and learning disabilities: Validation of the OEQ-II as a diagnosis test). Universidad Complutense de Madrid. ISBN: 84-669-2872-3.
⚂ Payette, P. (1970, August 26-30). On the road to identity. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 19 pages. Payette1970.
⚂ Payne, C. (1987). A psychobiographical study of the emotional development of a controversial protest leader. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
⚂ Pękowska, M. (2018). Popularization of Knowledge on International Accomplishments of Special Education in the “Szkoła Specjalna” Magazine During the Inter-War Period. Bulletin of the History of Education, (38) , 167-180. Link.
⚂ Perrone-McGovern, K. M., Boo, J. N., & Vannatter, A. (2012). Marital and life satisfaction among gifted adults. Roeper Review, 34, 46-52
⚂ Perrone-McGovern, K. M., Simon-Dack, S. L., Beduna, K. N., Williams, C. C., & Esche, A. M. (2015). Emotions, cognitions, and well-being: The role of perfectionism, emotional overexcitability, and emotion regulation. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 38 (4), 343-357.
⚂ Peterson, J. S. (2002). A longitudinal study of post-high-school development in gifted individuals at risk for poor educational outcomes. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 14 (1), 6-18.
⚂ Peterson, J. S. (2003). An argument for proactive attention to affective concerns of gifted adolescents. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 14 (2), 62-70.
⚂ Peterson, J. S. (2009). Myth 17: Gifted and talented individuals do not have unique social and emotional needs. Gifted Child Quarterly, 53 (4), 280-282.
⚂ Peterson, J. S. (2012). The asset-burden paradox of giftedness: A 15-year phenomenological, longitudinal case study. Roeper Review, 34 , 244-260.
⚂ Peterson, J. S. (2015). School Counselors and gifted Kids: Respecting both cognitive and affective. Journal of Counseling & Development, 93 (2), 153-162.
⚂ Peterson, J. S., & Jen, E. (2018). The Peterson proactive developmental attention model: A framework for nurturing the rest of the whole gifted child. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 41 (2), 111-135.
⚂ Percival, T. Kohlberg and Dąbrowski: Towards a unified theory. Unpublished manuscript. 12 pages.
⚂ Perez-Fabello, M. & Campos, A. (2011). Dissociative experiences and creativity in fine arts students. Creativity Research Journal, 23(1), 38-41.
⚂ Perspectives on the self of the gifted. (1998). Roeper Review, 20 (3), 144-230. A special issue on perspectives of the Self of the gifted. Articles discuss the writer's vision, experiences, and perception of the human Self; a sociological perspective on the reflexive Self; the characteristics of creative individuals; the relationship between denial of anger and denial of Self in light of two aspects of Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration; the development of the Self in gifted people; the process of identity development in intellectually gifted children and adolescents; the development of emotional maturity in the gifted; spiritual sensitivity in gifted children; early self-efficacy in gifted children; the development of the true Self of the gifted child; examples of outstanding achievement among individuals who lacked a supportive environment, one of the conditions identified as necessary by models of talent development; the indivisibility of self, mind, and intelligence; the influence of giftedness on an individual's life; the isolation of the gifted asynchronous child whose level of moral development is out of sync with age peers and human culture; the experience of the depressive state of ten gifted adolescents; a model for understanding the complexity of gifted people; and one-to-one integrated tutoring and therapy offered to gifted children at a clinic in Great Britain.
⚂ Perszko, D. (2010). Fundamentals of the psychology of creativity. (J. Lucas, Trans.). Heksis, 2 , Unpaginated. Retrieved from Heksis
⚂ Pfeiffer, S. I., & Prado, R. M. (2018). Counseling the gifted: Current status and future prospects. In Pfeiffer, S. I. (Ed.). Handbook of Giftedness in Children (pp. 299-313). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 7
⚂ Picard, S. (2020). Re-envisioning spaces striving for inclusion through the theory of positive disintegration. (Doctoral dissertation).
⚂ Piechowski, M. (1970a, August 26-30). The concept of multilevelness and developmental potential - A propaedeutic to the inner psychic milieu. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 12 pages. EDI: #62 J), Appendix B - 6
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1970b, August 26-30). The empirical basis of valuation. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 11 pages.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1974). Two developmental concepts: Multilevelness and developmental potential. Counseling and Values, 18 (2), 86-93.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1975a). A theoretical and empirical approach to the study of development. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 92 (2), 231-297.
⚂ Piechowski. M. M. (1975b). Formless forms: The conceptual structure of theories of counseling and psychotherapy. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1975c). Formless forms: The conceptual structure of theories of counseling and psychotherapy. Unpublished manuscript, University of Wisconsin Madison. Supplement to a doctoral dissertation proposal. 88 pages. Refers to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1976). Mental health as a function of psychological development. In K. Dąbrowski (Ed.), Higiena psychiczna (Mental health) . Warszawa: Panstwowe Naukowe (Science Publishing House), 1979.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1978a). Self-actualization as a developmental structure: A profile of Antoine de Saint Exupéry. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 97 (2), 181-242.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1978b). Mental health as a function of psychological development. Paper to appear in Mental Hygiene of Psychologically Healthy People. Warszawa PNN (Science Publishing House), 1978. Manuscript date; December, 1976, 41 pages, refers to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1979a). Developmental potential. In N. Colangelo and R. Zaffrann (Eds.), New Voices in Counseling the Gifted (25-57). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1979b). Levels of emotional development. Illinois Teacher-of-Home-Economics, 22 (3), 134-139. NEL
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1980). Emotional sources of intellectual well-being . Paper presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting, Boston, MA "pp. 1-22"
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1981a). Development potential - A model of giftedness. Proposed study for the Spencer Foundation. pp. 1-4.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1981b). The logical and the empirical form of feeling. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 15 (1), 31-53. Does not refer to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1982). A comparison of different types of intellectual overexcitability. Paper presented at the National Association for Gifted Children conference, New Orleans, LA. SIL/86
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1983a). Assessing overexcitability by questionnaire and interview. Unpublished manuscript. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University. CW
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1983b). The invisible mansion - A synopsis of my underlying theoretical perspective. Unpublished manuscript. pp. 1-15.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1984). Inner growth and transformation in the life of Eleanor Roosevelt. Paper presented at the Eleanor Roosevelt Centennial Conference, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY. NEL
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1985). Zdrowie psychiczne jako funkcja rozwoju psychicznego. In K. Dąbrowski (Ed.), Zdrowie psychiczne (pp. 91-128). Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. CW
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1986). The concept of developmental potential. Roeper Review, 8 (3), 190-197.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1987). Case studies of self-actualization. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC. NEL
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1987). Family qualities and the emotional development of older gifted students. In T. M. Buescher (Ed.) Understanding Gifted and Talented Adolescents. Evanston, IL: Center for Talent Development, Northwestern U. CW
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1989). Developmental potential and the growth of self. In J. VanTassel-Baska and P. Olszewski-Kubilius (Eds.), Patterns of influence on gifted learners: The home, the self, and the school (pp. 87-101). New York: Teachers College Press.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1990a). The Heart of Leta Hollingworth. Roeper Review, 12 (3), 228-234.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1990b). Inner growth and transformation in the life of Eleanor Roosevelt. Advanced Development, 2, 35-53.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1991a). Characteristics of the self actualized person: Visions from the East and West (Invited Commentary). Counseling and Values, 36, 19-20. This article is a comment on Chang & Page, 1991.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1991b). Emotional development and emotional giftedness. In N. Colangelo & G. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of Gifted Education (pp. 285-306). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1991c). Giftedness for all seasons: Inner peace in a time of war. Paper presented at the Henry B. and Jocelyn Wallace National Research Symposium on Talent Development, The University of Iowa, Iowa City. 44 pages. A paper presenting three case studies, refers to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1992a). Etty Hillesum: The thinking heart of the barracks. Advanced Development, 4, 105-118.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1992b). Giftedness for all seasons: Inner peace in time of war. In N. Colangelo, S. G. Assouline, & D. L. Ambroson (Eds.), Talent Development. Proceedings of the Henry B. and Jocelyn Wallace National Research Symposium on Talent Development. (pp. 180-203). Unionville, New York: Trillium Press.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1992c). Inner peace in time of war. Viewpoints 1992, 45-70.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1993a). Is inner transformation a creative process? Creativity Research Journal, 6 (1&2), 89-98.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1993b). Origins without origins: Exceptional abilities explained away [Review of the book The origins of exceptional abilities, by M. Howe]. Creativity Research Journal, 6 (4), 465-469.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1993c). The heart of Leta S. Hollingworth. Advanced Development, 5, 103-115.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1995). OE origins. The Dąbrowski Newsletter, 1 (4), 2-4. CW
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1997a). Emotional Giftedness: An expanded view. APEX: The New Zealand Journal of Gifted Education, 10, 37-47.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1997b). Emotional giftedness: An expanded view. Paper presented at the 12th World Conference of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, July 29-August 2, Seattle, Washington.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1997c). Emotional giftedness: The measure of intrapersonal intelligence. In N. Colangelo & G. A. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of Gifted Education (2nd ed., pp. 366-381). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1998). The self victorious: Personal strengths, Chance and co-incidence. Roeper Review, 20(3), 191-198.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (1999). Overexcitabilities. In M. Runco & S. Pritzker (Eds.) Encyclopedia of creativity (pp. 325-334). New York: Academic Press.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2000a). Childhood experiences and spiritual giftedness. Advanced Development, 9, 65-90.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2000b). The unfolding of Dąbrowski's theory. The Dąbrowski Newsletter, 6 (4), 3-6.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2001). Childhood Spirituality. The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 33(1), 1-15.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2002a). Experiencing in a higher key: Dąbrowski's theory of and for the gifted. Gifted Education Communicator, 33 (1), 28-31, 35-36.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2002b). How well do we understand Dąbrowski's theory? In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 177-184). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2003a). Emotional and spiritual giftedness. In N. Colangelo & G. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of gifted education (3rd ed., pp. 403-416). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2003b). From William James to Maslow and Dąbrowski: Excitability of character and self-actualization. In D. Ambrose, L. M. Cohen & A. J. Tannenbaum (Eds.), Creative intelligence: Toward theoretic integration. (Perspectives on creativity). (pp. 283-322). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2006). "Mellow Out," They Say. If Only I Could: Intensities and Sensitivities of the Young and Bright , Madison, WI: Yunasa Books.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2008). Discovering Dąbrowski's theory. In S. Mendaglio (Ed.). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (pp. 41-77). Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press.
⚂ Piechowski -- 2009 -- Interview: see Cartcart, R. (2009, November).
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2009a). Living with Intensities and Sensitivities . (Keynote address). In J. Frank, H. Curties, & G. Finlay, (Eds.). Imagining the way: Proceedings from the 19th Annual SAGE Conference (pp. 1 - 7). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the 19th Annual SAGE Conference. November 7-8, 2008, University of Calgary, Calgary AB.).
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2009b). Peace Pilgrim, exemplar of level V. Roeper Review, 31 (2), 103-112.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2009c). Piechowski's response to William Tillier's Conceptual differences between Piechowski and Dąbrowski. In J. Frank, H. Curties, & G. Finlay, (Eds.). Imagining the way: Proceedings from the 19th Annual SAGE Conference (pp. 70-74). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the 19th Annual SAGE Conference. November 7-8, 2008, University of Calgary, Calgary AB.). See Tillier, 2009a, 2009c
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2009d). Taking the Mystery out of Personal Growth . In J. Frank, H. Curties, & G. Finlay, (Eds.). Imagining the way: Proceedings from the 19th Annual SAGE Conference (pp. 8-11). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the 19th Annual SAGE Conference. November 7-8, 2008, University of Calgary, Calgary AB.).
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2009e). The inner world of the young and bright. In D. Ambrose & T. Cross (Eds.), Morality, ethics, and gifted minds (pp. 177-194). New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2010). Comment on Jane Piirto's "21 Years With the Dąbrowski's Theory" Advanced Development, 12 , 93-94.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2010b). We are all cells in the body of humanity. Gifted Education International, 27, 5-9.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2012). A bird who can soar: Overexcitabilities in the gifted. In C. Neville, M. M. Piechowski & S. S. Tolan (Eds.), Off the charts: Asynchrony and the gifted child (pp. 99-122). Unionville, NY: Royal Fireworks Press. CW
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2014a). "Mellow Out," They Say. If Only I Could: Intensities and Sensitivities of the Young and Bright , (2nd ed.). Unionville, NY: Royal Fireworks Press.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2014b). Rethinking Dąbrowski's Theory: I. the case against primary integration. Roeper Review, 36, 11-17.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2014c). The roots of Dąbrowski's Theory. Advanced Development, 14, 28-42.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2015a) A bird who can soar: Overexcitabilities in the gifted. Psychologia Wychowawcza, NR 8 , 107-122.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2015b) Jak ptak, wysokim loti: Wzmozone pobudliwosci psychiczne u osob zdolnych. [A bird who can soar: Overexcitabilities in the gifted.] Psychologia Wychowawcza, NR 8, 122-137.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2015c). A reply to Mendaglio and Tillier. Roeper Review, 37 (4), 229-233.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2016). The only reality is love: Conversations with Annemarie Roeper. Unpublished manuscript. CW
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (2017). Rethinking Dąbrowski's theory II: It's not all flat here. Roeper Review, 39 (2), 87-95.
⚂ Piechowski M. M. (2020). Lives of positive disintegration. Advanced Development, 18, 1-24.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. (n.d.). Mental health as a function of psychological development. Unpublished manuscript. "Abstract and summary, 1-6." Note: NEL lists this as a paper presented at the University of Illinois, Urbana.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M., & Chucker, J. (2011). Overexcitabilities. In M. A. Runco & S. R. Pritzker (Eds.). Encyclopedia of creativity , Vol. 2 (2nd Ed., pp. 202-208). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M., & Colangelo, N. (1982, October). Developmental potential of the gifted. Revision of a paper presented at the Annual Convention for the National Association for Gifted Children, New Orleans.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M., & Colangelo, N. (1983). Development potential of gifted adolescents. Unpublished abstract.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M., & Colangelo, N. (1984). Developmental potential of the gifted. Gifted Child Quarterly, 28 (2), 80-88.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M., & Cunningham, K. (1985). Patterns of overexcitability in a group of artists. Journal of Creative Behavior, 19 (3), 153-174.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M., & Dąbrowski, K. (in press). Self actualization as a developmental structure: A profile of Antoine de Saint Exupéry. Genetic Psychology Monographs. This is a pre-publication copy of Piechowski, (1978a). The paper was not published under this authorship as Dąbrowski withdrew his name from the work. I have included it here because this reference appears in Dąbrowski, K., with Piechowski, M. M. (1977).
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. & Daniels, S., (Eds.), (2009). Living with Intensity: Understanding the Sensitivity, Excitability, and Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Adults. Great Potential Press.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M., & Miller, N. B. (1995). Assessing developmental potential in gifted children: A comparison of methods. Roeper Review, 17 (3), 176-180. A correction to this article appears in Roeper Review, 17 (4), 238.
⚂ Piechowski M. M., & Probst, B. (2012). Overexcitabilities and Temperament. In Cross, T. L. & Cross, J. R. (Eds.). The Handbook for Counselors Serving Students with Gifts and Talents, (pp. 53-73). Waco, Texas: Prufrock.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M., Silverman, L. K., Cunningham, K., & Falk, F. (1982, March). A comparison of intellectually gifted and artists on five dimensions of mental functioning. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, New York. 6 pages.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M., Silverman, L. K., & Falk, F. (1985). Comparison of intellectually and artistically gifted on five dimensions of mental functioning. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 60, 539-549.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M., & Tyska, C. (1982). Self-actualization profile of Eleanor Roosevelt, a presumed non-transcender. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 105, 95-153.
⚂ Piechowski, M. M. & Wells, C. (2021). Reexamining Overexcitability: A framework for understanding intense experience. In T. L. Cross & J. R. Cross, (Eds.). Handbook for counselors serving students with gifts and talents: Development, relationships, school issues, and counseling needs/Interventions (2nd ed., pp. 63-83). Routledge.
⚂ Piirto, J. (1990). Profiles of creative adolescents. Understanding Our Gifted, 2 (3), 1, 10-12.
⚂ Piirto, J. (1992). Understanding those who create. Ohio: Psychologists Press.
⚂ Piirto, J. (1994). Talented children and adults: Their development and education. New York: Macmillan.
⚂ Piirto, J. (1997, November). Twelve issues: Implications of post-modern curriculum theory for the education of the talented. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association for Gifted Children Conference, Little Rock, AR. [On-line]. Refers to "the Dąbrowski Theory of Positive Disintegration (as it is called in Canada, or of Emotional Development, as it is called in the United States)" (p. 7).
⚂ Piirto, J. (1998a). Understanding those who create. Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press.
⚂ Piirto, J. (1998b). Talented children and adults: Their development and education. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
⚂ Piirto, J. (2004). Understanding creativity. (2nd ed.). Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.
⚂ Piirto, J. (2005). I Live in my own bubble: The values of talented adolescents. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 16 (2/3), 106-118.
⚂ Piirto, J. (2007). Talented children and adults: Their development and education. Chapter 11 Waco, TX: Prufrock Press, 2007. Available at:
⚂ Piirto, J. (2008). The last word: An interview with Michael Pyryt. Journal of Advanced Academics (1932-202X) 19 (2), 345-353.
⚂ Piirto, J. (2009). Eminence and creativity in selected visual artists. In MacFarlene, B., & Stambaugh, T. (Eds.) Leading change in gifted education (pp. 13-26). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. Available at:
⚂ Piirto, J. (2010). 21 years with the Dąbrowski theory: An autoethnography. Advanced Development, 12 , 68-90.
⚂ Piirto, J. (2010b). Rejoinder. Advanced Development, 12 , 95-96.
⚂ Piirto, J., Cassone, G., Ackerman, C., & Fraas, J. (1996). An international study of intensity in talented teenagers using the Overexcitability Questionnaire (OEQ). In W. Tillier (Ed.), Perspectives on the self: Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski' s Theory of Positive Disintegration. (pp. 24-37). Unpublished Manuscript.
⚂ Piirto, J., Flynt, L., Schottke, N., & Willmore, S. (1998). The overexcitability questionnaire: Qualitative applications. In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (pp. 156-157). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Piirto, J., & Fraas, J. (2012). A mixed-methods comparison of vocational and identified-gifted high school students on the overexcitability questionnaire. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 35 , 3-34.
⚂ Piirto, J., Montgomery, D., & May, J. (2008). A comparison of Dąbrowski's overexcitabilities by gender for American and Korean high school gifted students. High Ability Studies, 19(2), 141-153.
⚂ Piotrowski, Zygmunt Comments on positive disintegration. Unpublished manuscript, Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. 7 pages. EDI: #62 J), Appendix B - 8.
⚂ Platt, P. J. (1981). Analysis of an eminent person using Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the Third International Conference (pp. 463-484). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Platt, P. J. (1982). Musicality: An inquiry based on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
⚂ Powers, R. (1998). Psychology, pedagogy, and creative expression in a course on evil. Creativity Research Journal, 11 (1), 61-68.
⚂ Powęska, M. F. (2024). Personal development of the biblical Nicodemus in the light of Kazimierz Dąbrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration. Collectanea Theologica, 94 (2), 5-28. DOWNLOAD PDF.
⚂ Prober, P. (2017). Your rainforest mind: A guide to the well-being of gifted adults and youth: excerpts. Advanced Development, 16, 70-77.
⚂ Probst, B. (2006). Issues in school placement for 'twice exceptional' children: Meeting a dual agenda. Journal of Therapeutic Schools and Programs, 1 (2), 174-188.
⚂ Probst, B., & Piechowski M. M. (2012). Overexcitabilities and temperament. In Cross, T. L. & Cross, J. R. (Eds.). The Handbook for Counselors Serving Students with Gifts and Talents, (pp. 53-73). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
⚂ Pryde, K. (2020). Befriending our gifted minds: Mindfulness and the inner experience of giftedness. Advanced Development, 18, 43-62.
⚂ Pugh, G. M. (1970, August 26-30). Psychotherapy through diagnosis. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 9 pages. EDI: #62 J), Appendix B - 2.
⚂ Purushottam, J. (2002). A rendezvous with destiny. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 13-22). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Puterbaugh, D. T. (2015). So sad for you. USA TODAY, 144 (2844), 80.
⚂ Pyryt, M. C. (1993). The fulfillment of promise revisited: A discriminant analysis of factors predicting success in the Terman study. Roeper Review, 15 (3), 178-180.
⚂ Pyryt, M. C. (2006). The vision of Julian Stanley. Roeper Review, 28 (2), 62-63.
⚂ Pyryt, M. C. (2008). The Dąbrowskian lens: Implications for understanding gifted individuals. In S. Mendaglio (Ed.). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (pp. 175-182). Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
⚂ Pyryt, M. C., & Mendaglio, S. (1991, July 29-August 2). Using Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration to understand and help gifted individuals. Paper presented at the Ninth World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children, The Hague, The Netherlands.
⚂ Pyryt, M. C., & Mendaglio, S. (1994). The multidimensional self-concept: A comparison of gifted and average-ability adolescents. Journal for the Education of the Gifted. 17, 299-305.
⚂ Pyryt, M. C., & Mendaglio, S. (2006). The big-fish-little-pond effect: Social comparison processes and positive maladjustment. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Positive Maladjustment: Theoretical, Educational and Therapeutic Perspectives. Proceedings from the Seventh International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 84-91). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 3-5, 2006 Calgary, Alberta).
⚂ Rama, Swami et. al. (1976). Yoga and psychotherapy. Glenville, IL: Himalayan Institute.
⚂ Ramer, W. (1981). Positive disintegration and Man's search for meaning. In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the Third International Conference (pp. 359-368). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (1969, April). Cultural anthropology and positive disintegration. (21 pages).
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (1970a, May 17) Disintegration: Part II disintegration - Part of the process toward a unified personality. Course Paper, Psychology 405, Professor Schaeffer.
⚂ Rankel, M. D. [King, M.] (1970b, August 26-30). Emotions and the child: The concept of equilibrium as viewed by Dąbrowski and Piaget. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 20 pages. EDI: #62 J), Appendix B - 18.
⚂ Rankel, M. D. 569 Summaries: Summaries of various theories. Class handout. Educational Psychology 569, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Fall 1976.
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (1976, June 7) Elaboration of the Theory of Positive Disintegration. (4 pages).
⚂ Rankel, M. D. 569 Class H. O.: Educational Psychology 569, Class Handout. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Fall 1976. (Various Summaries of the theory, charts, etc.).
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (1981). The dis-ease of troubled children: How can we help them grow? In N. Duda (Ed.), Theory of Positive Disintegration: Proceedings of the Third International Conference (pp. 369-385). Miami, FL: Xerox.
⚂ Rankel M. D. (1982). Dąbrowski - An extraordinary man. Alberta Psychology , 11 (1), 7.
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (1996). Personality growth and the search for spirituality. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Perspectives on the self: The second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration. (pp.136-173). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration May 22-25, 1996 Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (1998a). Level IV, V and beyond In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (pp. 11-27). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (1998b). The FACES test. In C. M. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory (pp. 138-139). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998. Location: Kendall College, Evanston IL.).
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (2000). From psychopath to saint. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 36-59). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (2002a). Dr. Dąbrowski: An extraordinary man. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 37-48). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (2002b). Dr. Dąbrowski: The man, his theory and his dream. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 23-36). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (2004). Children and non-gifted parents, educators and therapists: The sacrifice of true genius to false pride. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Developmental Potential - From Theory to Practice: Educational and Therapeutic perspectives (pp. 106-152). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (2006). We, whose task is wakefulness itself: Dr. K. Dąbrowski - A most positively maladjusted psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and philosopher. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Positive Maladjustment: Theoretical, Educational and Therapeutic Perspectives. Proceedings from the Seventh International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 12-43). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 3-5, 2006 Calgary, Alberta).
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (2008a). Dąbrowski on authentic education. In S. Mendaglio (Ed.). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (pp. 79-100). Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
⚂ Rankel, M. (2008b). Tragic gifts interpreted. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Dąbrowski and Gifted Education: Beyond Overexcitabilities: Proceedings from the 8th International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 125-151). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 7 - 9, 2008 Canmore, Alberta, Canada).
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (n.d.) Pencil sketch: Chapter I, A Pencil Sketch of the Theory of Positive Disintegration.
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (n.d.) Disequilibrium and development, A look at the Canadian Contributions. (14 pages).
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (n.d.) The Theory of Positive Disintegration - Dr. K. Dąbrowski. (3 pages). LK
⚂ Rankel, M. D. (n.d.) Dąbrowski (Theory of Positive Disintegration). (3 pages, numbered 8 a-c). LK
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⚂ Rzechowska, E. (2002). TPD as a starting point for micro-dynamic diagnosis of human development: Theoretical and methodological reflections. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 283-298). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Rzewuski, P. (2012). Kazimierz Dąbrowski - (anty)psychiatra. Jedna z najwazniejszych postaci polskiej psychiatrii. Czlowiek, który gdyby żył w naszych czasach, zostałby najpewniej okrzyknięty antypsychiatrą. Wpływ na taką opinię miałoby liberalne podejście do przesuwania granicy między chorobą psychiczną a zdrowiem. [Kazimierz Dąbrowski - (anti) psychiatrist. One of the most important figures in Polish psychiatry. A man who, if he lived in our time, would probably be hailed as an anti-psychiatrist. Impact on such an opinion would have a liberal approach to shifting the border between mental illness and health.] Retrieved from
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⚂ Saint-Exupery, A. de (1965). A sense of life. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. Dr. Dąbrowski said that one of his favorite authors was Saint-Exupery. Usually one thinks of The little prince but some of Exupery's other works are very insightful in terms of Dąbrowski. For example, in this passage Saint-Exupery describes his train trip across Europe and his observations of the passengers, in particular of a child who he refers to as Mozart. He describes the child's father as a lump of clay - "The mystery is that they should have become these lumps of clay. Into what terrible mold were they forced? What was it that marked them like this, as if they had been put through a monstrous stamping machine? A deer, a gazelle, any animal grown old, preserves its grace. What is it that corrupts this wonderful clay of which man is kneaded?" This is the curse of factor two socialization that Dąbrowski talks about.
Saint-Exupery goes on to describe the child: "When by mutation a new rose is born in a garden, all the gardeners rejoice. They isolate the rose, tend it, foster it. But there is no gardener for men. This little Mozart will be shaped like the rest by the common stamping machine. This little Mozart will love shoddy music in the stench of night dives. This little Mozart is condemned. I went back to my sleeping car. I said to myself: Their fate causes these people no suffering: It is not an impulse to charity that has upset me like this. I am not weeping over an eternally open wound. Those who carry the wound do not feel it. It is the human race and not the individual that is wounded here, is outraged here. I do not believe in pity. What torments me tonight is the gardener's point of view. What torments me is not this poverty to which after all a man can accustom himself as easily as to sloth. Generations of Orientals live in filth and love it. What torments me is neither the humps nor the hollows nor the ugliness. It is the sight, a little bit in all these men, of Mozart murdered. "
In the above passage we also see another key characteristic of primary integration that Dąbrowski described: these adults feel no suffering over there situation. There is no sense of internal conflict that would be present if any developmental potential existed in these individuals.
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⚂ Seevers, R., & Shaughnessy, M. F. (2003). Reflective conversation with Dorothy Sisk. Gifted Education International, 17, 16-41. "The Dąbrowski questionnaire has been used in ongoing research with secondary students from the Texas Academy for Leadership in the Humanities who complete their last two years of high school, and their first two years of college as undergraduate students enrolled at Lamar University and with students in the summer The Texas Honors Leadership Program. We have examined over 1000 questionnaires and 85 % of the students demonstrate (Oes) in Intellectual, Emotional, and Imaginational areas. Psychomotor (Oes) were identified in 50% of the students, and 75% demonstrated Sensual (Oes). The 75% who demonstrated Sensual Oes were students enrolled in Drama, Broadway Musicals, and British Poetry, and loved pizza outings, and a special weekend designed as a "girls night out" for doing facials, nails, eating chocolate and indulging. " These findings have not been replicated in other studies.
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⚂ Silverman, L. K. (1989c). It all began with Leta Hollingworth: The story of giftedness in women. Journal of the Education of the Gifted, XII (2), 86-98. Does not refer to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (1990a). The crucible of perfectionism. In B. Holyst (Ed.), Mental health in a changing world (pp. 39-49). Warsaw: The Polish Society for Mental Health. SIL/91
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⚂ Silverman, L. K. (1992c). Leta Stetter Hollingworth: Champion of the psychology of women and gifted children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84 (1), 20-27. Does not refer to Dąbrowski.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (Ed.). (1993a). Counseling the gifted and talented Denver, CO: Love Publishing.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (1993b). Counseling needs and programs for the gifted. In K. Heller, F. Monks, & A. H. Passow (Eds.), International handbook of research and development of giftedness and talent (pp. 631-647). Oxford, England: Pergamon Press.
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⚂ Silverman, L. K. (1993f). Techniques for preventive counseling. In L. K. Silverman (Ed.), Counseling the gifted and talented (pp. 81-109). Denver: Love Publishing.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (1994). The moral sensitivity of gifted children and the evolution of society. Roeper Review, 17 (2), 110-116.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (1995). The universal experience of being out-of-sync. In L. K. Silverman (Ed.) Advanced development: A collection of works on giftedness in adults . (pp. 1-12). Denver: Institute for the Study of Advanced Development.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (1997). The construct of asynchronous development. Peabody Journal of Education, 72(3/4), 36-58. Part of a special issue on charting a new course in gifted education. The construct of asynchrony offers a child-centered perspective on giftedness that can guide parents, teachers, and counselors in the education of gifted children. Asynchrony has a strong theoretical foundation, is deeply rooted in the field of psychology, and enjoys a rich global heritage in the insightful work of Hollingworth, Terrassier, Dabroswski, and Vygotsky. Asynchrony is not a competitive concept or a source of envy. It stresses the vulnerability of gifted individuals, concentrates on the difficulties gifted individuals face fitting into society, offers insight into the phenomenological realities of gifted individuals and stresses the important role of parents, teachers, and counselors in the optimal development of gifted individuals. Gifted children are at serious risk for alienation if their unique needs are not recognized in early childhood and their developmental differences are not supported. Asynchrony offers an understanding of the inner experiences of gifted children and a sound framework for responding to these children's developmental differences.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (Fall, 1998a). Dąbrowski's Theory and the psychology of giftedness. Quest, 9 (2), 2-7. The newsletter of the Division of Research and Evaluation, National Association for Gifted Children.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (1998b). Developmental stages of giftedness: Infancy through adulthood. In J. Van Tassel-Baska (Ed.), Excellence in educating gifted & talented learners (3rd ed.) (pp. 145-166). Denver: Love Publishing.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (1998c). Through the lens of giftedness. Roeper Review, 20, 204-210.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (1999). Perfectionism: The crucible of giftedness. Advanced Development, 8, 47-61.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2001). See Fletcher, H. (2001)
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2002). Visual spatial brilliance: A Dąbrowskian perspective. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 231-246). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2003). The new children: Are we witnessing greater consciousness? Children of the New Earth, 1 (1), 14-18. "Neither heredity nor environment can explain the awareness, the consciousness of this new group of children. Their heredity and environment are not fundamentally different from all the children we've encountered in the past. Yet there is a remarkable difference in these children from the children we've known in the past. The only explanation I can think of is evolution. I believe we are witnessing the evolution of the human species, and that this evolution is becoming apparent first among the gifted."
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2007). Perfectionism: The crucible of giftedness. Gifted Education International, 23 (3), 233-245. Perfectionism is the most misunderstood aspect of the personality of the gifted. The psychological field characterizes it in extremely negative ways, which may be counterproductive to the development of the gifted individual. There are positive as well as negative aspects of perfectionism, depending on how it is channeled. As one gains higher consciousness, perfectionism becomes a catalyst for self-actualization arid humanitarian ideals. Dąbrowski's theory allows us to see how perfectionism changes in form at different levels of development.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2008). The Theory of Positive Disintegration in the field of gifted education. In S. Mendaglio (Ed.). Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (pp. 157-173). Scottsdale AZ: Great Potential Press, Inc.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2009a). The measurement of giftedness. In L. Shavinina (Ed.). The international handbook on giftedness (pp. 947-970). Amsterdam: Springer Science.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2009b). My love affair with Dąbrowski's theory: A personal odyssey. Roeper Review, 31 (3),141-149.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2010a). Asynchrony. In B. Kerr & B. Wells (Eds.), The encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity and talent (67-70). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2010b). Perfectionism is not a malady. (H. Polyak, Trans.). Heksis, 1 , Unpaginated. Retrieved from Heksis
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2013). Asynchronous development: theoretical bases and current applications. In C. Neville, M. Piechowski & S. Tolan (Eds.) Off the charts: asynchrony and the gifted child (pp. 18-47). Unionville, NY: Royal Fireworks Press.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2015, Nov 26). Perfectionism is not a disease.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2016a). Empathy: The Heart of Dąbrowski's Theory. Advanced Development, 15, 32-47.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2016b). A Garden of Ethics. Roeper Review, 38 (4), 228-235.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2018). Curriculum Vitae
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⚂ Silverman, L. K. (2023). Still gifted after all these years! Unpublished paper. This section was adapted from Silverman, L. K., & Conarton, S. A. (2005). Gifted development: It’s not easy being green. In D. Comstock (Ed.), Diversity and development: Critical contexts that shape our lives and relationships (pp. 233-251). Wadsworth/BrooksCole.
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⚂ Silverman, L. K. (n.d.). Study of higher level development: Questionnaire. Unpublished manuscript, University of Denver. Date unknown.
⚂ Silverman, L. K. (n.d.). Dąbrowski's theory of emotional development An early paper, 65 pages.
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⚂ Silverman, L. K., & Falk, R. F. (1982). A study of extraordinary development potential. (Grant proposal presented to the Spencer Foundation). SIL/86
⚂ Silverman, L. K., & Golon, A. S. (2008). Clinical practice with gifted families. In S. I. Pfeiffer (Ed.), Handbook of Giftedness in Children: Psychoeducational theory, research, and best practices (pp. 199 - 222). New York: Springer.
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⚂ Silverman, L. K., & Piechowski, M. M. (1982). A study of extraordinary developmental potential. Unpublished manuscript. Note: NEL indicates F. Falk as a co-author of this paper.
⚂ Silverman, L. K., Piechowski M. M., Falk, R. F., & Felder, R. (1982). Developmental potential of the gifted. National Association for Gifted Children, New Orleans, Louisiana.
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"In his chapter 'The Inner World of the Young and Bright, Michael Piechowski (2009) writes that emotional overexcitability comprises both emotional intensity and emotional sensitivity. Emotional sensitivity is seen in compassion, caring, responsibility, and in "empathy as a way of knowing." For Piechowski emotional sensitivity corresponds to emotional intelligence and is an ability to perceive and respond to nuances of emotion and feeling within oneself, within others, and within the wider community. He posits that it may be so acute that it becomes hypersensitivity."
⚂ Smith, V. M. (1965). [Review of the book Positive disintegration, by K. Dąbrowski]. Military Medicine, 130, 448.
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States: Dabrowski (1964, 1967) also has proposed a “positive disintegration” model of giftedness, according to which gifted individuals tend to be highly excitable in particular areas of endeavor, in particular, psychomotor, sensual, intellectual, imaginative, and emotional. The idea is similar to one of Ellen Winner (1996), who has suggested that gifted children have a “rage to master” in domains of superior skills, although Dabrowski's “overexcitabilities” (OEs) are more domain general. In fact, recent research suggests that Dabrowski's OEs can be almost perfectly mapped on to the openness-to-experience personality domain of the Big Five (Vuyk, Krieshok, & Kerr, 2016).
⚂ Sternberg, R. J., & Lubart, T. I. (1995). Defying the crowd: Cultivating creativity in a culture of conformity. New York: Free Press. (Two chapters reproduced)
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⚂ Strohm, K. H. (2017). The impact of overexcitabilities on teacher referrals for gifted education (Order No. 10684131). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1973129508). Strohm2017.pdf
⚂ Stuber, S. (1983, April). Using questionnaires to assess overexcitabilities and emotional development in gifted children. Paper presented at the Western Social Science Association Sliver Anniversary meeting, Albuquerque, NM. LS/86
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⚂ Stutler, S. L. (2011). Gifted girls” passion for fiction: The quest for meaning, growth, and self-actualization. Gifted Child Quarterly, 55 (1), 18-38.
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⚂ Syrek, E. (2019). Mental health, mental hygiene - education for mental well-being: Actuality of Kazimierz Dąbrowski's concepts and views. Pedagogika Społeczna , 237-248.
⚂ Syrek, E. (2019). Mental health, mental hygiene - education for mental well-being - actuality of Kazimierz Dąbrowski's concepts and views. Pedagogika Społeczna , 237-248.
⚂ Szondi, L., Moser, U., & Webb, M. (1959). The Szondi Test. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Does not refer to Dąbrowski. An early testing approach that Dąbrowski acknowledged as a conceptual progenitor of his FACES test.
⚂ Szymanski, A. T., & Wrenn, M. (2019). Growing up with intensity: Reflections on the lived experiences of intense, gifted adults. Roeper Review, 41 (4), 243–257.
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⚂ Tatala, M. (2004). The symbolical context in Kazimierz Dąbrowski's positive disintegration theory (Paper submitted but not presented at congress). In W. Tillier (Ed.), Developmental Potential - From Theory to Practice: Educational and Therapeutic perspectives (pp. 34-50). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Tatala, M. (2011). The role of symbol in the process of emerging from alcohol addiction in the light of K. Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. In E. Rzechowska, S. Steuden, D. Musiał, E. Rydz, & M. Tatala (Eds.), Contemporary interpretations and applications of the theory of positive disintegration (pp. 183-194). Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II.
⚂ Tebbs, T. J. (2006). Dąbrowski, enlightenment and transformation: A personal reflection. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Positive Maladjustment: Theoretical, Educational and Therapeutic Perspectives. Proceedings from the Seventh International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 107-132). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 3-5, 2006 Calgary, Alberta).
⚂ Tebbs, T. J. (2012). Giftedness 101. [Review of the book Giftedness 101 by L. K. Silverman] Gifted & Talented International, 27 (2), 75-80.
⚂ Terry, A. W. (2008). Student voices, global echoes: Service-learning and the gifted. Roeper Review, 30, 45-51
⚂ Terry, A. W., & Bohnenberger, J. E. (2003). Service learning: Fostering a cycle of caring in our gifted youth. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 15 (1), 6-13.
⚂ Tetreault, N., Haase, J., & Duncan S. (2016). The gifted brain . Retrieved from
⚂ Thesleff, H. (2002). An Introduction to studies in Plato's two-level model. Journal of the International Plato Society, Available at:
⚂ Thiruman, M. (2000). Understanding gifted adolescents in Singapore: A Dąbrowskian perspective. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 223-244). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Thomson, P., & Jaque, S. V. (2016a). Overexcitability and optimal flow in talented dancers, singers, and athletes. Roeper Review, 38 , 32-39.
⚂ Thomson, P., & Jaque, S. V. (2016b). Overexcitability: A psychological comparison between dancers, opera singers, and athletes. Roeper Review, 38 (2), 84-92.
⚂ Thomson, P., & Jaque, S. V. (2016c). Visiting the muses: Creativity, coping, and PTSD in talented dancer and athletes. American Journal of Play, 8 (3), 363-378. Retrieved from
⚂ Thomson, P., & Jaque, S. V. (2018). Depersonalization, adversity, emotionality, and coping with stressful situations. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 19 (2), 143-161.
⚂ Thomson, P., & Jaque, S. V. (2023). Performing artists and anomalous experiences: Overexcitability, creativity, and trauma history are part of the picture. Journal of Anomalous Experience and Cognition, 3 (1), 110-139.
⚂ Thompson, R. A. (2008). In search of an emotional development theory. [Review of the book Development of emotions and emotion regulation, by M. Holodynski and W. Friedlmeier Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 29(1) 84-86.
⚂ Thorne, F. C. (1976). A new approach to psychopathology. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 32 (4), 751-761.
⚂ Tieso, C. L. (1999). Meeting the socio-emotional needs of talented teens. Gifted Child Today Magazine, 22 (3), 38-43. The writer considers how teachers can meet the socioemotional skills of talented teenagers. She identifies the problems that talented teenagers face, which include developmental needs, family and peer relations, and negative and harmful school cultures. She states that teachers can help these students by acting as role models, "pacing the match between challenges and skills," and perceiving the emerging needs of often insecure young people. She also offers a list of things that teachers can do to meet the needs of these teenagers.
⚂ Tieso, C. L. (2007a). Overexcitabilities: a new way to think about talent? (Patterns of Overexcitability). Roeper Review, 29 (4), 232-239. See Tillier, 2009b.
⚂ Tieso, C. L. (2007b). Patterns of overexcitabilities in identified gifted students and their parents: A hierarchical model. Gifted Child Quarterly, 51 (1), 11-22. The purpose of this study is to examine the underlying construct of overexcitabilities (OEs) and to identify individual and family-level factors that may explain gifted students' patterns of OEs. Data are collected from a convenience sample of identified gifted students (N = 143) and their parents (N = 161) using a Likert-type questionnaire, the Overexcitabilities Questionnaire II, developed to measure levels of the five intensities of the OEs. Multivariate and univariate analyses of variance and hierarchical linear modeling are used to differentiate between gender and age groups and to explain between and within-group variance on the five subscales of the OEs: Psychomotor, Intellectual, Imaginational, Sensual, and Emotional. Results suggest that there were significant differences between gender and age groups and that most of the variance among students on the OEs was explained by family membership. This study represents an important step in our understanding of affective characteristics of giftedness and creativity.
⚂ Tieso C. L. (2009). Overexcitabilities. In B. Kerr (Ed.), Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity and talent Volume 2 (pp. 662 -- 664). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.
⚂ Tillier, W. (1981). Letter. Alberta Psychology, 10 (5), 5. (Comment on Dumont 1981).
⚂ Tillier, W. (1987). Book notes: Human paleopsychology by Kent Bailey.
⚂ Tillier, W. (1992). A biographical sketch of Dąbrowski. Unpublished manuscript. 4 pages.
⚂ Tillier, W. (1993). From: Stone, M. H. (1993). Abnormalities of personality , W.W. Norton Co. Figure 25: The Interaction of Innate (Genetic/Constitutional) and Environmental (Intrafamilial/Social) Factors in the Formation of the Moral Aspects of Personality. This depiction is similar to the approach that Dąbrowski uses in describing the relationship between environment and genetics.
⚂ Tillier, W. (1996a). Everybody has to be somewhere: Speculations on levels and the relativity of the self. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Perspectives on the self: The second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration. (pp. 52-89). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration May 22-25, 1996 Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Tillier, W. (Ed.). (1996b). Perspectives on the self: Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski' s Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished Manuscript. ( Perspectives on the self: The second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration. May 22-26, 1996, Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.).
⚂ Tillier, W. (1996c). Selective serotonin enhancers and the Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished Manuscript.
⚂ Tillier, W. (1996d). The basic concepts of Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Perspectives on the self: The second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration. (pp. 5-14). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the second biennial conference on Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration May 22-25, 1996 Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Tillier, W. (1998a). A brief overview of Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration and its relevance for a gifted population. Unpublished manuscript.
⚂ Tillier, W. (1998b). Intersections between Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration and Wilber's spectral model of consciousness. In C. Ackerman (Ed.), Texturizing and Contextualizing: Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium [Biennial Conference] on Dąbrowski's Theory. (pp. 53-79). Unpublished Manuscript. (The Third Biennial Conference on Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. July 10-12, 1998, Kendall College, Evanston IL).
⚂ Tillier, W. (2000a). A brief note on the terms neurosis and psychoneurosis. Unpublished Manuscript.
⚂ Tillier, W. (2000b). Dąbrowski course 2000. Tillier: Dąbrowski course 2000: PowerPoints.
⚂ Tillier, W. (2000c). A Dąbrowskian interpretation of the movie The Piano . In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 141-167). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.). Click here for paper.
⚂ Tillier, W. (2000d). An introduction to Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 60-68). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Tillier, W. (2000e). Ken Wilber and Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. Unpublished Manuscript.
⚂ Tillier, W. (2000f). The philosophical foundations of Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration Part 1: The allegory of Plato's cave. In N. Bouchet, & J. Toth (Eds.), The Labyrinth: Safe Journey and Homecoming (pp. 93-98). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Fourth Biennial Advanced Symposium on Dąbrowski's Theory. July 6-9, 2000. Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.).
⚂ Tillier, W. (2002a). A brief overview of the relevance of Dąbrowski's theory for the gifted. AGATE: Journal of the Gifted and Talented Education Council of The Alberta Teachers' Association, 15 (2), 4-13.
⚂ Tillier, W. (2002b). The philosophical foundations of Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration: Existentialism, Kierkegaard and Dąbrowski. In N. Duda, (Ed.), Positive Disintegration: The Theory of the future. 100th Dąbrowski anniversary program on the man, the theory, the application and the future (pp. 99-112). Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Fidlar Doubleday. [The Proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL., November 7 - 10, 2002.]
⚂ Tillier, W. (Ed.). (2004a). Developmental potential - From theory to practice: Educational and therapeutic perspectives. Unpublished Manuscript. (Proccedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Tillier, W. (2004b). Introduction to developmental potential. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Developmental potential - From theory to practice: Educational and therapeutic perspectives (pp. 6-33). Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the Sixth International Congress of the Institute For Positive Disintegration in Human Development June 24-26, 2004 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.)
⚂ Tillier, W. (Ed.). (2006a). Positive maladjustment: Theoretical, educational and therapeutic perspectives. Proceedings from the 7th International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development. Unpublished Manuscript. (Proceedings from the 7th International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development. August 3-5, 2006 Calgary, Alberta.)
⚂ Tillier, W. (2006b). The philosophical foundations of Dąbrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration. Part 3: Friedrich Nietzsche and Dąbrowski. In W. Tillier (Ed.), Positive Maladjustment: Theoretical, Educational and Therapeutic Perspectives. Proceedings from the Seventh International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (pp. 92-106). Unpublished Manuscript. (August 3-5, 2006 Calgary, Alberta).
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This document contains three papers describing theoretical approaches and empirical findings concerning the role of anxiety in self-actualization. "Opposing Views of Anxiety and Self-Actualization" by Paul F. Zelhart describes theories of self-actualization that take opposite views of the role of anxiety in psychological development (Maslow, 1968 versus Dąbrowski, 1972). "Assessing Anxiety and Self-Actualization" by Robert P. Markley describes studies showing the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) to be biased in favor of the Maslowian view of self-actualization and calls into question prior research using the POI to test opposing views of anxiety and self-actualization. The final paper, "Self-Actualization of the Adaptor and Innovator" by J. Morris Beene, Jr., presents recent results using the Kirton Adaptation/Innovation Inventory and a modified version of the POI which show anxiety to be a positive correlate of adaption and innovation. KN
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⚁ 4.3 Introduction/Supplemental Information.
⚂ 4.3.1 Introduction:
⚃ I was Dąbrowski's last student in Edmonton in the late 1970s. After he died, I received his papers and kept them. Eventually, I collected other papers and bibliographies relating to Dąbrowski's work and in 1991, I began to merge them into one master database.
⚃ I have attempted to conform to APA format as much as possible. I have tried to be as accurate as possible and to retain as much information as possible, but I am sometimes limited by the source information available to me. I will continue to incorporate new material and make corrections as required. Therefore, if you see mistakes, or if you are aware of omitted or new material, please let me know and I will correct/update the database.
⚂ 4.3.2 EDI: Edmonton Dąbrowski Index.
⚃ Edmonton Dąbrowski Index (EDI): This index itemizes the contents of most of Dąbrowski's known English papers. The numbering of the material largely reflects the original organization of the folders as I received them after Dr. Dąbrowski passed away. Items in this index are listed as Dąbrowski only if his name appears on the manuscript, otherwise the papers are listed by title. Many documents are undated. Listings reflect information available. There are a total of 74 items.
I have kept unpublished and uncirculated material private.
EDI Index ( See list ).
⚂ 4.3.3 Supplemental Edmonton Dąbrowski Index (SEDI):
⚃ This material was subsequently added to the EDI collection.
⚃ SEDI Index ( See list ).
⚃ SEDI: 53 Added to EDI 53D, E, F, G. (bibliographical materials)
⚃ SEDI: 76 (Information on Congresses, conferences, meetings: ongoing)
⚃ SEDI: 77 (Several early versions of book manuscripts)
⚃ SEDI: 78 (Kealy collection)
⚃ SEDI: 79 (Przybylek biography, Kobierzycki 2010 bibliography)
⚃ SEDI: 80 Videos—see Links on Webpage
⚃ SEDI: 81 SAGE2009—see Download file 2.4.4 Tillier/Piechowski
⚃ SEDI: 82 Dąbrowski 2010
⚃ SEDI: 83 Photos (Hard folder)
⚃ SEDI: 84 Dąbrowski 2012
⚃ SEDI: 85 Dąbrowski 2015
⚃ SEDI: 86 Dąbrowski 2016
⚃ SEDI: 87 Dąbrowski 2019
⚃ SEDI: 88 Marlene Rankel’s collection
⚂ 4.3.4 Source Codes
⚃ EDI: Edmonton Dąbrowski Index.
⚃ HEKSIS: Materals from HEKSIS, a Polish-English quarterly magazine published by MUZAIOS, webpage now defunct.
⚃ JD: Bibliographical materials received from J. Dąbrowski.
⚃ LS: Bibliographical materials received from Linda Silverman.
⚃ KN: Bibliographical materials received from Karen Nelson.
⚃ CW: Bibliographical materials received from Christiane Wells.
⚃ LK: Bibliographical materials received from Lynn Kealy.
⚃ JR: Bibliographical materials received from Jacek Romanski.
⚃ MR: Bibliographical materials received from Marlene Rankel.
⚃ DC: Bibliographical materials received from D. Choinowski.
⚂ 4.3.5 Breakdown of indexes:
⚃ Unpublished Book Manuscripts: EDI: 35, EDI: 39, EDI: 59.
⚃ Published Book Manuscripts: EDI: 77 (various).
⚃ Papers presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, (1970, August 26-30), Laval, Quebec: EDI: 11, EDI: 13, EDI: 14 A, EDI: 15, EDI: 20 (Duplicate of EDI: 62 - J - 21), EDI: 25, EDI: 31, EDI: 43 B, EDI: 62 J: Appendix B Papers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. , EDI: 78F, EDI: 78G (This list does not appear to be exhaustive as some First International Conference papers appear in the bibliographies that do not appear here, for example: Piechowski, M. M. (1970, August 26-30). The empirical basis of valuation. Paper presented at the First International Conference on the Theory of Positive Disintegration, Laval, Quebec. 11 pages)).
⚃ Material with Dąbrowski cited as author: EDI: 1, EDI: 9, EDI: 10, EDI: 11, EDI: 12A, EDI: 12B, EDI: 13, EDI: 14A-D, EDI: 15, EDI: 16, EDI: 17, EDI: 19, EDI: 20, EDI: 22, EDI: 23A-C, EDI: 24, EDI: 25, EDI: 26, EDI: 28, EDI: 30, EDI: 31, EDI: 33, EDI: 34, EDI: 35, EDI: 36A, EDI: 36B, EDI: 38, EDI: 39, EDI: 40, EDI: 41, EDI: 42A, EDI: 43B, EDI: 44, EDI: 45, EDI: 47, EDI: 48, EDI: 49, EDI: 52, EDI: 54, EDI: 55B, EDI: 55F, EDI: 55G, EDI: 56J, EDI: 58A, EDI: 59, EDI: 62J- 7, EDI: 62J- 16, EDI: 62J- 21, EDI: 62J- 23. , EDI: 78A, EDI: 78B, EDI: 78C, EDI: 78D.
⚃ Dąbrowski's Curriculum Vitae:
⚄ EDI: 53C - 1: Curriculum vitae, 2 page version. Appears in: 62G, 63G.
⚄ EDI: 53C - 2: Curriculum vitae, 3 page version. Appears in: 64L, 65J.
⚃ Bibliographies and Lists of Dąbrowski's Publications: see EDI: 53. also; EDI: 62H, EDI: 63H, EDI: 64M, EDI: 65K.
⚃ Published Articles: EDI: 30, EDI: 40, EDI: 52, EDI: 54. EDI: 30: Dąbrowski, Casimir (1937). Psychological basis of self mutilation. (W. Thau, Trans.) Genetic Psychology Monographs, 19, 1-104. EDI: 40 Dąbrowski, K. (1966). The Theory of Positive Disintegration. International Journal of Psychiatry, 2 (2), 229-244. EDI: 52 Dąbrowski, K., & Joshi, Purushottam (1972). Different contemporary conceptions of mental health. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 4 (2), 97-106. EDI: 54 Dąbrowski, K. (1976). On the philosophy of development through positive disintegration and secondary integration. Dialectics and Humanism, No. 3 - 4, pp. 131-144.
⚃ Foreign Language (held in this collection): EDI: 11 (French), EDI: 43A (French), EDI: 51 (half a page in Polish).
⚃ Canada Council Grant Applications: EDI: 62, EDI: 63, EDI: 64, EDI: 65.
⚃ Institute for the Authentic Development of Man: EDI: 13, EDI: 55, EDI: 78B.
⚃ Interjudge Reliability Study: EDI: 63J, EDI: 64N, EDI: 64Q, EDI: 64R, EDI: 74A
⚃ Conferences, Workshops and Symposia Information: See SEDI: 76 (various).
⚃ Dated materials: 1937 - EDI: 30; 1966 - EDI: 40; September, 1966 - 14D; 1968 - EDI: 3; March, 1969- EDI: 56M; 1970; 14A / EDI: 62I; June, 1970 - EDI: 55A; July 22, 1970 - EDI: 69B / EDI: 69C; August 26 -30, 1970 - See First International Conference Materials; November 12, 1970 - EDI: 62; December 15, 1970 - EDI: 70H; December 16, 1970 - EDI: 69I, EDI: 69J; May, 1971 - EDI: 61, EDI: 64 N(c); June 9, 1971 - EDI: 63; August 12, 1971 - EDI: 73E; December, 1971- EDI: 64N; Spring, 1972 - EDI: 52; March 10, 1972 - EDI: 55B; April 26, 1972 - EDI: 64; June 1, 1972 - EDI: 8A; November 15, 1972 - EDI: 65; January 1, 1978 - EDI: 56K;
⚃ Material not scanned / not done in word. EDI: 8A, B (material redundant to that published in books) EDI: 43D (list of names and phone numbers of early participants) EDI: 62I (early manuscript of Dąbrowski 1996, cover only scanned) EDI: 64R (names of the judges were not scanned) EDI: 66D/E (hole punched scoring keys). EDI: 66F (results on test subjects) EDI: 73 (results on test subjects) SEDI: 78C, D (material redundant to that published in books) SEDI: 78K, L, N (too poor to scan, not yet typed)
⚃ Material scanned / not done in word (see pdf file): EDI: 11 (French). EDI: 43A (French), bottom half of EDI: 51 (Polish). SEDI: 53D - 5 (Polish). SEDI: 53G (mostly Polish). EDI: 55B (too many revisions, by hand, on original). EDI: 62A to I EDI: 63 (1971-72 Canada Council Application). EDI: 64 (1972-75 Canada Council Application). EDI: 65 (1973-75 Canada Council Application). EDI: 66 (Faces test - various) EDI: 67 (Various testing materials) EDI: 68 (Various questionnaires) EDI: 69 (Various testing materials) EDI: 70 (Various testing materials) SEDI: 78M
⚃ Material not scanned but typed by hand: EDI: 59 (too poor to scan, typed instead)
⚃ Material scanned and typed by hand: SEDI: 78E
⚂ 4.3.6 Mission statement.
⚃ My objective is to provide the most accurate Dąbrowski related bibliography possible. The bulk of the Dąbrowski references listed here came from lists of his publications that he and others assembled. Here is the raw list. As well, the papers obtained in the boxes from Dąbrowski that constitute the Edmonton Dąbrowski Index (EDI) were also included. There are a few inconsistencies that have been noted. I've also tried to include the major publications related to the theory. I have not focused upon theses, the reader is referred to the online bibliography by Christiane Wells for these resources. Please let me know if there are corrections or additions. Thank you.
⚂ 4.3.7 Other online Dąbrowski bibliographies.
⚃ Artykuły Kazimierza Dąbrowskiego.
⚃ Polish Wikipedia bibliography.
⚂ 4.3.8 Copyright notice.
⚃ These materials may be copyrighted. These materials are provided for the private use of individuals and are not to be reproduced or resold in any way, shape, or form.